Chapter 22: 1 year later

I had a little girl with white hair and blue eyes. We named her Kida. Just recently I found out I was pregnant again and I am done after this one. I will see if the doctor can do something to make sure I can't have anymore if I do want more I will adopt. Until then after this one I am done. Anyways back to the story.

"OK Makani. What are we going to do about the others I promised I would take up? Should I have Nen do it or what? Wait I have an idea I'll talk to the messenger to send a message." I went to find the messenger and found him.

"Hello Quinn. I have a message for the Klenna." "Oh what is it?" "If the goddess can't take the sea people up who else would take them up? Should it the be assistant my brother or my husband?" "I will do that. Oh and I will tell her you miss her too right?" "Yes please." "Ok I'm off."

I went back to Makani and the kids. "Hey Makani I'm back." "Hey so are you waiting on a reply now?" "Yes I am." "Uh aren't you going to be late?" "Late for what?" "Look at the time." I looked at the time and said, "Oh no! Its time for the announcement! I'll see you all Later!" I gave Makani a kiss on the cheek and said goodbye to everyone.

Finally I made it to the gathering. "Hello Ladies and gentleman sorry I am slightly late. I lost track of time. I won't be the one taking you up. I am waiting on a reply to who will. It will either be my assistant Nen or my husband Makani. I am pregnant again after this one I won't be anymore. So I hope all of you are packed for today." "Yes." "Ok that is all." I stepped down carefully and the others congratulated me again. Then I went back to Makani and the kids.

"Hey mom." "Oh hey Grey what's up you ok?" "Yeah why?" "You look like you are having some problems." "Yeah um relationship one. I'll talk to dad about it. Have you seen him?" "He's not with you all? Where did he go?" "I don't know." "Ok um. Wait here I'll go find him or you can come too if you want. By the way where are your other siblings?" "The girls are hanging out with their friends and dad has Kida and Ocean." "Well if that's the case I know where he is. Follow me." "Ok mom."

"Oh Makani there you are. Grey has been looking for you." "Mommy!" "Oh hey Kida baby." I picked her up. "Hey Ocean are you doing ok?" "Yeah mom fine." "Ok good. Well I better get back to work until I hear back from the messenger. See you all later. Have a good talk with your father Grey." "Thanks mom."

"Wait Naia!" Said Makani. "Have you told your parents about being pregnant yet?" "No but when I have free time I will. I will have them come over again. Maybe I will just go over there." "No I'll get them to come over. I planned on going Over to visit today anyway." "Ok good then. Remember hush about me being pregnant. I want to tell them." "Yes honey I know." "Oh by the way did you know Nen and Kiki are expecting?" "Yes he told me. I suppose he just told you right?" "Yeah he told me and my parents." "OK see you after work or whenever." "Yeah see you Naia." I gave the Kida to Makani and Ocean wanted to hold her so he gave her to Ocean.

Back at work I sat at my desk. "Nen can I talk to you for a minute?" "Yeah sure what is it?" "Hmm. Well its more personal than work related." "Its fine nothing is happening as far as I know right now so shoot." "Ok well I don't know if I told you but after this kid I am going to make it so I don't have any more. If I want kids I can always adopt." "Are you sure that is what you want sis?" "I am already 36 by the time my kida is 10 I will be 46 This child I am carrying I will most likely already be 56 by then. I know I have the other kids to help out but I can't do it anymore. I have been busy carry for my 5 kids now number 6 I can't do it anymore." "I get it sis. I understand. Well lucky for your girlfriend she is already almost at the age of not having kids anymore so lucky you got her knocked up now." "Yeah that's true." We are pushing to have 4 kids." "Oh well congrats do we know if she is having twins?" It looks like that is what the first ones are your belly looked as big as that when you were pregnant with them." "Oh wow well congrats brother." "Yeah thanks sis." "Oh and Kiki looked so beautiful in her wedding dress." "I know right? I thought so too." Then we went back to work for the rest of the day.

We had one bunk bed and one regular bed for the girls. The bed was for Kida until she was old enough for the bunk bed. When Kleena is 18 she will be moving in with her boyfriend Greys decided to stay here and help with the younger kids. Ocean had no choice but to stay here to train but he was still able to hang out with his friends once in awhile and eventually meet a girl.

Finally there was a knock on my office door. (Knock Knock) I went to my door to open it. "Oh hello Quinn come in." "Thank you." "Wow this place hasn't changed much. Anyway a message from Kleena." He gave me a letter it said:

My dearest Naia

Thank you for contacting me again. I miss you too. As for your situation there it would be best if Nen went he knows more since he works with you. Your husband is welcome to go too if he wants. How have you been? Please let me know

Your friend


"I thought so I was just curious. Thanks Quinn. Uh tell her I am fine and pregnant again for the last time. I had a little girl named Kida she has white hair and blue eyes." "Ok I will let her know I'll leave now." "Sorry to do this to you." "No its all good its my job after all." Then he left and I called for Nen.

"Oh Nen there you are. OK so I got a message from Kleena. She said you should bring them up in my stead. Makani is ok to come if he wants. I'm sure he wants to see his parents. Oh and If the older kids want to go I'll see if they want to. Ocean Miya and Kida have to stay here." "Ok I'll be with you when you make the announcement." "Ok thanks let me go to moms and do that." "Are you sure you want to go over yourself?" "I'm pregnant no crippled." "Yes but." I will be fine be right back Nen. "Just be careful ok?" "Yes Nen you worrywart. I can tell you are going to be an overprotective father. You already are for an uncle." Then I left for my parents house.

"Hey mom and dad." "Oh hey honey. How are you doing?" "I'm fine. Um since I'm here why don't I tell you now. I'm pregnant again." "What?" said mom and dad in unison. "Yes I am pregnant but after this I'm going to have the doctor make sure I can't have anymore. I'll see what he can do. I'll adopt if I want anymore. I can't go through this pain anymore. Ok now for the reason I was here is to tell you Grey and Kleena. Nen will be taking the Sea humans up soon. I'm allowing you to do so what do you say?" "I'm definitely going. What about you Grey?" "I want to stay here and help mom with Kida. You go ahead. I'm sure dad is going too?" "Yes I am. I promised Konane I would." "Ok then. If you are follow me. Bye mom and dad see you later." "Bye honey take care of that baby in your belly now." Said dad. "I will dad. Bye." So our family left back for home.

"OK Nen Time for the announcement." "Ok then." So I walked up and said. "Ladies and gentleman. It will be time so leave soon. So those who are wanting to go to the surface meet him in the big room please. I want to say just one more thing. I am happy that you can finally have this oppertuntity all of you have helped me in many ways than one. I want to thank you all and tell you that I will miss you I hope your dream will come true. That is all."

Then all the kids walked to the door of the big room to see Kleena off. "Are you sure you aren't coming Grey?" "Yeah I'm sure." "Hey man. They got me too you know I can help mom with Kida. Plus there is the maids butlers and all of them." Said Ocean. "Mom will you really be ok?" "Yes Grey. I will be fine. I promise. Here take this. You can call me on my work shell if you are worried." "OK then. I guess so." "Stay together ok? Don't loose eachother. You will come back with your father so stay with him ok?" "Yes mom." "Bye bye" said Kida. Grey picked up Kida. "I'll miss you baby sis. Be good for mommy ok?" Klenna did the same. She picked Kida up and gave her a kiss and a hug. "I'll be back before you know is little sis ok?" "Ok." Makani picked up Kida and said goodbye to her and me and the same time. "Bye Honey. Sorry I have to go." "Its all good I'll see you in a few days ok?" "Yeah. OK come on kids lets go." "Protect our kids keep them safe. You stay safe too you hear?" "Yes your majesty." Makani Joked. "You better keep your word my kind peasant." I joked. Then everyone laughed and they went to the big room. "Ok kids go ahead and do your thing. I'll get a maid to watch Kida." "I'll watch her mom." Said Ocean. "No honey you have to train. After you can ok?" "Oh ok." He said sadly cause he wanted to. "If you need anything miya talk to one of the maids or butlers ok? I have to train Ocean." "Yes mom I know." "Ok good. So Ocean I went to find a maid to watch over Kida for the time being then we headed back to work So I can train him.

"Ok back to work Ocean. Right now I am doing paper work. Just because I watch over people doesn't mean I don't have it. There is paper work about what is going on in the village and their problems and excitements. If you see a paper like, Hmm lets see…..Aha here. If you see a paper like this it means you have to go over and see them. As In the stage I am if its close I can if its further away I usually have someone do it for me for now. Then the others are just whenever you can get to stuff. What I will have you do for your training today since I can't take you up as of the moment. I will have Nen do that some time after he gets some rest when he comes back. I will have you look at the chart. As you see there are two separate columns. One for the sea humans in the Ocean and one for the Surface. I did this so it was easier for me. You can make the chart easier for you when you become the next God. When you do I won't be around. That's how it goes once the god or goddesses die the next one takes their place. "Well then. I have awhile to learn don't I? You are still in your prime right mom?" "Haha yes Kiddo I am." Then I ruffled his hair. "Hey mom don't do that you'll mess up my hair." How does hair stay the way it is in water anyway there is nothing to mess up." "Still." "Ok ok Ocean. Now keep watch on the charts I put what the colors meant in the middle between the charts so I don't have to repeat it. Nen usually does all this. OH and Ocean. Who would you want to be your assistant? I can be anyone you trust. A sibling a friend or relative it doesn't matter. "Well I was hoping my big brother would. But I don't know." "When he gets back why don't you ask him it will give him more time with Kida if he stays here." "He planned on staying here from the beginning right? So I don't see why he can't." "Yeah your right. Well still ask him ok? I'm sure he will agree." "Yeah mom. I will." So Ocean kept his eyes on the chart and wrote some notes. "Hey mom? What does it mean when they blink?" "Is someone blinking?" "Yeah one of the blue ones." "Who is it?" "Its um Oh no. its my friend Tanako. What does the blinking mean. Tell me its not serious." "Its not serious don't worry. It just means they have to see someone is all. Since I can't do it the others can see it. I made a chart for the others to see so they can go and see if they can help." "Pfew. Ok that's a relief. Thanks mom." "Sure no problem Ocean." Then I went back to my desk work he went back to watching the chart. I went on the computer to put that note in there. Ocean saw some writing. "Mom is that you writing in there?" "Yeah I'm writing what the blinking means for each color." "Oh that's helpful thanks mom." "No problem son."

(On the surface)

"We finally made it." Said Nen. "Ok now since we are here stay together no one run off until we meet with Ocean first ok?" So Nen and Makani guided everyone over to Ocean's place.

"Hello Everyone welcome to the surface.