Chapter 325

'So this is the Alvarez empire! Quite nice if I say so myself, Zeref has really outdone himself.'

Jack couldn't help but mutter as he looked at the dense crowd of the Alvarez empire from above along with Jean who was looking intensely at the giant palace in the distance.

"I sense a very malevolent presence, like a leech," Jean spoke as she glanced, the only other time she had felt this way was with Mavis, but it wasn't to this extent.

"It's probably that guy Zeref, he has been cursed by a god of this universe along with Mavis," Jack replied as he also glanced at the palace far away.

He had a basic understanding of the power level of the spriggan twelve that dwelled in Alvarez kingdom, as well as the floating demonic cube that was created by Zeref, full of demons created by Zeref.

"The guy has studied all kinds of magic after being cursed by Ankhsheram for reviving his brother Natsu Dragneel"

"Wah! You mean Natsu,"

"That's right, Zeref is the older brother of Natsu Dragneel, he has my respect for being such a brocon, enough to challenge a god for his brother."

Jack stated as he slowly descended along with Jean, they toured around the place openly and bought things after looking around.

The cultural difference between the two kingdoms was very big, One kingdom gave freedom to its mages to a larger extent and didn't probe in more than needed, while the other acted like a strict uncle and kept a tight leash on all magic content and kept an eye on its mages.

Thus its military might was larger than Fiore's as well as stronger, as seen in the Manga, not to mention that the great Zeref himself was the emperor here.

Jack felt like going and seeing just how strong the guy was for a change and whether he had anything good to be absorbed.

"Perhaps I can absorb that curse in his body, though it might cause him to wither and die, I very much like Mavis and don't want to see them two being so heartbroken," Jack started talking to himself before Jean 'politely' elbowed him and asked what he was thinking.

Upon getting the rest of the story she could help but feel troubled, "Next time, just tell me everything from the start."

"What's the fun in that?" Jack teased as he walked past her.

They kept tallying around and fooled for a while, it didn't take long for some people in armors with the symbol of the Alvarez empire to show up and surrounded the two in a not-so-subtle manner.



"Identify yourselves! Who are you people and where are you from?" one of the soldiers asked as he pointed the tip of his spear threateningly at Jack.

Who only scoffed at the threat before turning back to Jean.

"What do you say? Let's just barge in and talk to the man behind all this,"

"I very much like the idea, we can just skip the whole useless trope of beating one enemy after another,"

Jack gave a smirk as he disappeared from view and appeared above the giant palace.

"Let's go in through the main door and announce ourselves," Jack suggested.

"You really like to show off don't you."

Jean teased, though her actions betrayed her words as she was already conjuring a big ball of flames, and threw it at the giant door burning a hole right through.

"Not really, it's all for my mission."

"Is that so!" Jean didn't believe it one bit but decided to play along, though it wasn't far from the truth as Jack decided to deal with the spriggan twelve while he was at it to earn some extra rewards.

'Plus I can let the two lovebirds from hundreds of years ago reunite again,' Jack thought with a smile as he simply used chaos magic and turned everyone marching at him into paper.

Jean didn't stay idle either as she hovered in the sky and released the heat, turning the whole land upside into lava, it was enough to stop the foot soldiers who dared to come in the way.

"I wonder how strong a Spriggan is compared to the wizards we have fought till now,"

"They can be interesting opponents depending on who you go up against, though do be careful," Jack advised with a little bit of worry, although he knew that Jean was not so easily beaten, but accidents could happen.'So this is the Alvarez empire! Quite nice if I say so myself, Zeref has really outdone himself.'

Jack couldn't help but mutter as he looked at the dense crowd of the Alvarez empire from above along with Jean who was looking intensely at the giant palace in the distance.

"I sense a very malevolent presence, like a leech," Jean spoke as she glanced, the only other time she had felt this way was with Mavis, but it wasn't to this extent.

"It's probably that guy Zeref, he has been cursed by a god of this universe along with Mavis," Jack replied as he also glanced at the palace far away.

He had a basic understanding of the power level of the spriggan twelve that dwelled in Alvarez kingdom, as well as the floating demonic cube that was created by Zeref, full of demons created by Zeref.

"The guy has studied all kinds of magic after being cursed by Ankhsheram for reviving his brother Natsu Dragneel"

"Wah! You mean Natsu,"

"That's right, Zeref is the older brother of Natsu Dragneel, he has my respect for being such a brocon, enough to challenge a god for his brother."

Jack stated as he slowly descended along with Jean, they toured around the place openly and bought things after looking around.

The cultural difference between the two kingdoms was very big, One kingdom gave freedom to its mages to a larger extent and didn't probe in more than needed, while the other acted like a strict uncle and kept a tight leash on all magic content and kept an eye on its mages.

Thus its military might was larger than Fiore's as well as stronger, as seen in the Manga, not to mention that the great Zeref himself was the emperor here.

Jack felt like going and seeing just how strong the guy was for a change and whether he had anything good to be absorbed.

"Perhaps I can absorb that curse in his body, though it might cause him to wither and die, I very much like Mavis and don't want to see them two being so heartbroken," Jack started talking to himself before Jean 'politely' elbowed him and asked what he was thinking.

Upon getting the rest of the story she could help but feel troubled, "Next time, just tell me everything from the start."

"What's the fun in that?" Jack teased as he walked past her.

They kept tallying around and fooled for a while, it didn't take long for some people in armors with the symbol of the Alvarez empire to show up and surrounded the two in a not-so-subtle manner.



"Identify yourselves! Who are you people and where are you from?" one of the soldiers asked as he pointed the tip of his spear threateningly at Jack.

Who only scoffed at the threat before turning back to Jean.

"What do you say? Let's just barge in and talk to the man behind all this,"

"I very much like the idea, we can just skip the whole useless trope of beating one enemy after another,"

Jack gave a smirk as he disappeared from view and appeared above the giant palace.

"Let's go in through the main door and announce ourselves," Jack suggested.

"You really like to show off don't you."

Jean teased, though her actions betrayed her words as she was already conjuring a big ball of flames, and threw it at the giant door burning a hole right through.

"Not really, it's all for my mission."

"Is that so!" Jean didn't believe it one bit but decided to play along, though it wasn't far from the truth as Jack decided to deal with the spriggan twelve while he was at it to earn some extra rewards.

'Plus I can let the two lovebirds from hundreds of years ago reunite again,' Jack thought with a smile as he simply used chaos magic and turned everyone marching at him into paper.

Jean didn't stay idle either as she hovered in the sky and released the heat, turning the whole land upside into lava, it was enough to stop the foot soldiers who dared to come in the way.

"I wonder how strong a Spriggan is compared to the wizards we have fought till now,"

"They can be interesting opponents depending on who you go up against, though do be careful," Jack advised with a little bit of worry, although he knew that Jean was not so easily beaten, but accidents could happen.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon Link:- remove. e from link A/N:- I love you guys <3