Chapter 5

It took three days before Damian was up to leaving the house. He could move from room to room fairly easily without being overwhelmed, but he hadn't wanted to leave the house.

His mother brought him some clothes late in the evening the day after. She had stayed to make dinner and help with whatever she could. Tay kept a pretty clean house so she hadn't really needed to do anything in that department except laundry and the odd dishes.

Antonia had fussed over him and his lack of hygiene. Damian hadn't showered since meeting the police and had spent the majority of the next day in bed. He hadn't planned to shower, but his mother's remark had made him feel self-conscious.

The second day Jak had randomly showed up with takeout and beer. He'd sat on the couch and turned on a football game while they'd eaten. He hadn't asked any questions as they'd sat quietly watching the game.

Damian wanted to ask where his friend had gone, but knowing Jak, it was a rated-R story. Jak was a typical Alpha. He enjoyed women of any classification, and he changed partners almost every night. Neither Damian nor Tay knew of their friend having a girlfriend. If he did, it was long before he met them so way before middle school.

Jak was an Alpha that wasn't usually swayed. He knew what he liked, and he went after it. As long as Damian had known him, he had never seen him go after a male. As far as he knew, he was the only male Omega at their university so Jak probably didn't have the temptation.

Damian had often wondered before the last few days had happened if his friends had ever thought about him. They'd known what he was over the last ten years, and neither one had said anything. They'd been with him during his roughest times, and they hadn't made a move.

After that night, he was afraid no one would have him. Despite what Tay said the night before, Damian wasn't convinced. No one was dumb enough to ruin their own prestige for an abused significant other. No matter what he wanted, once this story got out and his name was dragged through the mud, no one would have him. It was all over.

Jak had left late in the evening after Tay had returned home. The latter had been in a meeting with his publisher on his new book. Tay had become a writer their sophomore year and had been publishing books two to three times a year. When they were on a break, he spent most of his time writing.

Since the night after the attack, Tay had been very cautious with everything he'd done. He didn't touch Damian as casually as he used to. He didn't want to scare the already nervous man.

But in Damian's head, a part of him was telling him so he was unwanted. That despite everything his friend had told him, none of it mattered. He was damaged, and no one would want him.

Tay sensed it, and at night he held him close as they slept. Damian was at his most vulnerable then, and his friend wanted to build his trust over again. He was still afraid but because Tay was cautious, he was able to push through that.

Day three and Damian was going stir crazy. He hated that he'd fallen so low, but his mother reminded him that his body knew how to handle a trauma. He had shut down to give his mind and body time to come to terms with what it was feeling.

Sleep had been his best friend, but he couldn't spend his summer break sequestered in the house asleep. Tay seemed fine with it, but Dmian needed some enrichment.

He had managed to talk Tay into going out to eat with him. The other man agreed, and they'd gone to Damian's favorite Mexican restaurant. It had boosted his confidence, and there was a semblance of the man again.

Tay needed to pick up a few things. So Damian got coffee and followed his friend through the store obediently. They picked up some toiletries, toilet paper, and paper towels before heading to the men's section.

As Tay was perusing the underwear and sock section, Damian stood by their shopping cart sipping from his straw. A couple of girls caught his eyes as they passed by. They saw Tay and started whispering about him.

Tay was handsome. He was just shy of six-foot-five with dark hair and gray eyes. He worked out five times a week so he was well-trimmed and could eat what he wanted. His jeans hung on his hips in just the right way, and his shirt clung to a sculpted torso without looking too gaudy.

But they weren't just reacting to his appearance. Tay was the most dominant Alpha Damian knew other than his father. He exuded power. When he walked into a room, all eyes turned to him. He knew how to mesmerize people, and that made him everyone's target.

Damian watched them walk away. He briefly wondered if they knew what he was, but that was driven away when his companion tossed some socks in the basket.

"What is it?" he asked. He followed Damian's gaze, watching the girls as they disappeared. "Are you interested in one of them?"

The other man shook his head. "They're Betas and interested in you."

Tay spared another look then shrugged. "That's good for them, but I'm not interested."

Damian followed, pushing the cart with one hand. "You don't think they're attractive?"

"I didn't say that. I'm just not interested in them." He pinched his nose when Damian made a face. "Stop doing that."

"You have thousands of prospects. Why not pick one and settle down?"

Tay stopped in the middle of the aisle causing Damian to hit him in the back of the legs. He turned to look at him, face drawn in annoyance.

"Is that what you want? For me to pick someone and settle down?"

Damian frowned. "Why are you so mad? I just asked a question."

"If that's what you want, I will look into finding someone. I will do that after school starts back."

"Tay? Tay!" The other man turned and stormed off. Damian had to jog to keep up with his long legs. "Tay, I don't understand why you're so upset."

"Drop it, Dame. you don't want to do this here."

In reality, Tay didn't want to argue in public. If Damian continued to pressure him, he was going to break the promise he'd made to himself. Not only that, he didn't want to embarrass the man more than he already was. The news hadn't released his name yet, but his video was still circulating all over the web. When it was finally released, Tay didn't want to give them anymore ammunition to bury him.

Damian was quiet as they went to check out. He helped load the car then settled into the passenger seat. He didn't say anything as Tay drove home, manuevering through the early evening traffic.

He wasn't sure why his friend was so uptight. Didn't every Alpha want to find someone to settle down and have a family with? So why was his question met with anger?

He tried to forget the events from three nights ago, but his body wouldn't let him. If he moved the wrong way, his body reminded him of what he went through.

Despite it all, he was glad Tay had taken him in. He wasn't sure he would have been able to handle his mother's pitying looks. She didn't mean it, but Antonia was a very expressive woman. Sometimes she couldn't control the looks on her face and it made things worse.

A hand landed on his thigh. He jumped so violently he nearly went out the window. He looked over to see Tay put his hand back on the wheel again. He didn't have to say anything, but Damian knew his feelings were hurt.

"Sorry," he muttered.

"Don't be," Tay replied.

Damian would have believed him had his face not been so drawn. Any other time his touch wouldn't have bothered him.

Tay pulled into the parking garage and parked in his spot. They gathered the bags then stepped into the elevator to go to the ninth floor.

It was tense in the metal box. Tay was barely able to control his emotions and it leaked into the air. His natural musk made Damian weak and he had to lean against the wall for balance.

His head throbbing with the heady feeling, he leaned against Tay's back. The other man glanced over his shoulder and reined in his leaking pheromones. He hadn't realized they were wafting around until just now.

When the elevator stopped on his floor, he took a left to his door. Damian held his shirt loosely as he kept his feet shuffling along.

"Go lay down," Tay urged. He took the bags from Damian and pushed him towards the bedroom. "I'll put all this up. You relax."

Damian trudged into the bedroom. When the door closed, Tay sighed heavily. He couldn't control his reaction to Damian's question. He'd hoped after the kiss from two nights ago Damian would remember what he'd told him.

Tay had forgotten how the brain protected itself. Damian's brain must have wiped that memory to protect its owner. In the process, he'd forgotten Tay's confession.

He wasn't mad since that was the body's conditioned response. But he didn't like that Damian was trying to push him into the arms of someone else. He didn't want anyone else. He wanted Damian, but he couldn't force that on him right now.

After putting their purchases away, Tay put on a load of laundry. He tidied up the living room and did the dishes. When the house was in order, he sat at his desk and worked on his new manuscript.