Revelations and Alliances

"What do you all think? Do you agree?" Kai's father asked the council members.

"I guess there's no other choice. The peace in the capital is important, and everyone's safety is top priority."

"We'd still be outnumbered though. The Elites won't be able to handle all those low-level vampires. Even with the help from Father Sinclair's underground group, it'd be difficult."

"Then, we'd have to call for an emergency vampire conference. We'll gather as many vampires as we can. Not only the elites, but even the students who would volunteer to fight will be allowed."

"No way. That's preposterous. We can't let the children fight."

"Krista was still a student when she went against the Church, and she's not even a vampire. What's good of having speed and strength when all they do at school is look at books?"

"But still---"

I don't know why, but it was fun listening to their conversation. A sense of relief was showering on me. I never imagined I'd hear a conversation as normal as what I was hearing in the library from the feared Vampire Council members. I glanced at Kai and found him staring at me. I gave him a genuine smile. It was a smile I never thought I'd be able to make again.

"There's one other thing I need to ask you." Kai's father said so suddenly, cutting off the vampires' conversation. "This young man beside you…"

"Yes father." Kai answered immediately. "This is Kilian, our son."

Everybody fell silent. Our friends were probably bracing themselves for an uproar while the council members were trying to figure out how to react to the situation. I looked at Kai's father's expression – waiting for the worst. The worst didn't come.

"I knew it. He reminds me so much of myself when I was young." He said. "I was a handsome lad." Then, he chuckled.

"Of course you were, darling." His wife said. Then she faced me. "It must have been really difficult for you to have raised your son on your own. Kai went looking for you after you disappeared. It was the first time I saw him broken. Although he's not saying it, my husband feels remorseful for keeping you apart. It was one of the biggest mistakes we've made. But it was for a good reason. Kai is our only son. We only wanted to protect him. Will you forgive us for prioritizing his safety?"

"No, of course not. If it had been me, I'd probably do the same." I answered. "You're right, after all. What we had was against the law. We'd never make the same mistake again. After everything's over, I'm leaving with my son."

"No, you're not." Kai protested. "You're not leaving me again."

"It's for the best. If the others find out about it, the laws that we've been upholding will crumble." I said. "We'd set a bad example, and many will think they can go against the law anytime."

"Then I'm leaving with you." He declared.

"No, you can't." I immediately said. "Once everything's over, the Church might be dissolved and the future of the capital will be on the Council's shoulders. Everything will be in chaos and people are going to be in a state of confusion. They'll need you here."

"Then, shouldn't you stay as well?" Christian asked. "The humans will need a leader."

"I'm no leader. And I doubt they'd follow me. I am a fugitive after all." Then I turned to Kai's father. "I'll leave everyone in your hands by then."

"I understand. But let's win this war first." He said in a low gentle voice.

"What about the Church officials and the staff at the research facility. What do we do about them?" Jeremy's sister suddenly asked.

"We arrest them. They have the right for a proper trial?" Kai's father said.

"A proper trial? After what they've done?"

"Yes. Despite that, they're high-ranking officials. We must solve things properly."

"Fine. But it won't be our fault if they accidentally get killed in battle." Then she walked away, with her beautiful blonde hair swaying behind her.

"It's late. You should all stay here." Kai's mother offered. "We must start preparations tomorrow."

"Thank you but I need to go back to Father Sinclair." Maria said. "We should start with our own preparations as well." She said her goodbyes and left for the underground group.

We decided to accept Kai's mother's offer and stayed for the night. It was already late, but the castle was bustling. Vampires came for an emergency meeting and were convening in the great hall. The vampires must be agitated; they immediately came after they were summoned. We stayed in the east wing, away from the noisy great hall. The hallway was deserted. Most of the vampires living in the castle were in the great hall, while the castle staff was probably in the great hall assisting the guests or in the kitchen preparing a feast for the busy vampires.

The room I stayed at reminded me of my bedroom at our castle. The beautiful arches, the marble floor, the huge cozy bed in the middle and even the scenery out the window of columns of trees that were seemingly dancing in the wind, made me feel so nostalgic. Then I wondered what I'd do when I see him, my father. He took care of me my entire childhood after my mother died of a sudden vampire attack. But because of his goal to eradicate all vampires, we had to go against each other in battle. Of course I knew he won't be in the field. Of course I knew Kai wouldn't let me join the fight. But once the war's over and they're at trial, I'd have to see him. After seventeen years of living away from all the mess, I was once again pulled back to my world, with chaos looming at the doorstep. I was so lost in thought; I almost jumped when somebody knocked on the door. It was Kai.

"We have an uninvited guest."

We came down and proceeded to the foyer. The others were already there. And there, surrounded by angry vampires was Philip.

"Annie, I've been looking everywhere for you. What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Cut it out Phil. I remember everything." I said.

He stood frozen for a moment. "You remember everything?" I nodded. "Including Anita?"

A tear fell. Of course I remembered her. The person who so selflessly sacrificed her life for us, my hero. "Yes. I remember her." I let the tears fall. There was no point keeping them in check. "And I don't hate you for lying to me." I told Philip. He looked at me, surprised. "You did it to keep us safe. Thank you."

He came nearer and hugged me tight. "I'm just relieved you're alright. I lied about your past but my feelings were real."

"I know. And I am grateful, really. I love you too, just not the same way you feel about me."

His hug tightened. "Why? Why can't it be me?"

"I'm sorry Phil." I said. I loosened his arms around me and faced him. "We can't enjoy this reunion. There's something more important."

"I know. Maria told me when we met near the market. She was the one who told me you were here."

"I'm sorry for intruding in your conversation but there's just one thing." Kai butted in. Then he punched Philip in the face. He did it so strongly that it made a sound.

Philip fell on the floor and coughed a little blood. Then he chuckled. "I've missed you too, my friend." He jokingly said to Kai. Then he turned to me. "So, how can I help?"