Ch 01

"Phone messages "



Whether you are travelling for business or pleasure, the luxury hotel services offered by the five star Grand Palace Hotel make it an ideal choice for your stay in Manhattan. The hotel's luxurious surroundings, comfort, thoughtful touches and a personalized service sets it apart from any other hotel, allowing you to feel like being at home from your very first steps into the hotel.

And today one of the best lawyers in new York's Jonathan Williams is conducting associate recruitment interviews at this very hotel

Jonathan Williams is described as capable of being extremely charming, persuasive, and playful, although he does not always exercise these traits. His good looks, easy smile, confidence, and charisma make him a hit with both clients and ladies alike. However, not many people like him, possibly because they are exposed to his more ruthless side on a regular basis...

After finally achieving his dream of becoming a senior partner in a firm, he fund out that he must hire an associate from Harvard law School, so he is somewhat reluctantly conducting this interview....

As mike sitting in the cabe he reviewed what he know about Jonathan and from what he know getting the job is difficult, very difficult.....

" i think Jonathan is just going with the flow as he is forced so either he chose a random one or wont chose anyone" reaching to this result mike sighted" why evrything has to be hard to, even buying a house took me 2 years "

Mike grabbed the case beside him to check it content and nodded satisfied with it he took 1000 dollar bill and gave it to taxi driver " good job travis "

The driver took the bill and nooded " it nothing Mr Ross, i just followed your instructions and delivered the case to you"

Mike smilled and said " this 1000 dollar are not for the delivery but for holding your curiosity and not opening the case "

Travis frowned " forgive me for asking Mr Ross but how did you know that i didn't open it "

Mike smile deepened " oh don't worry, i always know what i went to know "Travis just nodded and drove.....

This case and it content was a really important part of his plan today....

After doing a thorough research about Jonathan, mike found that Jonathan character resembles someone he know so he adapted a methode from a tv show he watched in his last life.....

" i hope it works or else he will think i am crazy "

________________ timeskip

At 10.00 oclock mike reached the grand palace hotel and took his time walking slowly toward the room 507 ...

With a full black suit and and black shades and briefcase full of ####(no spioler) he was an eye candy for women he passed ...

Reaching the the room 507 he heard the women on the desk yelling "Mr fred Thompson " twice so he know his time is here let the play start....

He took of his shade and and faked a a running poster and somwhat awkwardly faked two coughs then looked at the secretary..

The secretery donna frowned " Excuses me Mr Thompson, you are five minuts late, is there a reason to why shoud i let you in "

Mike looked awkwardly at here and looked bihind him as if there was somone chasing him" um look i just went to ditch the cops ok,I dont really care if you let me in or not"

Donna looked impressed then she said "Mr Williams will be right with you, can i get you anything a coffee or water "

"No thank you" mike said and followed here lead to room inside....

Inside the room he saw Jonathan standing biside the desk so he entred and shaked hands with him...

" hi, fred Thompson" mike introduced himself

" Jonathan Williams " Jonathan returned the shake and mentioned for him to take a seat

But as he was going to be seated the briefcase opened on it self and surprise, it was full of pots( drugs)...

Jonathan was shocked at this spectacle and questioned " whoa, what is this " ( i think you already know i am taking this from the tv show suits)

And then mike awkwardly informed jonathan about his supposed circumstances , as traying to sell weeds to take car of his mother and evrything ...

Evrything happened as mike planned

Break scene ______________

Jonathan was really impresed as the kid have a marvelous memory and basically know evrything about law like the back of hands .... and he said " we should hire you, really I'd give you the 25 thousands as signing bonus"

Mike interjected " do you really mean that "

Jonathan shook his head " unfortunately we only hire from Harvard, not only you havent gon to harverd , you didnt go to any law school"

Mike smiled and throw a file to the desk and said "who said that " ...the he stood up and introduced himself again " mike Ross pleasure to meet you "...

Jonathan looked at the file then laughed as he looked " it pleaseur indeed" then continued reading the file ...

After a couple of minutes he stood up and said " good trick kid , report tomorrow at 8 o'clock "

" yes .sir "

Break scene __________________________

" hah it worked " mike smiled as he left the hotel back to his house, it was a fun experience to him..

Inside the house laying on his couche mike tooke a phone. It was and old modell nokia phone, after turning on the phone he put it on the table in front of him and waited....

After a couple of minutes the phone rang as a message came in so Ross held the phone and read it

"the name is david and i went to issue a contract"

Mike replied " the name "

David again " Jeffrey Hawkins "

Mike looked at the name deeply the said " hit card " and a white card appeared in his hands magically , what was written on the card you ask

Name: Jeffrey Hawkins

Age : 30

Job : a gangster boss

Karma : -20

After mike saw what was written on it he replied to david

" done, wire half the money now "

David replied " okay "

After 5 minutes a message came in indicating that the money was wired ...