Chapter 7: Music Plays/New Goddess

The following day they had just finished fixing it. Then they needed someone to tune it up. The people went to the goddess and told her the news.

"I see that is good news. I will tune it up, then I will play it for everyone's health then I will warn the others to be more careful playing." "Yes goddess." Said one of the workers. Then they went on there way and she headed toward the piano room.

"Ahh this brings me back. I love playing piano. Whether is on land or on the sea. OK now to tune this up."

Meanwhile why she was doing that Naia was getting worse. Her breathing was slowing down a lot. Her brother got to the point of not moving so he is stuck in bed but still able to talk and stay awake.

"Doctor. Is there anything you can give her to keep her from getting worse? Her brother too?" "I wish there was. There might be on land but lets give this a bit longer I have a feeling the goddess has something planned." Then mom went to visit Nen.

Right when they were about to give up, they heard a sound. "Hear that? Its playing again!" Said mom. Mom kept her eyes on Naia. Nen was fine enough to get up to see her now. Everyone was starting to get their strength back. "It must be the goddess playing. Only one is strong enough to do it." Said Dad. Everyone sat there worried because Naia wasn't waking up.

The goddess was playing non stop so her people can be healed as much as possible. She was pushing through. She started playing early in the morning now its late at night and Naia is still not waking which is worrying them. The ones that where supposed to play that night waited until she wanted them to continue. Then finally she switched places. People were healing slower now.

"Sorry everyone. Continue playing while I rest a bit." Said the goddess. "Yes goddess." Said the young one who is playing tonight.

"How is she doctor?" said mom. "I'm sorry I don't know. I have checked and she should have woken up sometime after that goddess played. Maybe the goddess knows what happened." "Yes but lets let her rest a bit. She played long and hard. Lets wait until morning."

The next morning came. Still no signs of Naia waking up. Dad contacted her through his mind. "Goddess. Naia is not waking up. What should we do?" "If she is not awake by tomorrow I will come by and see if I can find out." "Yes goddess. Thank you." He told them what she said. "Ok lets hope she wakes up soon." Nen never leaves her side except when he has to go to the bathroom. His parents bring him food to eat in there.

At night something was happening. The music was still playing by the youngster but something else was happing. It was happening to Naia. Her whole body was glowing a blue color Nen saw what was going on and rushed to wake up his parents. "Mom! Dad! Hurry! Its Naia!" They came running to her room and saw she was glowing in a blue light. "What….What is this?" Said mom. None of them knew but they couldn't do anything until the sea goddess got there.

It was finally morning and the sea goddess came by to check on Naia's condition. "Oh goddess welcome. She's in here. Last night she glowed in a blue light. What is that supposed to mean?" "Are you serious? Are you sure it was a blue light?" "Yes Nen came rushing in to tell us something was going on and we rushed and saw her glowing and floating in a blue light." Said mom. "I see. That explains why she didn't awaken yet. Don't worry your daughter will be fine. She will however wake up with a headache. She will also have powers of a goddess. So they have finally chosen the next goddess huh?" "Is that why she glowed?" "Yes after the school semester is over and she comes back I will have to start training her. She will wake in a few days give her about 3 more days I'm sure she will wake up sometime between them or on the third day." "Thank you goddess." Said Nen. He bowed to her. "You are a very polite young man. I have an idea. I don't have an assistant but if you wanted to be Naia's assistant when she becomes goddess it will help her a lot." He looked at his parents. "I accept goddess." "Ok then you can start training with me when she wakes up about the stuff you would be doing." "Yes goddess." Then she left back to her place.

"Oh that sound is so lovely. No matter who plays it." Said the goddess as she was swimming home.

Two days later it was around noon. Nen was by her side waiting for Naia to wake up still. "Hmm. Ow. Brother?" "Sis! Yes its me! How are you feeling?!" "I got a headache. Is the doctor here?" "Yes I'll be right back. With mom and dad too." So he left and told the doc first then he told the parents and they rushed in as well.

"Everything seems fine like before. Does your head hurt?" "Yeah I have a headache I need some medicine." "Ok lets give you these for your headache. Just take one a day as necessary." "Yes doc thanks. So what happened?" Just before mom was about to explain, the goddess came to check on her.

"Goddess? What are you doing here?" "Oh your awake. Good. I came to check on my people to see how they were doing. How are you feeling?" "My head hurts. I just took some medicine." "Yeah I was expecting that. Well there is something we have to discuss. Everyone here is fine because it will come out sooner or later. When you were asleep, your brother and parents said you were in a blue light floating. When you didn't wake up after the music played I wanted to come and check it out myself and they told me that. I am here to tell you something important. Ok ready. You are going to be the next goddess." The doctor and Naia were shocked. The parents and brother already knew so they weren't as shocked. "I will let you finish school for the semester then I will train you. Your friend will be coming down with you. Also your brother will be your assistant. So while your up there helping your friend and going to school, I will be training your brother to be your assistant." "I-I see. Why me though? I mean I'm not any different than anybody here." "You know I am but a scale of the original goddess I am a scale that was from the chest. I can feel you are a kind hearted person. I'm sure you will do well with your brothers help. You also could use more help them him in the furture. Oh and sometime soon it would be time to negotiate with land dwellers. Just give it a little more time. Maybe by the time you become goddess or even before sea humans will be able to go up there for school." "Y-yeah your right." "Ok get some rest." "I will do that but I don't think I can sleep." "Its fine just don't leave your bed until you are well rested ok?" "Yes thank you."

A few days later I was healed and getting ready for the surface finally. I sent word to the others I would be coming back as well. "Ok be careful alright. Make sure to stay out of trouble." Said mom. "Yes mom and dad. OK little brother watch over mom and dad ok? Be good for the goddess and no complaining." "Yes sister." "Ok see you all later." I swam up to the surface.

(On the surface)

"She should be here soon Tide." "Ok I will wait in our usual spot. Just let her know I will be waiting there." "OK then."

I popped my head out of the water and said, "Hey Makani." "Oh hello Naia. I see you made it ok?" "Yeah I did. It was a pain but I made it." "Oh I have a surprise for you. Follow me." I followed him and recognized where we were headed. "No way!" We finally got there and I saw Tides back. "Tide is that you?" He turned around and saw me. "Wow! You look more gorgeous than before." "Do I? I haven't noticed." "You do look different. Did you do something to your hair?" Makani joked. "Ha ha very funny." "Well maybe not but you do look different. When you go back to your room go look in the mirror." "I most certainly will. By the way Tide you feel ok? You almost drowned." "Yeah I'm fine thanks." "Oh that's good." So we hung out and had a good day. Then it was time for me to go home.

"Hmm. What a day. Its been awhile since I was able to do anything. Now I am finally exhausted." "Want me to carry you?" "Princess style please." "Haha ok then." He picked me up and I squealed for a second. I put my arms around his neck to hold on.

We made it to the entrance and he put me down. "Thanks. I don't think I would have made it back. Oh come with me to my room I will get ocean too meet me there I have something important to tell you both." "Oh ok then. I will see you in a few minutes then."

A bit later Ocean and I finally went into my room where Makani was waiting. "OK before we decide to talk about this important thing, Ocean. Do I look different than before?" "Yes you do. In a good way though. See for yourself." I went to the body mirror and looked at myself. "Well my body hasn't changed much maybe slightly more filled out as for my face….Wow is that really me?" "I told you. You can still tell its you but slightly different." Said Makani. "Well as for the reason for it is what I have to tell you about. After this year is over which is half way over already I have to go home. I am the next goddess." "What?!" Said Makani and Ocean in unison. "When I wouldn't wake up from being so weak from the music not playing and it finally played everyone was waking up but me. Then one night my whole body was lifted and I was surrounded in a blue light. The goddess said that meant I was the next goddess. So after I go home she will train me on what I have to do as a goddess. She is training my brother to become my assistant. She said I can use others for help if needed. If its ok in the future can I ask you Ocean and Makani to be my first ones?" "At your service my goddess." Said Makani joking. "Hey I'm not the goddess yet idiot." "Haha Ok ok." "Anyway that is what I have to say. Can we gather everyone and make an announcement?" "Yes I will do that right now." He went out and put the speaker on and said everyone in the assembly room please Everyone in the assembly room." Only those of us sea humans can hear it.

Everyone finally made it to the assembly hall, and we headed there as well. We got on stage and sat down while Ocean was there to announce me. "OK ladies and gentleman boys and girls we haven't seen her in awhile but Naia has something important to tell us all. Naia please come up." "Thank you brother Ocean. Its good to finally see you all again. I have missed you all. Even the ones I have trouble getting along with. I may look different. There is a reason for that. I am the next Goddess." There was whispers everywhere. "OK everyone please let me finish." Then they quieted down. I explained to them the situation about the blue light and what the goddess told me. "Now if there are any questions please raise your hands." 'Oh boy that's a lot of hands.' "OK I will only answer 6 questions. OK you with the blue bracelet. What is your question?" "My name is Quata (Girl) as you know I'm one of the ones that don't get along. The reason is that I have been on land since I was baby I'm just jealous and I'm sorry. Here is the question. If you become goddess will you let us go to the surface?" "About that. When the goddess told me about my position of the goddess she said the time will come soon to negotiate with the land dwellers. It will come when I become goddess or before I don't know for sure but you will leave the ocean I can promise you that. I just don't know when sorry." "Thank you." Then I pointed to a boy my age and he said, "My name is Konah do you have a boyfriend?" "Haha well I do have a couple people in mind but I don't plan on dating until things are resolved for the land and sea." "Aww ok bummer. Thanks anyway." "But hey we can be friends. You can be my brother." "Works for me." then question after question until I was tired out. "Ok Thank you everyone I need to get some rest for school tomorrow."