Chapter 21: The Ball

I had called for all the new people that came that will be attending the ball. I told them I was for everyone. Oh sorry I forgot it had already been almost 2 weeks. The ball will be tomorrow. Ok now back to the story.

Everyone came and met me in the big room in my cave. Then I said, "OK is this everyone?" Everyone looked around to be sure. "Seems like it. OK Now I want all the men women to separate in a line. Wheather you are child or a couple it doesn't matter." The boys lined up with their daddies and the little girls with their mommies. "Ok now. As you can see I have a maid and a butler. I have made dresses for the girls and suits for the men. I have used my magic on the clothes so that it will fit the wearer on all of the clothes since I don't know your sizes. The maid and butler will tell you more of how to put them on. They are different than normal dresses and suits. Ok now Diana and William please proceed." So they went and I said "Everyone enjoy." So I left because I was feeling off lately.

"Hey sis. You ok?" "I-I don't know. I feel a little dizzy." "Here sit down I will get the doc. Onyx watch her for me please." "Yes sir." I closed my eyes for a bit in the chair and waited. A few minutes later, the doc came in and saw her with her eyes closed. Makani put his hand on her shoulder to try to wake her. "Naia. Naia. The doctor is here." "Hmm. I'm so tired and dizzy." "I know the doctor needs to take a look at you." "OK. I need help moving to the room." "I'll carry you." Said Makani. He carried me princess style. He laid me on the bed and the doc examined me.

"Hmm. Do you have any more symptoms besides dizziness and fatigue?" "Not really no?" "When was the last time you bled?" "I don't know. I have been so busy." "I see. Well its most likely that you are expecting." "what? Are you serious?" "Yes I am 95% sure." "Oh my Gosh. Another child." I said. "Makani!" "Yes I heard." "Wait the ball is tomorrow. Will I be able to dance at the ball?" "Just keep it slow to vigorous activities and maybe one or two dances then rest ok?" "As you know no alcohol ok?" "I knew that much." "Ok well then. I will see you in the next 2 months. You are already 1 month pregnant." "What? Are you serious?" "Yes I am. Here is some prenatal medication for the next 2 months until I see you again." "Thank your sir. I will contact you if there are any complications as well." "Yes you do that please." Then Makani carried me back to my room and told me to wait in the bed that he would tell Nen whats going on. "Make sure he doesn't tell mom and dad. I want to tell them together. The kids as well." "Ok I won't tell the kids and I will tell Nen no to either." "Ok thanks." I laid down and closed my eyes.

"What are you serious? Sis is pregnant again?" "Shh. Keep it down. Yes she is. Now we know why she has been out of it. She wanted me to tell you not to tell your parents or our kids. She wants to tell them herself." "Yeah ok I promise. But wow. Wait what about the ball?" "The doc said it was fine she just needed to take it easy maybe 1 or 2 dances at a time between rests. Oh and not to drink alcohol." "She knows that much." "I know right?" "I know. Mom and dad will be at the ball. We should announce it there." "Good Idea." Said Nen. "So I take it I have to watch the people for awhile." "Sorry Nen." "Oh its all good."

Makani went back to Naia in the room and saw her sleeping peacefully. "My poor wife. Has to go through this once again. I hope its only 1 kid and not another set of twins." Makani brushed Naia's hair thru his fingers and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Hmm. Makani?" "Its me honey." "Come lay with me." "OK I will." So he laid with me and I snuggled up to him. Then we both fell asleep.

A couple hours later we both woke up. I was hearing noises probably from last minute stuff for the ball. "Morning sleeping beauty." "Oh Makani you scared me. Morning." "How are you feeling?" "I feel better. I guess I can't do any field work. I have to do desk work huh?" "Well your brother said he has it at least until after the ball." "Wait does this mean I have to put off going to the surface until the baby is born?" "I'm afraid so." "Aw man. No fair." "I know. We just have to let them and Ocean know." "I'll call Ocean on his shell phone I made him." SO I called him.

"Hey Ocean. Am I disturbing you?" "No not at all whats up?" "We have to put off the joining for another year. I am pregnant again." "Congratulations Naia. You have always wanted a big family right?" "Yeah well." "Ok thank you for telling me." "Your welcome." Then we hung up.

Finally the day of the ball. The ball happened to be at night time. I got my dress on and I made Makani and my kids clothes as well. My dress was purple and blue strapless dress and it was a sweetheart lining. It was an a line medium poof dress. All my girls were medium poof but different colors. My man looked good in blue so I made him a dark blue suit. My boys were different as well. Ok now back to the story. We went to make sure the kids were ready and they were so we headed off as a family.

We finally got to the ball and I spotted Nen. Looks like he brought KiKi as a date. "Hello brother. I see you got Kiki to be your date." "Yeah all I had to do was ask I didn't need to beg. Just what did you say to her sister?" "Nothing your little brain needs to know. That is between me and her now have fun with your date ok? The announcements will take place soon." "Ok just be careful." "You worry to much bro." "Who will when mom and dad aren't around." "Well they are here now so I am going to say hi." "Ok then see you later sis." "Sure." The kids went off to hang out with other kids their age. "Hey mom and dad." "Oh hey honey how have you been?" "I've been ok. How about you two?" "Same as always." "Oh I will have 3 announcements today. I was only supposed to do two but you already know the first 2." "Ok can't wait to hear it." Said Mom. "Yeah. Are you ok honey?" Said dad. "Yeah why wouldn't I be dad?" "You just look tired." "I'm fine really dad." "OK then take it easy ok?" "Yes dad I promise."

Finally the time of announcements came. "Hello ladies and gentleman." I said. Then everyone went quiet. "Is everyone having a good time so far?" They all cheered. "Good Good I'm glad. Well I came here expecting to have 2 announcements now I am here to have an extra one. Lets get the first two first I was going to announce. First I would like to have my son Ocean up here. Ocean please come up." Ocean came up and stood beside me. "My son is going to be the next God. I found out recently." Then there were whispers. "Quiet please I have two more announcements. As you know we have planned to take our people who wanted to come up a few days after the ball. I am sorry you have to wait another year to do that. The reason why is my last announcement. Makani please come up here. The rest of my kids too please. Kids come here please." So my kids and Makani came up. "This here is my wonderful family. My mom and dad are in the crowd along with my brother Nen. So I am pleased to announce I am expecting again. I am going to have another baby." The kids all had their mouths open in shock I saw my parents have the same reaction. "So please don't force me to dance. I can maybe do 1 or 2 dances before I have to dance. I know the ball was to be for the new people that came but I had to get this out I apologize I hope you understand." "Oh we understand just fine. Thanks for telling us." Said the leader of the group. "Your welcome." I said and smiled. The kids got down, Grey and Makani helped me down off the stage. "Thanks you two." "NO problem mom." Now it was time to dance. "Are you feeling up to dancing right now honey?" "Sure why not." So I danced with my husband and the kids dances with their siblings. I smiled seeing them get along.

Once the dance was done I was able to do one more. Grey my oldest son offered me a dance like a prince. I put my hand in his and said of course. I curtseyed and we danced.

After the dance was done I had to rest a bit. Grey escorted me to sit down. "How you feeling mom?" "Oh I'm fine. Just a little tired. No wonder the doc told me I had to sit after the second dance. Woah." "Haha so do we know if you are having twins again or 1 child?" "Well the looks of my stomach it looks like only 1 this time. When I got pregnant with you and your younger siblings my stomach looked bigger." "That's good mom. You think this will be the last one? I don't like seeing you in pain." "Oh Grey. I know. I'm fine really. You know I'm strong I wasn't expecting to get pregnant now who knows." "Well if this isn't the last one I hope the next one is." "haha I'm sure it will be." "Ok mom dad is coming I'll be going now." "Ok Grey. Thanks for the dance." "Of course mom. Anytime." I smiled then waved at him. "How you feeling Naia?" "Oh I'm fine. Just tired." "What did you talk about?" "Nothing much just wanted to know if I was having 1 or 2 this time. I told him 1 my stomach was bigger when I had the twins." "Yeah it was. I hope it's a girl." "I hope it's a boy. The boys seem easier to train then girls. But I won't love the baby any less if it's a girl." "Yeah I know honey."

After awhile I was finally able to dance again. I danced with my younger son who is almost my height. I always knew I was short but not this short. At least it was easy do dance with him because of it. After the dance I danced with my husband then I went to rest. I went back and forth with the boys and the last dances I danced with my girls.

"Well I guess its time to announce the end of the ball." Makani and Grey helped me up and walked with me in case I needed help. "Ok Ladies and Gentleman. I'm glad you all had fun. No I am sad to announce that the ball has ended. You all have a safe trip home." Then I stepped down with Makani and Grey's help.

Finally home. Now I can rest for a few days. "Ok kids get to bed its late." They each gave me a hug and kissed me on the cheek. "Thank you kids I'll see you later." "Yeah mom. We love you." said Ocean. "I know you all love me. I love you too. I won't love you any less when the baby is born." "We know mom." Said Kleena. So they left for their beds and Makani said, "I'm going to tuck Miya in. I'll be back." "Ok sure." I got ready for bed while he did that and laid down.

"Hey baby girl. Want me to tuck you in?" "Yes please daddy." "Ok sure." So he tucked her in and asked them if he wanted them to read a story or sing to them. He had a wonderful singing voice. "Yes daddy. Sing to us." Said Miya. "What about you Kleena? Is that ok?" "You do have a really good singing voice I don't mind." "Ok then what shall I sing?" Then Kleena spoke. What about the lullaby you sang to me and Grey? You also sang it to the younger ones too." "Oh that one. Sure." So he started singing.

Once he was done singing, he checked on the girls and they were fast asleep. Then he went to check on the boys they were both already fast asleep. Then he headed back to his room to see Naia. "Hey honey you asleep?" "I was how are the kids?" "They are fine. The girls wanted me to sing the lullaby to them. The one your parents sang to you that I sang to them as babies." "Oh they sure like that song don't they?" "Yeah they also like my voice. I guess I still got it." "Haha your singing voice will never change I hope. Hey Makani?" "Yeah what is it?" "I hope it will be awhile before it but, when I die I want you to sing that song for me. Will you?" "Oh don't talk about that please. We don't want to jinx it." "Please answer my question will you?" "Yes if I am there in time which I hope to be I promise." "Ok thank you." Then I cuddled with him and I fell asleep. Makani ran his fingers through Naia's hair a bit, then when he felt sleepy he kissed her forehead and fell asleep too.