Chapter 323

Very soon the next day came and the events began as Jack always knew, the event started off with a bang with a chariot event and unfortunately both Gajeel and Natsu were selected as part of the event.

The whole guild had dark faces once the participants were announced.

"Sigh! We are done for, Both of them have motion sickness," Makarov sighed in exasperation as he looked at the chariot.

Meanwhile, some from the guild were happy to see that there were other people who were suffering such as the third-generation dragon slayers of Sabertooth.

Meanwhile, Jack was busy laughing as he looked at the four dragon slayers barf at each other.

Once the match was over, it was time for the second event which was just as normally expected, a fight.

The fight between Elfman and The other guy gave the others goosebumps, particularly, Jean was happy to see the guy after he made some disgusting comments about the Strauss siblings.

Jack wanted to heal elfman but he refused saying that he was a man and didn't need healing so Jack could do nothing.

The other members also fought and the day came to an end rather fast.


The fourth day begun and Jack was chosen along with Erza for this event from fairy tail team A and B.

Just as expected, it didn't take long for Erza to reveal her true colors, once she challenged the whole demon castle and beat it up.

Causing the crowd to go cheering for Erza, the name of Fairy Tail once again sounded out.

No one could ignore this guild anymore like before.

The game came to a halt for a while.

"I am sorry, but since we are from the same guild, it doesn't matter, right!" Erza replied as the both of them talked for a while before the game continued.

The second event of the third day was scheduled to be Magic power finder in which everyone was allowed to demonstrate their strongest attack to measure their power.

The one with the strongest will be rewarded the highest point.

Although Erza will be getting the first place because of her previous win.

Though the organisers had probably not understood what kind of a person Jack was as they allowed him to be the first one to go.

"Hmm, what attack should I use, let's just put all the magic in."

Jack didn't use any attack as he simply put his hands on the device and used his magic.






The number kept climbing until the machine issued beeping sounds and Jack was asked to remove his hands,


The second place was reserved by Jack easily for this match, the crowd cheered as they watched the show, Jack had become a crowd favorite by now and most knew his name.

His crimson perishing flames had already given him a name.

'Crimson prince,' the title he was given by the crowd reverberated across the arena.

The other mages also issued their strongest attacks and the match came to end followed by the usual battle.

Unfortunately, Jack wasn't allowed to participate in more than one match a day or else he was sure to have been selected by the crowds.

As soon as Laxus came on stage to fight Alexei, who was actually Laxus's father in disguise, Jack could tell, but he was able to see that Laxus was dealing with Ravens rather easily so he kept quiet.

The matches continued after the Ravens were disqualified for cheating, Makarov also had a talk with his supposed son and gave a beating for what he had done to Lucy during the previous matches.

Not that Laxus had been any softer with them,

The Fairy tail team had to be merged for the rest of the games because of the Ravens tail team being disqualified and the numbers being odd.

Needless to say Jack was still in the team while Jean left willingly saying she enjoyed seeing Jack fight rather than fighting herself.

The night was spent in a water park as everyone enjoyed themselves looking forward to the next day.

Meanwhile, Jack was thinking about what was to come.

"Only two days left until the dragons come," he smiled as he looked far away in the direction of the giant castle, looking at the princess who was talking with someone.


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