ch 02

Jeffrey was in good mood this days as he felt that his days of bieng a small gang leader is on the verge of ending...

Last week he got a new sponsor and a rich one at that , the deal was to open a shell constraction company to clean the problem of hid sponsor.....

This shell companies are too common this days as they are used in lot of things such as laundering money, blackmailing, silencing opponents, even assasination...

And a lot of wealthy people needed such companies but the problem was finding capable people to oversee this shells for them .....

As evry other day Jeffrey was in his car ruturning toward his home at is close to dinner time ... looking at his increased security he frowned .... he didn't like so many people going in and out of his house but the sponsor was the one responsible about this as he said that his promotion will garner some unwanted attention and maybe problems too.....

After having his dinner it was time for his favourite activity as he liked to drink a couple of cups from his favorite drink....

He was used to this as this was one of the thing that helped him relaxe from a long day of work ..

It was supposed to be on the balcony in the second floor as that was his go to relax place but even that was striped from him by this couple of guards as they recomnded a less open place to avoid getting sniped ....

" really , sniped ? This people watched a lot tv shows " he grumbled under his breath as sat inside his bedroom facing the open window and the beautiful view of the moon up in the sky.....

As he poured a second glasse of wine he fellt a sudden chill coming directly from his soul and then he heard a gunshot from a far then a bullet was thrust directly in his head ....


It was another easy job for mike as saw his target fall from his chair by the small thermo his hands ....

" killing is too easy this days "sighed mike as he disassembled his sniper rifle and took his leave .....

Per say it was easy job for mike but for another hitman it was hard to say as there wasn't a lot of people who can guaranty taking a shot from 1 km away .....

Mike was a special ops in his last life and he was specialized in sniping, especially from long distance as his record was a kill from 900 meters....

And why bieng a hitman you say , it was really like predestined path for him . And that where his skillsets lies.....

He tried a lot of thing just after reincarnations as he needed money to live but a lot thing was deadends

He tried to write some books from his past life but guess what who said there wasn't a harrypotter books in marvel vers ... evry book he know was already published ....

Movies were the same.

stoke market's, finence and business idea's like amazon was already taken, so he really was in tight place

That untill his golden finger arrived in the the form of tarot deck cards ...

The first time the deck apeared before him was a interesting experience as it just appeared befor him from thin air....

As he opened the deck there was a lot of cards inside but he only maneged to take only three cards as the other won't budg....

The first card was a state card

Name: mike Ross







This was his state card from the time he reincarnated and 8 years passed but his PARAMETERS are still the same ...

The second card was the hit card and it shows the name of the target and it karma .....example

Name: Jeffrey Hawkins

Age : 30

Job : a gangster boss

Karma : -20

The hit card was a very important card at was used as a criteria to accept mission oe jobs

The first rule was any target has to be atleast 20 years of age...

The second rule was any target has to have a negative karma ....

The third rule was any mission has to be released from a third party....

The third card was a kill card and it has one simple function was to count finished mission.....

It was his golden finger that gave him the final push to chose this path of killing...

And why he chose his nikname as the Cleaner because his targets are the trash of humanity because to have a nigative karma was an indicator of many bad deads that ranged from killing to raping and stealing.....

Mike drove his ride to his home as he massaged his employer

Mike " jobe is done , wire the rest of the money "

Davide "DONE"

Mike was in his living room watching his favorite tv show when his phone vibrated indicating the rest of the money has been wired ....

So he wispered "kill card " as the card appeared in his hand with the number 100 on it then the card burst in a white light and the next second he found himself in white room with a giant wheel suspended in the middel room ...

As he gazed at the wheel he instantly know that he had to spin it. It was like someone told him to.....

So alex examened the room extensively but found nothing so he span the wheel with a hard shov....

As the wheel span couple time it stopped on a strang symbol and a card floated from the symbol to his hand...

As he looked at the card he noticed a dagger symbole on the back of the card .. on the other side was the image a thick purple and black helmet with a skull shaped visor, and biside the image ther was some text ....



Hassan-i Sabbah


Heroic Spirit


Old Man of the Mountain







Assassin's true parameters are all one rank higher than listed.


Presence Concealment (A Rank): Erases one's own presence. It is the vestige of an ability he learned long ago. The swordsman bears a powerful curse which makes his presence known those whom he will kill next, even if he achieves a perfect success on a check to conceal himself.[1][3] In short, the opponent breaks out in cold sweat, perceiving a premonition of the death that is to be their fate.

Magic Resistance (B Rank): Invalidates spells with a chant below three verses. Even if targeted by High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals, it is difficult for them to be wounded.[3]

IIndependent Action (B Rank): Although it was originally an Archer-class specific skill, King Hassan, who attained a faith pure to the extent of shaving off his meat and scraping out his internal organs, is capable of acting at his own discretion by pure will alone]

At The Boundary (A Rank): A Skill for those who walk within the Valley, are as one with Death, and are familiar with its ways. He is resistant to death's instantaneous imposition, and as well as the effects of charm. The sword of this individual who continues to walk within the boundary of the Valley is said to add an instant death effect to every attack. Although the probability is low, it presents a danger of dying instantly, no matter how formidable the enemy might be. Those in the Valley are familiar with Death and are one with it, acquiring resistance to instant death and fear. When taking the form of a Servant, the rank is lowered to A since he is leaving the boundary by himself. Instant death immunity, charm immunity, and the addition of instant death effect to normal attacks.[3]

Personal Skills

Battle Continuation (EX Rank): The ability to resume combat. Allows for survival unless dealt a decisively fatal blow, continuing to fight even when sustaining a wound that leaves one on the verge of death. This swordsman who is no longer certain whether he is alive or dead, even if he receives a fatal wound or loses half of his body, for example, will keep snapping at the enemy as if he was in perfectly good health.[3]

Abyss of Death (EX Rank): Upgrade from Battle Continuation.[2]

Natural Body (C(A) Rank): The possession of a perfect body as a living being since birth. It is possible to increase the rank of the parameter of one's physical strength. A muscular shape even without training, what's more, the body shape won't change no matter how much calorie is how it was supposed to be, however, this swordsman has ended up remodeling his body, influenced by his own religious faith. Therefore, the rank is substantially lowered.[3]

Protection of the Faith (A+++ Rank): A Skill possessed only by those who have sacrificed themselves for a religious view. Despite being called divine protection, it is not a blessing from a higher existence. It is nothing but the absoluteness of one's body and mind that was born from their beliefs. ....If it is too high, it causes abnormalities in the personality.[3]

Uncrowned Martial Arts (-): Skill with arms that was not recognized due to various reasons. The rank of his sword, spear, bow, Riding, and Divinity-related skills is one rank lower each, and the attributes are displayed as the exact opposite of what they are. His parameters are also mentioned to be one rank higher than displayed. On the occasion that his True Name is revealed, this skill is terminated.[3]

Evening Bell (EX Rank): The signals the announcement of funereal proceedings and the visitation of Death. This unique skill manifests as a result of having become one with the rites of passing. The swordsman of the Evening Bell is without agency in his choice of opponents. He brings salvation to those who have lost sight of their mortality in the place of God.[1][3] Everything is by the will of Heaven, therefore, those who end up meeting with this swordsman will know of the end of their fate.[3]


Noble Phantasm ( unavailable) will be given somthing else in the future....

Note: after merging with card all the paramater will be at E rank but with sufficient training and some hidden triggers the host can retain the original parameter even raise it beyond due to natural body skill...