Chapter 19: Returning home

We finished relaxing a bit then went to join everyone again. We were all happy and everyone was talking about what they would do when they go to the Ocean. I was happy they were happy.

Dinner finally came. I got a call on my Shell phone. The only phone that existed. "Hang on will you Makani?" He nodded. "Hello?" "Hi its Nen." "Yes I know is everything ok with the kids?" "Yeah everything is fine some tried to escape but the guards captured them every time and they gave up." "So whats up" "Your little ones are sick. Miya and Ocean. I thought you would like to know." "Oh ok thanks. How bad is it?" "Well I took a look at them myself and had a doctor look to be sure. Its just a simple sickness they should be fine with a few days rest." "Oh thanks brother. Tell them I will be home tomorrow. I will be on a ship that is why I will be there quicker." "Oh really? Cool. I'd love to go sometime. Maybe on my break I will go up there and see if your friend Tide can give me a ride." "Haha you never change little brother. Ok thanks for telling me. I got to go to dinner now. See you idiot." "See ya sis." "Ok lets go to dinner." "What was that all about?" "Oh Miya and Ocean are sick. They should be ok in a few days." "Oh that's good." So we left for dinner.

During dinner I had a very strange feeling in my gut. I wasn't sick or anything but feel something isn't right. "You ok Naia?" Makani said. "Yeah I just got a strange feeling all of a sudden in the pit of my stomach. Something isn't right about something. It might have to be about what Nen said. I didn't start feeling this until I got off the phone with Nen. I think he might be lying about it just being a simple sickness to not worry me. We will do like I said we will then head home quickly." "Do you want me to go ahead while you lead them?" "Yeah I think that would be best. Do it tomorrow though when we get there ok? I'll have you jump in first and give you some time. "Ok then I will do that." "Thanks you're the best hubby." "Yeah I know."

Finally it was the morning that they were leaving and they already had their breakfast. It was time to meet in the big room. "Hello everyone." I said. Tide will be here in a few short minutes. Is this everyone that is returning to the Ocean today?" There were about 200 that came. In total there are about 1000 give or take. Then Tide finally showed up.

"Oh Tide good timing as usual." "Is this everyone?" "Yeah." "I'm surprised I thought at least half would want to come. Well that's ok. I only need like 4 ships then." Then Tide started giving them instructions on what will happen. "Those of you who have kids will be on 1 ship. Singles will be on one and couples will be on another. That is how we will separate all of you. Now I think Naia has a few words." "Thank you Tide. I want to tell you all that I will be coming back up once things settle down. So if you want to return to the surface in that time you are welcome to. In fact you are free to go to the surface any time you want without my knowledge. Just know I will be watching everyone of you. It is a goddesses job. I also want to tell you to stay together and not separate ok? You either need to stay with me or Tide to be safe. Stay together in the group. We will separate the groups they will be going with us. Tide tell them whose group is going with who." "Yes I will. The families with kids will be going with Naia as well as the couples. Singles come with me." "OK Tide which ship do these people go on?" "Oh sorry yes. The ones with the kids will go on Captain Sea's ship. The couples will go on Captain Calix's ship. I will take the singles to Captain Onyx's ship." "Ok well I'll see you on the other side then ok? Oh and tell them not to go in until I give the signal. My kids are sick and Makani is supposed to jump in first. I'll give him a few minutes and he will be there." "Yes what is the signal. Just look at the sky in 2 hours you will know. Its hard to miss." "Ok then. See you there." So we all headed to our ships.

I got the couples on their ship and I stayed on the one with the kids. Then we were finally off once everyone was on. Tide told them ahead of time where they were headed. A place that would take us a few days to get to only took us a couple of hours on ship.

Finally the ships made it to our destination. Makani and I headed toward the edge of the ship. "Stay with the kids until I get there promise?" "Yes I will. When you get here I will let you know what's going on ok?" "Yeah." We gave eachother a hug and kiss then he jumped in and headed out. Now I had to wait 2 hours to give a signal.

Finally a few minutes passed I put one of my arms up and shot some magic in the air. Tide and the other ships saw it and that's when they decided to jump in. I jumped in first of course.

After I jumped in I waited for everyone to gather. Finally after an hour I said. "Is this everyone?" "Yes!" They all said. "OK then. Please stay together and don't get separated. Also be careful. There are some dangerous creatures. Here. Luckily its only 2 miles out to where we need to go." So I guided them to where the village and my home was. Everyone wore clothes that were made to get wet. I told them I would make clothes for them soon. Finally we got there.

"Ok I will show you all to your rooms. The people with kids will share a room and also the couples will. Since there aren't too many singles they will each get their own room. I will have a few maids and butlers show you the way."

I got about 2 butlers and 2 maids. They all followed the maids and butlers they were assigned then I went to find Nen to see where my kids were.

I finally found Nen and called out to him. "Nen!" "Oh good you're here. I'm sorry for lying I'm sure you know by now. They are in the other special room with the beds." "Ok thanks Nen. I understand why you didn't want to worry me but next time tell me how serious ok?" "Yes I will." So I ran to the room since I knew where it was.

I finally got to the room and ran inside. "Hey Makani. How are the kids?" "They are sleeping right now. They were asking for you." "How bad is it Makani?" "They were attacked but they weren't poisoned it was a different creature. They were still severely hurt but they will be fine. They have been taken care of. They just need to let their wounds heal before they can leave." "Oh thank God." I gave Makani a hug then I heard the door open and saw the other kids come in.

"Hey you two. Are you both ok?" "Yeah mom. We were there when it happened. We tried to get there in time and they tried to move but we couldn't get there in time. Its all our fault mom." Said Greyson. "Come here kids." I gave them a hug and said "Its not your fault kids. You did your best to protect your little brother and sister. They will be fine. They just need to heal up a bit." Makani told them that he agreed with me. "I agree with your mother. Just next time don't let them go to far from you ok?" "Yes dad." Said Kleena. Then the kids were finally waking up.

"Mommy?" said Ocean. "Yes I'm here baby." Then Miya started to wake up. "Mommy is that you?" "Yes I'm finally here. I'm so glad you guys are ok." "Mommy I tried to protect Miya. She was so scared." Said Ocean. "I was so scared mommy." "that must be why you got hurt the most Ocean. Good boy for protecting your sister. Next time be more careful you two. Stay with big brother and sister ok?" "Ok mommy. It was my idea to go out. Ocean wanted me to stay but I wanted to play." "No more playing by yourselves anymore ok?" "Yes mommy." "Well I have some work to do. Everyone should be in their room now. Waiting for people to come." "Ok mommy come back when you are done ok?" said Ocean. "I promise I will." So I went out to make the announcement.

"Ladies and gentleman. I have come to tell you that I am finally back. The people I have brought are in their rooms about 200 people. So I need those who are willing to take the people in to come to the big room in my cave please. Thank you."

I went to the big room to wait for them. Finally people decided to start showing up. "Hello Everyone thank you for coming. I would like to separate the families in groups. Those of you who are willing to take in kids with their families please go group somewhere. Those of you that are willing to take couples in group up and the ones who are willing to take singles in group up please and thank you. There were a large group of people wanting to take them in. "OK I will have 3 butlers guide you to the area where the people will be taking in will be. Then after that its up to you guys to introduce yourselves to them." "Ok go on now." I put my chart up to see how things were going. "Everything looks good. I guess I will go see how my kids are doing. Nen can you keep watch on the chart why I go see my kids?" "Yeah I will." "Thanks." So I left to see how my kids were doing.

"I'm back kids. How are you all doing?" "We good mommy." Said Miya. "Right brother?" "Yes. I'm Fine." Ocean said in a strained tone. "Get some more rest. You sound like your in pain Ocean. Do you need any medicine for the pain?" "Yes Hmm. Thank you." "Woah what's gotten into you Ocean." Said Kleena. "Your thanking people now and starting to talk normal." "Ok Kleena be nice. Your brother is injured." "Yeah yeah. I know Dad." So I talked to them then I decided to stay the night in the room with them Makani went to our room to sleep and the kids went to theirs.

A month flew by and Ocean was well enough to go home but had to rest for about a week. Miya was well in just a week. I was having some girl talk with Kleena when she said, "Mom? What would happen if you ended up pregnant again? Would you be happy?" "Cough! Cough! What? Sorry I choked on air." "I said…." "I know what you said why would you want to know?" "I mean you are still young enough to have kids what if you get pregnant unexpectedly?" "Oh um. You 4 are a handful enough but I wouldn't mind. Your dad and I will deal with it. Plus we have you 4 to help out then the maids and servants. We have plenty of rooms here so it won't matter. Is everything ok with you Kleena?" "Yes mom. Don't worry. I don't even have a boyfriends yet. I still haven't gotten over Jet and Levy's death. I can't believe they got killed by the same monster that almost killed you." "Yeah I know. I can't believe it was only a month ago too. Listen if you ever want to talk about it let me know ok Kleena?" "Yes mom Know I can talk to you or dad." "Good. Now I got to get to work ok?" "Yes mom." Then she left and I went to work.

"Hey Nen. How is everything?" "Everything seems normal. More happy and healthy people since they moved back to the ocean." "Yeah I figured as much." "Are you ok Naia?" "Hmm. Yeah why do you ask?" "You look sort of depressed." "Yeah sorry it won't effect my work I promise. I'm still not over jet and Levy." "Oh that's what this is about. Yeah that was shocking news." "Is there anything I need to do now? Anyone asking for me or anything?" "No but no one is at the piano right now. Now that it doensn't need to be played all the time I would suggest you go and play it. It cheers you up." "Yeah I'll do that. Thanks." So I left for the sea piano.

I swam over to the music room. I saw the piano. I went over and sat down. "Hello there old friend. How I've missed you." I patted the piano then I started playing the song that I had to play to heal people. It was starting to make me feel better. The whole village was able to hear it. I hope it will heal those who are sick as well.

It had been awhile I didn't notice anyone coming in. I haven't played the piano in 16 years since my first babies were born. I was surprised I still knew how. After awhile I felt a tap on my shoulder. I kept playing and turned around. I saw Makani waiting for me. I stopped for a few minutes. I felt myself crying. "I'm sorry Makani. No matter how long I play I can't get over it. I mean I feel a little better. But It still won't change not matter how long." Makani hugged me and I cried in his arms. He rubbed my head to comfort me. None of us said a thing. We just stood there and hugged each other for a bit. Then after awhile I said, "I'm going to play longer. I don't think I'm going to go to bed tonight. I want to play all night." "Just don't make yourself sick ok?" "I know thanks Makani. Tell the kids I will see them tomorrow around lunchtime." "Wait you plan on playing that long?" "Well I told you I played for 4 days straight right? So this is no big deal." "Ok then. Well I guess I will see you then too. I love you." "I love you too Makani." Then we kissed each other and he went back home and I played the piano again just like I said I would.