Chapter 12: Birth of babies/16 years later

Finally it was time to give birth to my little girls. I will be giving birth in a hospital. There were times when we have to go on the surface for more medical situations but in this case not so much. I got into the room to prepare. Makani was allowed in when I was giving birth so he decided to come in with me at this time.

Then it was finally time. "Ok when a contraction comes you need to push ok?" said the doctor. I nodded. Makani held my hand. It took me about 4 pushes to get the first girl out and about the same for the other. My first baby was 4lbs 7 oz and the second was 4 lbs and 6 oz. Once I was done I was so out of it and the nurses cleaned the babies off and my eyes were fighting to stay awake. "Oh no we need to do surgery stat!" said the doctor. "Makani you need to leave. If we get this done it's a good chance she will live." Makani went out in worry. He went to wait with the parents and told them what was going on.

About 2 hours later the operation light went off. The doctor came by to tell them the results of the surgery. He took Makani to the room Naia was in and said, "The surgery was successful. She is sleeping right now. I am afraid if she wants to give birth again she will have to have it C section. It would be too dangerous to do it vaginally." "Thank you doctor. When will she wake?" "That is up to her." Then the doc left.

He looked at his precious girls beside him. Then he looked at his wife Naia. "Thank you honey. For these beautiful little girls." She must have heard him because she smiled.

Finally a day later Naia woke up. "Hmm. That rest was refreshing. My babies. Where are my babies?" Just as she was saying that Makani walked in the door with them. "Relax Naia they are right here." The oldest one Kleena had hair like daddy's and the little one Miya had hair like mommy. Same color eyes and skin. Makani has different color skin than me. Its 2 shades darker than mine which my babies have and on them they are gorgeous. They had the same color eyes as well. The only difference seems to be the hair. I have wavy hair down to my mid back and its Aquamarine colored. Makani's hair color since he became sea human turned sea green. It used to be strawberry blonde hair. My eye colors are sea blue and my husbands eye color is now a light purple my favorite color. I am considered white/caucation I was fair skinned. He was a shade darker than peach. Anyway lets get back to the story.

16 years later. I still wasn't able to bring them all back home yet. Since I became Goddess I knew it wasn't time yet. But its getting closer to the time than I thought. I had twin boys 4 years after the girls. The oldest one is named Ocean after the man who took care of me and the other was Grey. At the moment I am doing my paperwork getting ready for a break. Then there was a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" "Its me mom." "Who is me?" "Its Grey." "Come in." He went in and saw my tired face. "You ok mom? You don't look so good." "I'm fine honey just tired. What did you need to see me about?" "Oh right. Dad is looking for you. Then Uncle Nen has some business with you." "Ok I'll be right there. Nen is on his way to look at the paperwork for me then I will go see your father ok?" "Ok I will tell him." "Thanks Grey." Then he left and my face hit my desk. Then she fell asleep.

Nen came in and saw his sister. "Haha I never thought I would see the day. Come on sis wake up. Your hubby wants to see you." "Hmm. 5 more minutes." "No No you need relaxing time. That is what assistants are for." "Ha You've always been my assistant since we were kids because I made you." "Well not always. When I didn't get my way I cried to mom and I got my way." "Only because you're the youngest. Hmph." "Ok now. Go see your Hubby. He is in the parlor room waiting for you." "Ok ok I'm going." Nen helped me up and I headed out a little wobbly.

I opened the door to the parlor and just barely walked in when I was about to collapse, I felt someone catch me. "Hmm. Ha..Ha..Makani is that you?" "Yeah its me. Are you ok?" "Yeah just a little tired." He carried me to the couch and sat me down. "Nen and Grey said you wanted to see me?" "I wanted to see how you were doing. I barely get to see you lately. Your busy with Goddess work." "Yeah sorry about that. I had to pull a couple of all nighters." He felt my head and said, "You do feel warm. Let me go get a doctor." I was too tired to move or say anything. He laid me on the couch and all I could do was wait.

The doctor finally came in. "Hello again." Said the doc. He had been here a couple of times because I have been overworking myself lately. "Ok well lets take a look at you." He looked at me the same way he does all the time with patients. "I'm afraid its overworking again. How many days has it been since you slept?" "Hmm. I lost count." Then Makani said "I haven't seen her in almost a week." "No wonder you are sick. OK doctors orders are get a least 2 weeks of rest. Even if you have to tie her up or put a guard at her door." "Aw come on doc." I said. "I'm serious Naia." "Fine but I get to pick the guards." "I'm afraid no Naia." Said Makani. "I will have our oldest daughter pick she is good at these things." "Oh I don't like it but fine. I'll be bored for 2 weeks then." "Good. Doc is there any herbs or medicine that will help her get better?" "Hmm let me think. Ah ha. Yes there are. I have them handy actually. I have enough for a week which should be enough. No need for any more after that." "Good." "Ok I will be leaving. If you need me just call." I laid down on the couch for a bit to talk to Makani. "I called for our oldest daughter so we can talk about our situation." "Fine then."

A few minutes later Kleena walked in . "Mom dad? What's wrong with mom?" "She's fine. Just overworked again. The doc is requesting guards so your mom doesn't escape her room. She needs 2 weeks worth of rest." "Mom what are we going to do with you?" "Ha Fine I know just who to bring then. I just hate owing them one." "Oh its those two huh? Yeah they answer only to you and me huh?" said Makani. "Yeah they are weird like that." Said Kleena. "Ok get mom to her room. I will go get them." "Ok thanks Kleena." "yeah dad." So she left then Makani took me to bed.

"Hmm." "Are you ok Naia?" "Hmm. I don't know. I hope so. I feel a little nauseous and feverish." "That's to be expected from overworking yourself." "Yeah I know." Then she fell back to sleep. "Jeez Naia. Kleena is right. What are we going to do with you? Sigh" Then he got up and checked on Nen.

"Hey Nen. How is everything?" " Well most of the stuff she is working on is preparing for the return of the others. There are other matters to attend to though." "I see. Well I wish I could do something to help but I am not her assistant I am her husband." "haha yeah that's right." "Well I guess I will see that the other kids are doing." "Wait Makani. How is my sister?" "Kleena got the two nights that only answer to me and her to guard her. She needs 2 weeks of rest." "Haha she will definitely get bored after the second week. 1 week is all she really needs but an extra week won't hurt. OK thanks brother." "Yeah sure." So he left to look for the boys.

"Hello boys. Oh and Miya. Your playing with your brothers too?" "Yeah dad. Don't you know I'm not a girly girl? Even Kleena isn't. She even trains with the knights." "Yeah I know. I'm just bored since your mom has to rest." "Yeah uncle Nen warned us. Oh yeah I forgot to tell you dad. We are supposed to be going to grandma's house in a few days. I guess uncle Nen will take us." "Yeah well he is busy since mom is resting. He might drop you off then come back." "Yeah that's fine." Then Makani spent time with the kids doing whatever it was they were.

Finally 2 weeks past. Naia's escape attempts never worked. "Finally I can go back to work." I walked into my office and Nen was sitting in the chair. "Hello dear brother." "Oh Sis. Feeling better?" "Yeah the first week you know that." "Well anyway I need you to go thru this pile then I will give you 2 hours to go thru the one you want to." "Fine then. Give me the ones I have to do then." I looked through the papers and stamped a few then I was tired. I got half of them done. "Brother I'm going for a walk or should I say swim." "Sure. Oh go see Selena she hasn't seen you in awhile." "Ok will do." So I left to go play with her.

Time passed now it was getting time for bed. I got in bed with Makani once the kids were in bed. "How was work Naia?" "Good I guess. Nen did that on purpose. He told me to go through some work and knew just by halfway I would be tired. So I couldn't do the other ones I wanted too." "Haha so like him." "Hey its not funny Makani." "I'm sorry honey. Lets go to sleep." I turned around my back facing him and went to sleep. I felt him wrap his arms around me and I finally was in a deep sleep.

In the middle of the night I had a dream or premonition about something.

(In my head)

"Naia honey." "Who? Whose there?" "Its me?" I looked around and saw someone who looked like Godess Kleena. "Goddess Kleena?" "Yes its me. How have you been?" "Overworking and tired." "Well I have come into your dreams to tell you something. I don't have much time so I will get to the chase. Something is going to happen. There will be a time when the sea piano won't work and you have to find a way quickly to help them survive. You need to go deep in the ocean to where it's the coldest and meet a man there. I haven't seen that old fart since I was in my early 30's. Tell him Kleena sent you and that I passed on. He will understand. Oh and you will need to take the kids and husband with you too. Just your family. You will need to do it soon. Now its time for me to go. I will be watching you ok?" I nodded. When she disappeared I woke up. I took a deep breath like I was holding it then panted. "Ha…Ha…I got to tell the others later in the morning." I laid back down and closed my eyes but couldn't sleep the rest of the night. Once the sun came up I was up and Makani was still asleep. I snuck

back in my office.

Makani woke up felt the bed looking for Naia. He woke up since he didn't feel her and got dressed headed for her office. "Oh so this is where you were. Why am I not surprised." Said Makani. "Sorry. I had a dream last night I couldn't go back to sleep. You need something at the moment?" "No really. So what about this dream?" I took a break and told him about it. "I see and when should we depart?" "Well first we need to have a family meeting so we can tell the kids. Then we will talk about the rest after ok?" "Yes maam." "Good. Now have some guards looks for the kids." He talked to some guards who found all the kids and brought them over.

"Hello kids. Good to see you all here in one room very rare now a days." I said.

"Your mom called you kids here for something important so listen up ok? Ocean you particularly ok?" "Fine whatever." "Ok so we will be leaving the cave really soon to go to the coldest part of the ocean. All of us as a family. It has to do with the safety of the entire kingdom. I was told to bring my whole family as in all you kids and your dad. Just think of it as a family vacation. If there are not dangers hopefully we will be back sooner than later then after that I can focus more on the other stuff." "So when do we leave mom?" said Miya. "Well I was thinking tomorrow at the earliest. At dawn." "Well all of us are usually up by then." Said Kleena. "I'll just have to wake Ocean up but we will be ready. How many days should we pack for?" "Hmm. Honey how long do you think it will take to get to the coldest part of the ocean?" "Just pack for 2 weeks if it takes longer we will figure things out ok?" said Makani. "Ok dad." Said Grey. So they left and started packing then I headed towards the room as well.

When Makani and I were in the room packing, I had a weird feeling in my head. I started acting weird and Makani noticed. "Are you ok Naia?" I sat down for a minute and stayed quiet. "Naia? Are you ok?" "Hmm. Yeah I'll be fine. Can you finish Packing? I gotta go tell my brother what's up." "Yeah sure go ahead. Be careful ok?" "Yeah." I put my hand on my head and went to see my brother.

"Hey brother. I have to leave tomorrow." I told him the situation we were in. "Ok well luckily I will have help so I'm ok. You should go visit mom before you leave." "Will do. I'll see you tomorrow before we leave ok?" "Yeah see you then." I went back to my room barely able to stand.