Chapter 8: Going back to the Ocean

I was at school at lunch at this time. I told them I might have to go home sooner than expected. "Aw how come?" said Rain. "Good news actually. I just can't talk about it yet but when I can then I will ok?" "Oh ok." Then we talked bout random things then I was thinking about things and was spacing out.

"Naia are you ok? Naia. Naia? Naia!" "Huh sorry what?" "You were spacing out I was wondering if you were ok." "Oh yeah I'm fine just thinking. So what were we talking about just now?" "We were talking about Basils birthday party. Do you want to come? You two are welcome too Rain and the other one are welcome as well. Oh and don't forget to bring Tide with you. Here is the address." Said Hunter. He gave us each an individual invitation. "Oh I know this place." I said. "I used to go here a lot. Why here though?" "You will find out when we get there." "Ok so next weekend it is. I will give you a call if something comes up ok?" "Yeah thanks." Then the bell rang and it was time for class. We walked and talked on our way to our last class before we go home.

Class went on and it was finally time to leave. I always walked with Makani on the way home from school since we are headed to the same place anyway. "Hey Makani? I think something is up. I'm worried they may be doing something bad." "Yeah I had the same feeling." "Should we tell Ocean about it?" "Yeah just to be sure no one does anything bad." Then we finally made it home.

The first thing I did when I got home is look for ocean. "Oh Your Konah right?" "Yep that's right. You need something Naia?" "Have you seen Ocean? I have business with him." "Yeah in the back. Want me to go get him for you?" "Yeah thanks we will wait in his office for him." "Ok then I'll get him for you." So he left to get Ocean.

A few minutes later Ocean came by and was surprised to see us both. "Ok thank you Konah. You may go now." "Yes sir." So he left and I started talking. "OK so while I was living in the ocean there was a place I always snuck off to on the surface. Here is an invitation I got from Hunter for Basils party. The weird thing is that its at the place I snuck off too. I'm afraid they are going to do something bad there. Is there a way you can stop them?" "First of all breathe. Take a deep breath and calm down." Said Ocean. I was freaking out hyperventilating. I did what he said and calmed down. "OK I'm good. Sorry." "Its fine. I will talk to them about it ok? Then I will talk to their parents after. I won't tell them that I will but they will eventually find out. The sooner the better." "Yes thank you Ocean. It's the cave that I can lift my head in still and I have a few animal friends that hang there too. I don't want them to get hurt. I think later I will stop by and warn them just in case." "Yeah good idea." I left the office and went to my room.

I crashed on my bed and closed my eyes for a bit to calm down. Then I got a voice in my head. "Naia can you hear me?" said the Goddess. 'Yes Goddess I can. Is everything ok?' "You need to come back to the Ocean. You should leave tonight. Something happened. You should bring your friend too." 'OK I will let him know. Where do we meet?" "Come to my cave." 'Yes maam. See you soon." The call cut off.

Just as I was about to get up, there was a knock on my door. (Knock Knock) "Its me Makani." "Come in!" He walked in and I was in a state of worry. He must have seen it. "Are you ok?" said Makani. "I don't know. I was just contacted by the goddess. She wants us both to leave tonight." "Why both of us?" "I don't' know. But we have to meet her at her cave. If you can make it the same distance I will put a bubble on you so you can breathe better." "Ok sounds good. I will let my family know." "Yeah good idea. I will talk to Ocean." We went our separate ways and I talked to Ocean about the situation. "Ok. I will still talk to the boys about what is going to go on back there Ok? I have your shell number so I can contact you." "Yes you do. Oh and can you let the boys know I won't make it to the party that I went home?" "Yes I will. I will tell them you had a family emergency." "Ok thanks. Oh I want to head over to the place now. I will bring Makani over." "Ok be careful over there Naia." "Thanks Ocean." So I walked over to Makani's place.

I got to his place and knocked on the door. (Knock Knock) His mother answered the door. "Hello. Is Makani still here?" "Yeah he told us what is going on. Is everything ok down there?" "I don't know. We will find out sooner then later. we will give you guys a call." "Ok then. He's in his room go ahead." "Thanks."

Before I could go up, the little one Grace pulled on my dress. "Oh hello Grace. What is it?" "You have to go?" "Yes I'm sorry. I have to take your brother with me. I promise we will come back. I just don't when like I said I will call and give you the details." "Ok well go see my big brother then." Said Faith. "Hehe ok Faith thank you." So I went up to Makani's room and knocked on his bedroom door. (Knock Knock) "Its me. Naia." "Oh Come in!" I opened the door and went in. "So I was coming to tell you that I was going to check the place out. I wanted you to come with me." "Oh I was going to ask when you were cause I wanted to go." "Oh ok cool. I'll leave whenever you are ready." "Ok just about. I'll let my parents know." "OK I'll head out first." So I headed out of his room and walked out the door and waited for Makani to come. A few minutes later he came out and joined me and we started walking.

We got to the edge of the ocean and I said, "It's a little ways from here. It's a cave where you have to go under water and you pop your head above to get to the cave. OK ready?" "Yeah lets go." So we dove down and didn't have to go too far under the water. After awhile we finally got there and popped out heads out. My friends were waiting. "Hello friends. I have some news. I don't know if its good or bad. Land humans are going to come here next weekend. I want you all to stay away from here for your safety ok?" "What? Land human? What business do they have here?" Said the boss which was a huge tortoise. "I don't know. They want to have a birthday party here. I'm afraid that might not be all. I have already told Ocean about it. He will talk to them and their parents to see what it was about. That's why I wanted to warn you all. Oh sorry this is Makani. The New sea human I was telling you about." "Oh is that so. Makani the half sea human correct?" "Yes sir." Then surprisingly the tortoise turned human. "Woah. I didn't know you can turn human." I said. "You never asked either. I'm not the only one who can either. Mind if I take a look at you Makani?" "No sir." "Oh sorry I haven't introduced myself. My name is Orson. Master Orson. You may call me sir or Master Orson as well." "Yes sir." "Ok then lets take a look at you." "Sigh. Master do you really have to do that Now? Tonight we have to leave to meet the sea goddess at her cave. Something is up." "Yes I have heard. If the goddess hasn't told you I won't say. I'm sure she wants to explain the situation herself with you in person." "Yes your right. Sorry sir." "Haha all these years you haven't changed." "Hey I'm bigger and more mature." "Haha maybe slightly more mature." Then my friends laughed and I laughed with them.

"Hmm. Well he certainly is well developed in to a sea human." "Yeah and I taught him a lot of things." "You teach? How did that go?" "Ask Makani. He was the one I taught." "She was surprisingly a good teacher. There were times when I wanted to give up but she wouldn't let me. At times when she didn't know something she asked Ocean or one of the other sea humans." "Wow You actually asked for help Naia?" "Hey its not unheard of Master." "Haha when you were living in the ocean you always wanted to do things yourself and didn't ask for help and got frustrated." "Well living up here changed me for the better I guess." "Yes it sure did. I hope the time comes where you the sea and land humans can join together. Sigh." "Master I promise you it will. If it doesn't come when the goddess still reigns then I promise you when Its my turn I will make sure it does. Oh yeah I forgot to tell you all I'm the next goddess." I told them about that night. "Oh well who would've guess our little Naia would be the next goddess. Well you do look a little different and more mature." "Hey I was mature before just not as filled out." "haha ok Naia no need to get excited. Back to business now. I will make sure to have everyone here in the ocean far away from here then ok?" "Thanks master. We have to get ready to go to the ocean tonight so we have to go. I'll come visit when I can." "Sure." I said goodbye to my friends then me and Malaki went back down and headed back to shore.

It was time to leave for the ocean now. We said goodbye to our sea human friends and headed out.

(In the ocean)

It took a hours. It was daytime by the time we got to he sea goddess' Cave.

"Goddess. We are here." "Oh so you finally came. You brought Makani too. That's good." "Goddess what happened? You don't look so good." "I'm sorry. I'm not. I am dying. The gods made a deal to give me enough life to train you. When they think you are well trained then they will take me." "No you can't leave us. What will I do without you?" "Its ok. This happens all the time. Once a god or goddess is chosen the goddess or god gets weaker and dies then the other one takes over. My time just came." "Will I die as well?" "Eventually yes. Once another one is chosen. I made a deal with the gods that is why I am leaving earlier than planned. I made a deal that you will die of old age. Most gods or goddess die in the 40 something years they reigned. As for you, you will get more." "Oh goddess. You didn't have to do this." She smiled at us. "I know I wanted to. Now as for the reason I wanted you both here. Naia. I've noticed your close with Makani here. I felt it as well when you were on land. There are two people in your heart. The one you are closer to is Makani here because you spend more time with him. Now as for what I plan to do…." "Excuse me for interrupting goddess. Are you arranging a marriage for me?" "That was the plan yes. If that is all right with both of you." Then Makani Spoke. "Excuse me Goddess. I have no problem with it. I just think it would be up to her to make the decision." "You really do love her don't you?" "Yes Goddess I do." "Well Naia what do you think?" "Well….I think….I think I need to go on more dates if we are going to marry then." "Well then it's a done deal. As for the other thing I was here to tell you both. I have changed the law. Instead of getting a new god or goddess, the goddess's or gods child will be the next god or goddess. Unless the gods don't deem any of the kids worthy from the family then they will choose another. So teach your future children well. I will be watching from above just remember that ok?" "Well it won't be for awhile right?" "Yes that is true." "You know. I have live these 17 years of my life with you being goddess. Now that I will be the next one its kind of disappointing. You won't be around much longer." "You will be fine. We will at least wait for another 3 years when you are mature enough. So we will be training and I will be around for at least that many more years to come ok?" "We will start tomorrow. Your brother is probably at home waiting for you. Also your parents as well. As for Makani he can go back home if he wants and stay there until its time for him to come back down." "Yes goddess thank you." "I will head home now and bring Makani to tell my parents and have him stay a few nights then send him home." "Sounds like a plan." Then we headed towards my parents house.

"Mom! Dad! Nen! I'm home!" I heard footsteps running and saw my twin I always called my little brother because he was a few minutes after me. "Woah there Nen. I know you haven't seen me in awhile but don't knock me down jeeze. Where is mom and dad?" "Getting stuff to eat. Who is this?" "Oh this is Makani. The half sea human I was telling you about." "Oh well nice to meet you. Listen. If you do anything to hurt my sister, I will come after you and do whatever you did to her myself got it?" "Yes sir." "Good now that you know please make yourself at home." "So is this the twin brother you told me about?" "Yeah sorry about him." "No I get it Faith is the same way with Grace and Grace with me. I also heard that when I was little my big brother did the same." "Haha over protective siblings huh?" "Haha yeah. Of course we fought and kept well to our word." "Well then I should be careful not to hurt you then right Makani?" "Haha yeah its fine I won't tell. I will make sure to keep you happy as much as I can." "Thanks Makani. Sorry to get you involved in all this." "No its actually what do you call it? Adventurous." "Oh good. Well want to meet my pet dolphin?" "Sure."

"Brother we are going to find Selena. Want to come?" "Yeah sure." So we all walked over all around and finally spotted her. "Selena! I'm Back!" Selena heard me and came rushing over. "Woah there. You almost smashed into me." "Sorry I was in a rush to see you. I missed you." I noticed Makani was acting weird. "Makani are you ok?" "…" "Makani?" "Huh oh sorry. All of a sudden I can hear someone talking I couldn't before." "No way you can finally understand sea animals then." "What you men I heard Selena talking?" "Yep. Selena this is Makani. Makani Selena." "Oh so this is Mr. Handsome. Nice to meet you Makani. Naia had told me all about you." "Like wise." Then the 3 of us started talking a bit then headed back to mom and dad's house.