Chapter 11: My Wedding/Goddess Announcement

(In the Ocean)

It had finally been 3 years now. Sigh. I am already pregnant. We were planning on doing that after the wedding but things happened you know how it is. Right now, it's about a week before my wedding and getting acknowledged as the new Goddess. When I was training my brothers first time went really well. He passed. When I did the things, the Goddess taught me there were a few things I needed to work on but I eventually got them down. The higher ups finally acknowledged me. They were able to keep her alive until after the wedding and they acknowledgement. I assume in the morning they will find her gone in her sleep. I don't know how Goddess's die. Well anyway let's get back to my story.

I was under the ocean getting ready for my wedding. Malaki's family would be coming down here. The deal was have the wedding down here and reception above water to those who wanted to come. The Goddess made an exception for Ocean and the others to come down for my wedding so they will be coming as well. "Hey Mom is my dress here yet?" "Yes it just got here why don't you try it on?' "OK thanks mom." My dress was made of water snake skin. It wasn't white but it was white with blue tint in it. It was a flowy knee length dress with a sweet heart neckline and strapless. I tried on the dress and showed my mom. "Beautiful honey. My little baby is all grown up and getting married. She's going to be a mommy soon too." "Oh mother." I rolled my eyes and gave her a hug. "Its not like I'm going away once I'm married. I will just be busy as a Goddess." "I know honey. Its just a big time for you." "I can't wait to see what Makani's going to look like in the outfit Auntie Summer made." "She is really good at these things. I am sure he will be handsome."

"Nen! Nen bro where are you? Nen! Nen! Oh their you are you idiot. I've been calling you." "What is it?" Then he looked up at me with his face in shock. "Damn sis. You look pretty for once." He joked. "Hey now. I've always been pretty. Plus it's going to be a special day of course I have to go all out. Oh." "What are you ok?" "Yeah the baby just kicked." Yeah I am already in the stage where I am that far along where the baby kicked. My parents and his weren't thrilled at first but they got over it. I found out I was having twins. I am right now 24 weeks pregnant. It's a good thing my auntie put some magic on it to look nice on me. I guess she was prepared when I first told her about my pregnancy. Sigh. I went back out to show my daddy me in my dress.

I finally found my dad and said, "Hey Daddy. How do I look?" He looked up and said, "You look beautiful honey. My sister does a good job at these things. When she married your uncle Sammy she was pregnant too with your cousin Sam. About around the same as you. Except you a little bigger since your carrying twins." "Yeah I'm glad she put magic on it. I hope it lasts till the wedding." "Haha I'm sure it will. Are the little ones giving you a hard time inside?" "Uh when I was talking to brother they were kicking a little. They kicked when he put his hand on my belly." "haha I guess they don't like him." Dad Joked. "Yeah well there's a lot not to like about that idiot." "Hey now. Your 20 years old now. Enough name calling for your brother." "Yeah yeah I know."

I took off my dress and got into my normal clothes. Finally everything is almost ready. I sent out the invitations months ago I finally got my dress. The decorating is almost done. Everything else is up to everyone else. Since I can't go off swimming around in my condition I have to say home and rest until the day. If I go somewhere I have to have someone with me in case something happens with me or the babies. Oh and speaking of the babies, I gave my family and Makani's to make a reveal party for us. Yes we should have done it later on but we were busy. So now we get to find out. It will be after the wedding of course and Acknowledgement. I had them tell the Goddess what they were since she wouldn't be around to know. I sat down thinking and rubbing my belly. Makani was visting our place today so he came by to see how I was doing and noticing me rubbing my belly with a strange face.

"What's with the face Naia? Are you and the babies ok?" "Hmm. Yeah. All 3 of us are fine. Just thinking." "Oh and what are we thinking about today?" "Well for starters I can tell they are going to be active little ones. I sat down because they were giving me trouble. Second of all we don't have names for them which I assume we will talk about after the Reveal. Makani? Do you think we will be this happy forever?" "Haha. Now who's the one worrying? Before when we got engaged and told my parents remember I was down too?" "Yeah. What. Are you going to take me to the piano too, to make me feel better?" "I don't know. Do you feel like going?" "Lets go then. I might even ask them if I could play a bit." So we headed off to the Sea piano.

We went into the room and the person playing looked over. "Oh hello Naia. Come to listen?" "Yeah. Also Do you mind if I play a little right now?" "Sure go ahead." She got off and I sat down and started playing. I hummed to the song I was playing. I was getting into my music and then I was starting to feel relaxed and surprisingly the babies started to as well and I smiled. Makani was smiling just looking at her happy and relaxed face when she plays. After awhile I gave the piano back and said to her I will be coming here once in awhile to play for a bit so let the others know Ok?" "Yes Naia."

Then we left her be to play then went back home. "I think I'm going to rest while the babies are calm right now." "Good idea. Get a good rest. I will have lunch ready by the time you wake up." "Hmm. Thanks Makani." So I went in to lay down.

Finally an hour or 2 later I woke up from my nap and lunch was finished a few minutes ago so it was still warm. "Hmm. Smells good." "Yep its your favorite Stir fry. With chicken in it and noodles." "I just hope the babies will let me eat it." "Haha I'm sure they will." Then I started eating and surprisingly I was able to keep it down. I went to the couch to sit down for a bit.

Finally was the day of the wedding and acknowledgement. I was getting my dress on then I had someone do my hair. I had my hair down since it will be flowing in the water. "Ok ok mom. I'm sure dad and brother are waiting for me." "Lets put your seashell crown on. Then you can go." Mom put it on me and I went out the door where dad and my brother were. They gave me my baby blue flowers which were roses and put my arms through each of theirs and started walking down. I looked at Makani and now one else. I heard everyone whispering at how beautiful I looked and all that. Then finally I got to my man. My dad and brother put my hands into Makani's. We said our vows gave each other rings and he grabbed me and kissed me. I was shocked at first then kissed him back. "What was that all about Makani?" "Haha sorry I was excited." "Well I liked it." "OK maybe I'm not sorry then." Then we stepped down as husband and wife. The Goddess was marrying us. I wasn't able to swim myself so Makani and my father helped me up to the surface for the reception.

We Rented out a park for the reception. We had our first wonderful dance as husband and wife. Then I took a breather and everyone else danced as well. My cake was a 4 layer cake that had ocean colors blue green and had seashells trailing down. For the cake topper we had 2 little dolphins on it. Once with what Makani was wearing and the other same dress as me. Instead of fins on the bottom they had legs but still had fins. "Aww cute cake you guys." Said Aunt Summer. "Thanks Aunt Summer. Also thanks for making clothes for my family and Makani's I know it must have been hard work." "I had sleepless nights but it was worth it." Grandma didn't want to be paid but I talked her into it. In her free time she is now making baby clothes for my little ones. Hehe.

Now it was time for my Acknowledgement as Goddess. I had to go back under the sea with my father and Makani helping me again. We got there and I changed to a different dress. It was a blue and purple dress. Purple on the neckline, skirt line and the spaghetti straps. Of course my husband was my date but at the time he had to wait until I came out with the Goddess. After I got dressed I talked with her for a bit.

"Hey Goddess? I was wondering. What is it like when a God or Goddess dies? Do they die like regular humans and bury or…" "I see well no we don't. When we die there is a light and little by little our body dissolves like sparkly particles. It's the same color light that showed on us when we first found out we were going to be the chosen one." "So when I die it will be blue sparkles then?" "Yes it will. It's a different color every time. The reason I was shocked at first is that the higher ups said that the blue color would be rare even if I was only the second one to become Goddess." "Why did we need Gods and Goddess's to begin with? Was there trouble in the ocean?" "Well that you can read in the books. Now I think its time. Your husband is waiting for you." "Yeah lets go." So we walked out and headed for the stage.

" Naia Konah Seaver. Do you promise to care for the sea people whatever the situation may be? Wheather they are on land or sea? Do you promise to punish those who do bad and reward those who do good?" "I solemnly swear to do my part to the best of my ability." "Ladies and Gentleman. I now announce the new Goddess Naia Konah Seaver." Then my husband met me by the stairs and took me as his date and we danced my first dance as Goddess. Yeah I forgot to mention it's a ball. My Ocean friends were able to have permission to come for today too. They were able to stay one night in the cave then they had to go back up to the surface.

That night after everyone cleared out. I stayed with the Goddess by myself for a bit and talked to her. Then I invited Makani in to stay with me as we were watching her fade away into the Sea. "Goodbye. Goddess. I will miss you." I said with tears in my eyes. Makani had his arms around me and the last thing I heard from the goddess's voice was "Take care of each other. I Love you all." That made me cry even more.

After awhile I calmed down then I had a little fever. I had to stay in bed for a few days because of it and to wait until the baby reveal.

Finally it was the day of the reveal. We finally showed up and we were to do the activity to find out what our babies were. My auntie summers gave us each a gift bag. We were supposed to take out what it was to reveal it. "OK who should go first?" I said. "Go at the same time. Make sure you have a hold on the thing inside then pull it out when I say go ok?" said Auntie. "OK." I said. "Makani you have a hold of what's inside?" I said. "Yeah I do. Do you?" I nodded yes. "OK ready? 1…2…3…Go!" Then we pulled out two outfits which were onsie tutu's." "We are having girls!" I said. "You got your wish after all Naia and it was doubled." "Hehe yeah. Thank you Makani." "For what?" "For giving me these little girls." "Your welcome. They aren't born yet but your welcome." Then everyone cheered and we went on with our party.

After the party we went back to my parents house and talked about baby names. I said, "I want to name at least one of them after the Goddess. Her name was Kleena." "Yes we can do that. What about Miya?" "That's actually kind of pretty." "I know right? I thought so." We decided on Kleena Zee Seaver and Miya Bloom Seaver. "I think Kleena for the oldest and Miya sounds like a little sister name." "Sounds good to me." Then we told my parents what we decided on our baby names. They thought they were cute my brother thought Kleena was a weird name but they were our children so whatever. Hehe. After we were done visiting I was told to stay at my parents house until I gave birth the my baby girls.