Chapter 322 A Day of Shopping

Jack had already gotten off from the battle arena but it did nothing to diminish the ongoing cheers of the crowd, especially the female crowd that had gone crazy by now and the cheering seemed to grow louder by the second.

Soon enough Jack made his way back to the stands after making sure that Jura was safe and sound, he didn't want to antagonize such a nice person for no reason

"That was so cool! How powerful are you?"

"Yeah! How long have you trained for to become this strong?"

"Are you really a dragon?"

Various questions flew at Jack who felt overwhelmed by them, though Makarov expertly controlled the guild members and gave Jack some space.

Jean walked up to Jack with a smile on her face, "congratulations!" She congratulated as she lovingly locked arms with him.

"Thanks, it was fun fighting with only one of my abilities, I haven't used the crimson flames in a while," Jack smiled in return.

Although he tried to act calm and cool, it didn't stop Jean from giggling at him, she had been with Jack long enough to know how he felt, plus his mind wasn't blocked for her unlike the others.

It was apparent to her that Jack was feeling shy from all the praise he was getting,

After a while of congratulations and encouragement from the guild master, Jack was allowed to leave with Jean, just that he had to be back at the apartment before the night or he might be disqualified from the matches.

"Where do you want to go?" Jack asked Jean as they looked around the bustling capital city.

"How about that clothing shop Lucy told us about, I bet I can find some really nice clothes…"

'Did I dig a grave for myself just now!' Jack thought to himself as he looked at Jean, she was too happy for him to deny her request so he agreed with a heavy heart, the only solace being that he had an excuse to get back at the hotel before 10 or else he might have bailed.

What ensued was a journey across that various clothing shops where he had to act as a dress up doll for Jean to satisfy her demons.

Just as he thought she was finished with all the shopping, Jean proceeded to buy clothes for herself as Jack got to see her try out various outfits.

They reached back at the hotel just on time before the limit and crashed onto their beds after getting something to eat, spending some time talking to the other members of the team as Gajeel was particularly interested in asking him what he had been keeping in all along.

Jack was rather surprised that both the Dragon slayers hadn't asked him about it till now.

"Do you know anyone named Metalicana, she is known as the Iron Dragon Metalicana…"

He asked in a hopeful tone, the others also listened in as the topic of dragons was something akin to legends and lost magic was right around the corner.

"I am afraid I haven't, I am sorry, but I am not from these lands," hearing Jack's reply, Gajeel deflated like a balloon before he returned to his bed and fell laid down in silence.

As for how he knew Jack wasn't lying or anything, Gajeel felt that the man or dragon in this case wouldn't get anything out of lying to him.

Though contrary to his belief, Jack smiled as he looked intently at Gajeel for a brief moment, seeing past his human body into his mind.

Though it only lasted for a brief moment before the others asked him questions,

"So where are you from, are you from out of Ishgar?" Jellal inquired while Laxus listened in.

"Not really, me and Jean are from another realm altogether, kind of like Edolas but far more larger," Jack tried to give an accurate description as to where he was from.

"It's called Earth, just like your Earthland but magic isn't so well known but those who know are strong enough to contend against most mages of Fiore without much hassle," Jack continued to give his fellow guild mate an accurate scenery of his homeland.

At midnight the group finally fell asleep followed by Jean and Jack also falling asleep not much later.

Jack smiled as he reviewed the reward of his fight with Jura, it wasn't high but wasn't that bad either.

'I can't wait for the gate of eclipse to open, it should provide me with enough to master Sentry.'


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