Chapter 314

A/N: could not upload, family problems and all. Sorry.

Makarov looked at all his kids who were sleeping like dead logs, his face suddenly fell when he noticed something wrong, as Mavis had explained, their magic hadn't recovered, plus the spell had used their bonds with each other and the love between to activate.

"How long before they wake up?" Makarov asked as he and Gildarts looked at The newcomers and Mavis.

"It's hard to say….it could take a few days or…."

"Or a few years!" Jack completed the sentence.

Hearing his words, Even Gildarts who was usually carefree was filled with regret as he looked at Canna.

"I am-"

"But we don't have the time so let's speed up!" Jack suddenly kneeled beside the fallen comrades.

Mavis was surprised by his action, as she was about to stop him.

"Let him do it, if he says he can do it, no one can say otherwise," Jean walked forward at this time and stopped the others from interfering.

To be honest, she could do it as well, but since Jack had taken the first step, she could only act on the sidelines.

Jack seeing that the others weren't going to interfere anymore, Looked at Jean with a thankful smile.

Although it wasn't needed as he could deal with people on Makrov and Gildarts level with ease.


Suddenly an immense pressure was released from Jack's body as he wielded the immense amount of magic in his hands.


"It's far greater than that dragon acnalogia!" Gildarts completed Makarov's sentence.

They both looked at each other, excited to witness what the individual was about to do, though they were also worried about their kids.

Soon enough several large strands of magic appeared in his hands before flying into the body of the three.

"Hmph! Show off," Jean couldn't help but remark, she knew the situation could have been resolved with a single Phoenix healing.

Though that didn't mean she was not appreciative of her partner's power.

As if the bodies had been injected with a bright light, they began glowing in a soothing white light, Jack also recovered his pressure and looked on with interest.


"Damn you!"

"I will protect everyone."





Soon enough, everyone woke up with a shock, soon they looked around and noticed Makarov and Gildarts standing around with two other people they didn't know.

"Eh! Who is this? More importantly…did we win?"

Canna asked, before she started remembering everything that happened, though before she could say anything further, Gildarts crashed into her and started rubbing his face into hers.

"Waaaah! My cute little daughter."

"G-get off me you stinky man!" Canna couldn't help but blush as she couldn't help but everyone was looking at the two.

"Guys! She is my cute little daughter, isn't she cute," Gildarts laughed wildly as he kept getting hit by Canna.

Soon enough the members started hugging each other and some cried on the spot with happiness.

Jack looked from the corner of his eyes and couldn't help but notice Jean was also a bit emotional, making him chuckle.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing!" Jack immediately denied as he raised his hands in surrender to Jean who only huffed in embarrassment and walked towards the others and began healing them.


On the Fairy Tail ship,

Jack could only sigh as he looked the two Fairy tail dragon slayers who had a deadly expression on their faces.

They were constantly vomiting out their empty stomachs, on the floor, fortunately, he had enchanted the ship to have a self-cleaning function or else…..

"So where are you from? Young lad," Makarov asked happily as he looked at Jack who was observing two dragon slayers.

He had half expected them to notice his uniqueness of being a dragon, but the constant motion sickness was taking a toll on them.

"Me and my fair lady are from far away," Jack smiled as he replied back.

He really admired the guild master from the anime back then, seeing him in person along with the famous Dragon slayer was a great honor as a previous anime and comics fan.

"Haha! How far can it be! I personally know a lot, are you perhaps from edolas…no, since you can use magic, that's not right, perhaps the Alvarez empire," Makarov gave a guess one after another.

Though before he could find any correct option, the ship had already arrived outside the fairy tail guild, its huge size and imposing aura as it flew all the way at an extremely fast speed was a surprise.

The people on the ship looked down, especially Natsu and Gajeel immediately dropped from the sky and landed with a huge thud that shook the small guild in front of them.

"Hahahaha! Finally," they kissed the ground, Wendy was much better for some reason.

They were so excited that they didn't see the state of their guild.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon Link:- remove. e from link A/N:- I love you guys <3