Damian was pissed. He stared at Tay as the other man stared at the table.
He'd talked to his mother earlier, and she'd asked how Tay was doing since he'd talked to his dad. Damian hadn't known his friend/roommate had talked to his dad. Tay hadn't told him.
Ever since he'd found out about Evan's death and the Everly Place situation, he'd been in a less than stellar mood. Could he have handled it better? Yes, he most certainly could have, but it was over and done now.
It had taken several days and his two friends were hauling him around for nearly a week. Now he was mostly in his right state of mind. He was eating normally and paying attention to his classes. He felt like shit, but he was doing better.
Then his mother dropped this bombshell on him, and his mood tanked once again. Once he got over the shock of it all, his temper flared.
Tay had never done anything like this before. They'd always talked about things that would severely impact them. Yet with this, he hadn't bothered. And Damian had to hear about it from a third party.
It pissed him off, but most importantly, it hurt his feelings.
"Why did you tell him?" he asked. He was barely about to keep his tone under control. Inciting anyone was bad, but inciting an Alpha was dangerous.
"You know he can help in ways I can't," he said.
"And does he know? What to do with this?"
Tay nodded but didn't raise his head. "He told me to leave it alone, that he'd take care of it."
For an Alpha not to raise his head meant he was admitting he was wrong. It took someone special to make him do that. Tay rarely did it, and it was never to another Alpha. To one of his own, he would never bow his head.
To Damian, Tay would always bow his head even if he didn't think what had done was wrong. He would do whatever it took to keep him safe and happy.
Damian sighed and sat back. He couldn't be too mad at Tay. He was just trying to help. He was madder about him not being honest.
"What else did he say?" he asked. The Alpha didn't say anything, dipping his chin to his chest. "Tay! What did you tell him?"
"He wants me to take care of you."
The Omega was done with it. He'd had enough, and he didn't want to discuss this anymore.
He got up and went to his room. Once again he started to pack his things. He didn't care that Tay had followed him and was watching from the doorway. He didn't care that his father had requested the other Alpha to take care of him. He wasn't so broken he needed to be coddled.
"What are you doing?" Tay asked.
"What does it looke like?" Damian snapped. "I'm going to find a new place to stay."
"Why in the hell would you do that? You know you can stay here."
"Like hell I can. Obviously it's a lie. I can't even figure something out without you two trying to tell me what to do."
Tay pushed off the doorjam and strode across the room. He pulled Damian around to look at him. There was defiance in his gaze that Tay had never seen before. He was usually pretty docile, but recently he'd been a little snarky.
His gaze shifted, and Tay could tell he was thinking hard. He could't hid his expressions very well, but he was used to telling him everything.
"Have we gotten so far away from each other that we can't even talk anymore?" he asked.
Damian's gaze hardened. "You started this!"
"Which one are you referring to? Me not telling you how I felt, or asking your dad for help?"
"Does it matter?"
Since this discussion had started, Tay had known he was going to get a lot of flak. He didn't anticipate Damian to be hateful.
But he was tired of it. His temper was starting to rise. He could take a lot from Damian, but he was starting to lose his patience.
Damian turned away from him, but he jerked him around. His eyes widened as he looked up into the steel gray eyes that held danger. Tay's body flared, but he had to keep it in check.
"What do you want me to say, Damian? That I'm scared shitless because of Conrad Everly? I am. You were right. You could have been sold to the highest bidder and I would have had to kill them to get you back."
Tay stepped into Damian's bubble and backed him up. He lowered his voice as he spoke. "As for the first allegation, yes. I want to bend you over and fuck you until you scream my name then pass out. I haven't because you pushed me away, and I don't want to scare you. I want every part of you; the good, the bad, and the damaged. But all of that requires you to trust me."
He shoved him one time. Damian sat hard on the bed, staring up at him incredulously. Tay took a step back so he didn't act on instinct. He'd done and said enough right now he didn't want to go overboard.
"Tay…" Damian's throat dried up. He'd apologized a lot in the last several weeks. It felt cheap. He couldn't keep acting like an ass and expect his friend to let it go each time.
"Don't bother. I already know what you're going to say. I've been an idiot to think you would simply take my feelings at face value. If I'd have told you before all of this, you'd have thought about it. But now you're fighting with me, and I can't stand it."
The Omega's heart sank. "Why are you saying this?"
Tay ran a hand through his hair in frustration. "I want you to make a decision. Are you willing to open up to me and let me take care of you. Or are you going to walk out? Because if you leave- if you walk out that door- it's over. Don't bother coming back."
Damian watched him walk out, his heart shattering as he did. How could he be so foolish? This entire time Tay had been on his side. He'd made sure no one had seen him after the attack, and they'd found the culprit.
He'd even taken him in when he'd felt like giving up and hiding. Damian hadn't gone back to his own home because he'd felt safe here.
So why was it so hard to deal with all of this like a sane person?
That was easy. He wasn't sane right now. His mind was a jumbled mess that got in the way. He'd blocked out everything and had withdrawn so far into himself he barely knew who he was.
But through it all, Tay had been there. He'd picked Damian's ass up when he'd given up. Yet here he was throwing him away like trash.
He got up and followed Tay into the rest of the house. He was sitting at his desk editing something on his computer. His face was drawn as his eyes darted from side to side.
He walked over to him, spun him around and kissed him. Tay made a strangled noise in the back of his throat. He inhaled swiftly then settled as quickly as he was shocked.
Damian pulled away from his mouth and trailed his mouth down the other's jaw to his neck. Tay held his head, gently ruffling his hair as he toyed with him. He didn't push him away, allowing him to figure out his feelings.
Tay didn't care if Damian used him. As long as he understood what he was feeling, he would gladly let him experiment.
He watched as his head traveled lower, taking time to play with him through his clothes. Did he think this could be worse for his mind? Absolutely, but he may never get this chance again. Tay had been pushed away twice. He wasn't about to push him away.
Damian's hands hooked into the waistband of his pants, and Tay waited anxiously to see what he was going to do. Would he continue or would he back out?
Damian hesitated briefly before he took Tay's manhood in his hand and gave him a tentative stroke. The owner's hips jerked involuntarily, shocking the other man. Tay caressed Damian's face to ease his nerves then sat back.
The Omega stroked gently, a fluid movement that created some easy friction. He felt the member in his hand throb and grow with each pass.
Locking eyes with Tay, Damian leaned forward and let his tongue dart out to tease the tip. Tay hissed and nearly jerked off his chair. Damian stopped completely nervous.
"It's all right," Tay whispered. "It just caught me off guard." Damian gave him a side eyed disbelieving look. "It felt good. You can go on if you want."
He waited with bated breath to see what Damian was going to do. He leaned back in his chair, hoping he'd continue. If he didn't, Tay would be bummed but he wouldn't force the Omega.
It took a minute, but Damian soon continued. He used both his mouth and hand, alternating between the two. He was clumsy and a little rough, but Tay didn't mind. The pleasure he was feeling outweighed his critique.
His hips moved involuntarily. He wanted to move, to thrust in Damian's mouth. That wasn't a good idea, so he held the edge of his chair until his knuckles were white.
He nearly shot out of the chair when his tip hit the back of Damian's throat. He sucked in a breath as a strangled groan escaped him. He met Damian's gaze, and his body betrayed him.
There was no time to warn him before Tay shot his load into Damian's mouth. The latter made a noise and his mouth popped off quickly. He coughed a bit as Tay fumbled for tissues. The Alpha took his chin and dabbed at his mouth.
"There was no time to warn you," he mumbled.
Damian shook his head as Tay tossed the tissue in the garbage. "It's all right."
Tay met his gaze. "What is it?"
"Should I undress or…"
He looked at him, baffled at what he was saying. "Wait. What?"
The blond headed man swallowed the lump in his throat. He stood and fumbled with his belt. Tay grabbed his hands to stop them.
"What are you doing?"
"Don't…" Damian had a hard time choking back the lump in his throat. "Don't you want to do it?"
"God yes, but do you?" The Alpha watched fear flash across his face before he shook his head gently. He looked like a child. "Then we don't have to do it."
He released his hands and watched him fasten his belt. Relief washed through the room, and the air felt lighter. Damian sank to the floor and waited for him to clothe himself again. Tay was surprised when he leaned forward to hug him.
"I'm so terribly sorry," he apologized. "I've apologized so much to you, and you've taken it all in stride. I feel like a shitty person."
The Alpha stroked his head and hair gently. He tangled his fingers in the soft waves. "You're not shitty. You're just going through a lot right now."
Damian nuzzled his face in his belly. "If you want to, you can completely say no."
Tay lifted his face, running his hands over his soft planes. "What are you talking about now?"
"I'm not asking right now, but when I am, will you have me?"
He was pulled up until the man in the chair could pull him in for a kiss. It was the gentlest one they had ever shared. Tay pressed his forehead against his with a huffy smile.
"When you're ready, I will have you. Until then, we'll go as slow as you want. But, Damian?" He pulled away and looked him directly in the face. "You can't leave me now. Even without being claimed, you are mine. I am your Alpha."
Damian nodded and pressed their foreheads together again. "Okay."
Tay pulled him into his lap and held him close. Eventually, Damian straddled his legs and wrapped around him as he went back to editing his story. Soon, the Omega was asleep, but the Alpha refused to move.