chapter 313

On the vast sea, a single ship painted in glaring white was slowly moving forward, its only inhabitants were currently lying down as they soaked under the sun.

"Ah! This is the life," Jean said as she stretched her body, giving Jack plenty of time to look at her, Jack appreciated the view.

"Should we pick up speed again," he asked.

"Hmm, I don't sense any pirates nearby, how far are we from the island," Jean asked.

Although she could have used her own powers to sense the signatures of life, she was just too lazy and Jack wasn't willing to ruin her surprise.

"At the current speed we will arrive in two days," Jack concluded as he sensed an island hidden under the sea, with a giant shield covering it.

"Sigh! Let's speed up, I am done with playing pirates," she yawned as she fell asleep.

While the ship moved at tremendous speeds, ripping apart the sea.


Jack and Jean arrived at the place, Jean also nodded as she sensed the life signatures below her.

Jack stepped off from the giant ship of his and hovered in the air right above the island, followed by Jean who was covered in ambers.

"Arise!" Jack shouted as he raised his hands and the sea started to tremble.

"Do you really have to do that," Jean rolled her eyes at Jack's antics, Jack only laughed sheepishly as he continued acting.

Slowly a giant bubble yellow in color and the insignia of fairy tail started to emerge followed by a giant tree and an island, Jack also sensed the presence of a ghost by his side, though he continued to ignore her.


"Beautiful isn't it?" Jack asked with a smile.

As Jean tried to enter the island, she felt how hard the shield was, though it was nothing to Jack as he gently flicked his fingers and the faint shield broke, turning into motes of light as he entered with Jean right behind him.

"This is the island of Fairy tail, as well as home to the grave of The first master of fairy tail, One cursed by Ankhsherum as she broke the laws, just like Zeref, The two are related by the way," Jack chuckled as he noticed the look of shock on Mavis.

Maybe the only reason she didn't act was because both of them were members of the fairy tail guild.

"What are you guys?! That was a law magic, one of the highest level magic in this world!" The ghost shouted, Jean for some reason started petting the ghost, finding her cute.

Now that Jack looked at her, she did look cute, except her dead fish eyes.

'I am gonna take her with me,' he decided.

And from what he knew, she wouldn't mind it.

"Let's go and wake up the others," Jack ignored the struggling ghost who was now in Jean's bosom and started walking into the forest where he sensed the others.


Makarov POV:


Where am I,

This….is the tenrou island, did we survive against that bastard?! Makarov e thought as he looked around.

"It's time you woke up," Makarov adjusted his eyes as the wounds on his body started healing, like someone was using healing magic on him.

A sigh of relief escaped from his body once he noticed the insignia of his guild on the man that helped him.

"You guys have been gone for seven years, if you are going back to sleep even now, you might as well become a vegetable," The man's words brought Makarov out of his exhausted state as he sprang up and looked around.

"Impossible, I thought it might have been a few days at most or something, how the hell did seven years pass without me knowing, who are you?"

Makarov asked in frustration the thought that he had left his guild unattended for so long Scared him to no end,

Plus the paperwork, always the paper work.

Though Makarov wasn't the only one who woke up as he noticed a few others while were laid beside him.

His heart skipped a beat, he calmed down once he realized everyone was just alive and only speaking.

Makarov felt like his heart might explode if anything else happens.


"Wahhhhh! Maviss!"

Makarov stood up in shock as he pointed at Mavis who pulled out her tongue, showing her mischievous side.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon Link:- remove. e from link A/N:- I love you guys <3