Crossing Paths

The fateful day came. I was uneasy. It felt like a sharp stick was just stabbed in my heart and I was walking around with it on my chest. I was anxious not at the low-level vampires that had to be massacred or of the fact that Kilian, Kai and the others had to join the fight. I was anxious about meeting my father sooner than I was prepared for. I knew I had nothing to be guilty about. What he was doing was just wrong. But still, in my heart, I couldn't help but feel a little guilty about leaving him, abandoning him when I was the only family he had. When I left, how did he feel going home to the castle with no one waiting for his return? Did he go to my empty bedroom and looked at my pictures, wondering how things turned out the way they did? Did he regret starting the research, even just a little? The questions lingered on my mind and made me feel nauseous.

"We'll get going then." Kai said. "Stay in the castle. You'll be safe here."

"You all take care." I told them. "Promise me you'll keep watch on Kilian. Don't let him get hurt or I swear---"

"Enough, Enough." Kilian cut me out. "Mom, I'm not a child. I can take care of myself." Then, he gave me a kiss on the forehead. "See you later."

They walked to the car and got in. I waved them goodbye. When I turned around to get back inside, Jeremy's sister was making her way out. Our eyes met and I shivered. There was something in that look in her eyes that gave me chills. My instincts were sending warning signals and I froze in fear. I heard the car door open then close. The engine revved and went on its way. I almost ran to the bedroom and frantically looked for my phone. I found it under the pillow. I immediately dialed Maria's number and she answered on the third ring.

"Krista? Is something wrong?" She asked, worried.

"Where are you? Are you already at the estate?" I asked.

"Not yet. I'm having an argument with Father Sinclair. He badly wants to go." She said, it sounded like she was starting to get irritated at her adoptive father.

"Good. Tell him to come pick me up. I'll wait for him by the gate" I said. "And kindly pack some weapons for us."

"What? What do you mean? Why---"

"And before I forget, keep it a secret. I'll explain later. Bye." I hung up the phone.

I changed into thick winter clothes to keep me warm. The estate will be covered in cold desolation and I didn't want to get swallowed by the atmosphere. Then, the last thing I had to do was the thing I did best at, sneaking out.

"I can't believe you were able to sneak out of that castle. What were all those vampire guards doing?" Father Sinclair asked.

"Everybody's at the estate. Only a few servants were at the castle and they were all busy preparing for the worst." I explained. "What's the situation there, Father?"

"Well, our men have successfully surrounded the property. The underground are working incredibly well together with the vampires the council sent." He said. "Younger vampires are scattered all over the capital in case one or two of the monsters get past our barricade. They'll be dealt with immediately. Everything's going according to plan." He sounded proud. "Surprisingly, the Church has issued a lockdown. Everyone has been ordered to stay indoors. I guess they still care about the people."

"Everything's in plan, except for us. We are the anomalies." I said jokingly.

"True. That reminds me, why did you decide to sneak to the battlefield?" He asked. "If Kai or your son finds out, they'd go crazy with worry."

"I just have a bad feeling about it." I simply said.

"So, we're taking a risk going to what might be our future graveyard because of your instincts?" He asked sarcastically. "You haven't changed at all."

"I know I'm impulsive, but this time I believe I should be there." I said with conviction.

Father Sinclair was quiet for a while. "What is it? What's bothering you?"

"It's Jeremy's sister. I think she plans on killing everyone. And I mean everyone."

"You mean all the people in the lab?"

"Yes. I saw the look in her eyes. They were full of rage and malice. She wants to erase them all." I said. "As much as I hate what my father had done, I don't want him dead. He's still my father. So, I'm going to get him out of there. Alive."

"How are you going to do that? Our men have surrounded the area. I doubt any of them will let you in."

"Father, you must have forgotten that the estate belongs to us. I've wandered around the property since I was little." I said. "There's a secret tunnel only I know about. The entrance is in the forest west of the property. I accidentally discovered it when I was recuperating in the property after surviving that vampire attack when I was fourteen."

"I'm not so sure about this." He began to argue. "I don't think it's a good idea. It's too dangerous."

"There's no other choice." I said. "I won't let my father die."

Father Sinclair accompanied me to the tunnel entrance. The entrance looked even smaller than I remembered; just probably a little bigger than a rabbit hole. We almost couldn't locate it because it had been covered in thick vines. But it was still there, thank goodness.

"I'm going with you." Father Sinclair said.

"I'm sorry Father but I can't let you go with me. I promised Maria that nothing bad will happen to you. I will never be able to face her if the worst thing happens." I said. "Plus, I'm fully equipped with all these weapons Maria packed for me. I'll be fine. You remember what I told you?"

"Yes. Be safe. I've already called our insider. She'll meet you at the cabin." He gave me a tight hug then he let go.

I took a deep breath before entering the tunnel. Thud. I fell on rough ground. I wiped my hands on my jeans and reached for the flashlight from my back pocket. I turned it on. The tunnel seemed darker and more eerie than I remembered. Or maybe it was the fear that was making the hair on the back of my neck shot up. I knew it was impossible that another being had discovered the tunnel, but I still took out a pistol just in case I bump into unwanted company. I followed the tunnel which was a direct route. I didn't have to worry about making choices whether to turn right or left. I kept going and walked for what seemed like forever until my head hit the metal handles. I looked above and then started climbing up, every step I made on the metal handles echoed in the tunnel. I tried to push the hatch but it didn't budge. I started sweating, fearing that the other side had been sealed shut. Then, the hatch opened and a woman started helping me out of the hole.

"It's you." I recognized her immediately. She was the reason we were able to get on track years ago. It was the nun at the orphanage I stole those documents from.

"It's great to see you again Krista." She said. "It's like you haven't aged at all."

"By why are you helping the underground? Why are you helping us?" It just didn't make sense to me.

"Do you really think you could've just taken those documents without me noticing?"

"So, you did it on purpose? It was no accident you collided with me?" I said, trying to remember what happened that day.

"Yes. And it was no accident you were able to get your hands on those papers." She said. "You did amazing after that, but we all underestimated the Church. Are you sure you want to save them? After everything they've done?"

"They must atone for their sins. They won't be able to do that when they're dead."