Chapter 20: Shocking News

After I have been home for a few days resting, it was nighttime. I decided to check on my kids. Makani was already in bed he was exhausted. He did everything her could to keep me happy. My poor man. I feel like such a burden. I kissed his forehead then left to check on the kids. I checked my girls since they were closer.

I looked at my youngest on the top. She looked peaceful. I looked ant my oldest girl she didn't look to peaceful. "Shh. Its ok Kleena. Mom is here." Then I saw her face relax and I kissed her forehead. I walked out and headed for the boys room. I saw my oldest boy on the bottom first. He looked ok not as peaceful as Miya but ok. Then I looked at my youngest and I was shocked. "Oh my. Could this mean he is the next God? That would be a shocker." "Grey. Grey!" "What mom?" "Go get your father quick! Something is up with Ocean." He looked up and saw him floating in a purple light. "OK got it mom!" He ran through the hall yelling "Dad! Dad!" Makani shot up hearing someone calling him. Grey burst through the door. "Dad! Its Ocean! Hurry!" Makani Ran over to the boys room. The girls woke up and saw their dad running toward to boys room so they followed.

"Honey whats wrong with Ocean?" "See for yourself." He looked at Ocean and saw the purple light he was surrounded by. "Its just like me when I surrounded by the blue light when I first became Goddess. Could this mean he is the next god? He is only 11" "Didn't the previous goddess say they gave you till old age?" "Yeah but still he is 11. Isn't this stuff too hard for an 11 year old to learn yet?" "What about the messenger? Didn't you say he was here for you?" "Yes thank you. Lets wait until he light goes away and then I will do that." "What's going on with Ocean mom?" said Kleena. "He might be the next God. I have to check with my messenger to find out." "If he is Wow my little brother was made for big things I guess." Said Grey. "Haha I know. Who knew little brother was made for big things?" Said Kleena. Then finally the light was starting to fade.

I caught my son so he wouldn't fall. "Gottcha Ocean." Then Ocean opened his eyes. This was the middle of the night this all happened. "Mom? I feel weird." "I know sweetie. You will for awhile until you get used to it ok?" "Ok." Then he went back to sleep and I put him to bed. "Mom I'm going to stay up and watch over him the rest of the night ok?" Said Grey. "That's up to you Grey. Just don't make yourself sick ok?" "Ok mom." "OK Makani. You go back to bed. Take the girls to their rooms while I wake up the messenger." "Ok see you later." "Yeah."

I went to Quinn's room and knocked on his door. (Knock Knock) "Its me Naia." "Yes what is it? You got a question for the old goddess?" "Yes I do. My son was surrounded by a purple light. I think he might be the next God is it true? He is only 11. Also what the colors of the light that surrounds us what the colors mean." "Is that all?" "Yes tell her I miss her." "Got it. I'll leave now." "Thank you sir." "No problem. Its my job after all." So he left pretty quick.

Finally morning came it was 9:00. "Oh I slept in. Did Quinn come back yet?" "Not that I know of." Said Makani. Just as I was getting up there was a knock on our door. (Knock Knock) "Sis its Nen. The messenger is here." "Ok I'll get dressed then I will head out ok?" "Yeah sure." So he left and I got ready and sighed. "You ok Naia?" "Yeah Makani I will be. I knew this day would come but not so soon and not to our youngest ones." "I know what you mean." "Ok All dressed. Go check on the kids when your ready ok?" "Yes dear I will." I kissed his check and headed out. "What am I going to do with that girl. Sigh."

I went to the parlor and saw the messenger. "Sorry it took me a long time. I got kind of busy up there. Here this is from the old Goddess." "It's a letter." "Yeah its kelp paper." Oh no wonder thanks you can go back and rest if you want." "I think I will do that thank you." So he left and I read the paper as I was walking back to my office.

I wasn't paying attention when I was walking while reading and I bumped into someone. "Oh sorry. Pardon me." "Naia? Is that you?" "No way Kiki? Is that really you?" "Haha yeah long time to see sis." "Yeah I know like 16 years now. That's how old my oldest kids are. I have to work so why don't we make a date to hang out sometime?" "Yeah that would be cool." So we made a date and I said. "I actually have 4 kids. My oldest twins are 16 my youngest are 11. I can't believe my second twins are identical. They are boy and girl like the older ones are but its like me and Nen we are identical so if I cut my hair like my brothers and we wear clothes you would never know who is who with clothes on." "Haha except for your chest area it would be hard to tell I bet when you were a child it was hard cause you didn't have those parts yet." "Yeah yeah. Laugh it up. It still it with the little ones even when my girl has long hair and my boy has short. Ah its crazy. Well I better get to work or my brother is going to let me have it. Oh that's right Nen works for you huh? Tell him I say hi. Wait a second. I looked around and whispered in her ear. "You know Nen has had a crush on you since we all started hanging out. He has been single all this time. I think he was waiting to see you again to tell you." "Oh well lucky for him I am single too. When we hang out bring him." "I'll try." "Bye see you later." "Likewise." So I went to my office.

"Oh Nen sorry I'm slightly late. I ran into an old friend. Remember Kiki?" "Of course I do." "Yeah well I ran into her in the hall. She wanted to hang out like old times. Guess what? She is still single." "Really?! I mean really." "Hehe you still like her." "Well anyway get to work." "Oh yeah I got news from the goddess above. Read this." I gave him the paper and he read it.

This is what the letter said:

Hello Naia,

I miss you too. I miss your beautiful voice. I would have loved to meet your kids. As for the light surrounding him I talked to the other gods here just to be sure and sure enough it is true. He is the next god. I asked them as well can an 11 year old understand all this stuff enough to be trained? They told me that when his body changed so will his mentality. Yours didn't because you were smart enough to know what you were doing. As for the light colors and their meaning, I didn't know then either since it wasn't important but since you want to know I asked around. The lights surrounding them tell them about what sort of God or Goddess they will become. Take you for instance. You are a hardworking and empathetic type of Goddess and people will never get bored with you around. You get things done. As for me mine was green. I liked to experiment with all kinds of tools. I guess that is how you got into it. As for your boy there well I guess we will find out. Remember I was the first goddess. Next time the next God or Godess shows up we will know. Go ahead and keep track of them so that you will remember in the future. Good luck training that little boy of yours.

Your best friend and Goddess


"Wow sis! Is this true! He is the new God?!" "Yeah it shocked me too. It shocked the whole family. I haven't told mom and dad yet you were the first. When I have my next break I will go tell mom. Wait I have an idea. I'll have her and dad come here. Oh I want to tell our pets too." "Ok ok slow down sis. You will tell everyone eventually just breathe." I took a deep breath and let it out. "Sorry brother. You know how I get." "Yes I know." "OK go ahead and call mom. I'll watch a little longer. Remember not to get too excited you pass out when you do." "Yeah I know." I dialled moms number. "Hey mom. Is dad there?" "Yes he is here with me what's up?" "When can you both come up I have some news." "Hang on honey." "Ok mom." Then her mom talked to her dad about what she asked. "We can come over now if its urgent." "Ok." "You still there Naia?" "Yeah mom I am." "Ok we will leave now unless you are busy?" "No I'm good. Nen keeps me calm so I don't have any fainting episodes." "Ok good. We will be there shortly then." I hung up and said, "Nen I'll have you do this a little bit longer. I need to get Ocean so I can tell mom and dad the news." "Ok sure."

I went to the boys room and I saw Ocean still in his bed. "What's wrong Ocean? Are you embarrassed about something?" "Yeah I'm embarrassed of how much I've changed. I have a healthy body of an 11 year old like I am supposed to be. That's why I am in here." "Well I was the same way Ocean. I didn't always have this body. I was a skinny girl. People kept telling me I need meat on my bones. But then when I had my goddess body I filled out more. I was shocked and embarrassed myself." "How did you get over it?" "Well I talked to another girl who happened to be the goddess and she helped me by saying she had to go through the same thing I did. She told me that she had to talk to a doctor for find out since she was the first goddess. There was nothing wrong so she talked to her mom about it and she helped somehow. You can talk to your father or I to see if we can help." "Oh yeah Grandpa and Grandma are coming. I want you with me in the Parlor to meet them. If your self conscious what I did was wear bigger clothes or baggy ones." "Thanks mom I'll wear my baggy clothes." "Ok then get ready quickly they will be here soon in the parlor." "Ok mom." So I left and headed to the parlor.

"Hello mom and dad. Before I tell you my news we are waiting on someone." "Oh really? Who?" Said Dad. "You will find out soon enough." A few minutes later Ocean walked in. "Hi Grandma and Grandpa." "Oh well hello there Ocean. So what's this news?" "Oh I haven't even told him yet so it will be his first time to hear it as well." "So what is wrong with me?" "Nothing is wrong with you. Like I told you before Ocean this is a normal transformation for what I am about to tell you." "Don't tell me he is.." "Yes mom its true." "What am I?" Said Ocean nervously. "You are the next God." "What?" Said Dad and Ocean and the same time. "Its true the Goddess confirmed it. Here mom read the letter." She read the letter and said "Its true. Wow. Is that why you are wearing baggy clothes." "Yeah sort of." "Hey mom you said I can talk to anyone right? Can I talk to grandpa about it?" "Yeah sure go ahead." "Dad it's a man to man talk he doesn't want to talk to his own dad about." "OK then well we will go." Said mom. "Then you can have your talk." So I went back to work and mom hung with me until they were done.

"Hello Nen." "Oh Hi mom. Where's dad?" "Talking with Ocean. Man to man talk." "Oh ok. So how is everything at home?" "Its good. Normal." "Oh things seem to be settling down the new people now should we do the ball soon?" "Hmm. Why don't we talk to the council and see what they think. See if its calmed down enough for it. I mean you made the dresses and the clothes for the guys so they should be good to go." "Ok I will call the councilman." I dialed the number and called.

"Hello Councilman. I need to have a meeting about making a date for the ball or if its calmed down enough." "I think it will be time but your right. Other people could have a different opinion over it.

A few days later we had the meeting and we all agreed it was ok to have the ball. We made a date and hoped all of the people we brought would be coming. "Oh one more thing before we are dismissed. I will announce it at the ball and I will do it again later. We already have a new God to train. My son Ocean." "What are you serious?" said the councilman. "Yes I am." "Well then what do you all think?" They all nodded and agreed. "Ok then we will announce it at the ball." Then we all left and I had to get dresses and suits ready for the ball for the newcomers. I used magic cause it s faster and the clothes will fit whoever wears it. "Sigh I have to make 200 ball clothes." "You said the ball is 2 weeks right?" said Nen. "Well if you do 20 a day in 10 days you will be done. With 4 days to spare. I will take those 4 days for you." "Thanks. What would I do without a brother like you." "You can get me a date with Kiki. Just kidding." "Hehe. You know I might not need to. When I mentioned your name and that you were still single as well she blushed." "Oh really?" "Yes so when we hang out a bit. I will give you and her some alone time." "Your embarrassing me sis." "Hehe. That's what sisters are supposed to do to their siblings. Embarrass them. Oh and thanks for the advice I will take it." "Wow that would be the first." "Actually its not. I kept it a secret until now but when I was younger I took it but lied and said I didn't. I was embarrassed to tell you it worked." "Oh is that so well glad to help my big sister out." "OK lets get back to work." So we did.