Chapter 326

Jack and Jean stepped through the golden pavement with swagger as they looked at the hordes of soldiers that kept coming at them, but there was not an ounce of hesitation or worry on their faces.

Jack could practically play these guys to death if he so wanted because of his various skills, there were not many things on this planet that could threaten him.

'I wonder when a spriggan will come and fight us,'

Jack wondered as he waved his hands and blasted several dragon shots at the incoming soldiers, blowing them to smithereens, since he was acting as the dragon king, it was only right that he use the attacks of one.

The palace shook with every spell he released.

Just as he and Jean were getting bored of fighting the fodders, a figure arrived in front of him.

"Who are you? What is your motive for attacking our holy lands?" The woman questioned as she threw some small figurines of swords and spears at the two.

Jack could sense the enormous amounts of magic power in them and prepared for surprises,from his understanding, this woman was the one that had fought against Lucy during the Alvarez Empire arc.

So she had the ability to shrink and enlarge her opponents plus other abilities.

Just as he had thought, the spears and swords grew to an enormous size of tens of meters as they struck at him.

He only smiled slightly and punched out, the force of the punch enough to send the weapons knocking away.

Jean on the other hand was much more calm as the weapons simply melted into hot metal and fell without causing so much as a scratch to her.

"Huh! You are powerful for a scum, I will give you that, Tell me your name and purpose before I dispose of you," she replied seriously as she looked at Jack and Jean.

Although she acted arrogantly, she didn't ignore the outrageous strength her opponents had.

"Cut the crap and come at me," Jack taunted as he rushed at Brandish with the speed that she could barely fathom even with her magic that allowed her to freely manipulate the mass of anything.

Brandish used her legs, which were enhanced by the mass manipulation, becoming super strong as she parried or tried to parry Jack's kick,


Under the overwhelming might of Jack's strength, Brandish issued a blood curling scream as she was sent flying her magic failed to activate against Jack.

Not because his skills acted up to defend him, but rather because his magic power was exceedingly thick and enormous.

One of the members of Spriggan twelve, also known as the shields of the Alvarez empire was defeated in a single bout.

"Oh! You are still alive, since you are alive, I shall give you the time to call out to your So called Majesty to come and see me, The Dragon king of Domination," Jack returned the favor as he acted like an arrogant king, as his title suggested.

Flaring his Magic power and Aura of domination, Causing the palace to tremble and the weak

-willed were directly left unconscious.

It didn't take long for the spriggan twelve that were around the capital to sense his presence.

A white man with exceedingly white hair opened his eyes as he sensed the magic pressure, his lips curled up in a smile as he disappeared from place.

Another old man opened his eyes abruptly, his face grim as he looked at the far horizon in the direction of the empire.

"Damn scums! Let me see who has the guts to barge in and mess with us," August said as he opened a portal and disappeared.

Another woman who had red hair similar to Erza's also opened her eyes as she felt the aura of a dragon, more like a dragon king, Possibly stronger than even her as she flew straight towards the capital.


Lacarde Dragneel was the first one to arrive as he sensed the powerful presence of the Dragon king of domination.

He had no doubt that he could easily defeat this so called dragon, as he believed his magic was definitely capable of dealing with the dragon king acnologia.

He was after all, the strongest(3rd strongest) of the spriggan twelve.

"Oh! What's this, a demon that can use light based magic, the people in the dxd world and marvel world will go nuts if they see this," Jack speaks at this moment completely surprising Lacarde who looks at Jack and Jean.

"My name is Lacarde Dragneel, I am the captain of the protection squad, and since you have dared to fight against the capital and even dare to destroy the palace, your crime is unforgivable," Lacarde replies as he increases his magic.

Casting his pleasure spell that spreads in the form of a white light, even affecting his allies, Brandish and the fodders in the process.

"Hmm! Is that all, you think something as silly as this is worth my time,"

"Huh! How are you able to-guhh,"

Lacarde is sent flying as Brandish is relieved from the effects of the pleasure magic, she feels a sense of deja vu as Lacarde flies into the sky like a kite.


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