ch 03

Waking up to the sound of chirping birds , and of course the ringing of his alarm, mike opened his eyes in his badroom to find it already 6.00 am

Changing his clothes and drinking a cup of warm water , mike began his morning workout, even if this kind of workout isnt effective as he merged with the assassins card his whole PARAMETERS upgraded to a whole diffrent levels

Name: mike Ross







From G to E , all his PARAMETERS were boosted greatly, if G was at the level of Olympics players then E it at the limits of humans biengs And from D upwards that was at the superhumans range

Let take captain America for example his PARAMETERS would be at E+ except his endurance

So for mike it was hard adjusting to his current body , and after half a month he found the current limits of his body

For strength he can lift things under 400 kg

For speed his limits was 80 km par hour .

Endurance was hard to find but he can keep training for plus 10 hours and that the minimum...

And mike was able to draw another 3 cards , but this card was a blessing and a curse at the same time

A blessing because it opened another PARAMETER called karma.

A curse because it forced him to be exposed to the public and somewhat take a superhero approach in this world

The card was called world card and it has the same function as the mission card but the employer wasn't a third party but the earth itself

So the will of the plenet earth will generate mission for him in the future and the plus side was that it rewarded him with karma pionts and karma pionts can be used to upgrade his PARAMETERS

The first world card that apeared was simple one

Card :world

Mission : minimize the damage in the fight between the green and the black abominations

Time limits : 1 months

Reward : every 10 person saved equal 1 karma pionts

It was a simple one indeed but entring the fight between those abomination was dangerous and the best option was to kill blonsky before he transform but that hard as mike momories was at best blurry when it cames to the timeline, yes he know general big events that will happen but the exact timings was hard...

Even with world card giving him a month time range but the problem he couldn't even remember where the battle will happen....

Another problem his information network was weak at best as he can't investigate the military or any powerfull organization ...

So he has no other option but to wait for the thing to happen while he tried to remember any useful information .... meanwhile mike was heading to work. After half a month mike already dominated and made a name for himself as a telented upcoming lawyer...

Just a couple of days and mike already proved himself after he closed a deal worth a couple hundred thousands dollar as his first deal .....

As for his first trial that happened two days ago it was a marvelous display of talent as he won a dead case that was thrown on him by his associates....

The entirety of the case about a women who got thrown out of here rented apartment as she couldn't afford the rent ..

But that for another time , meanwhile. Mike as always was busy doing his work for his associates from reviewing contracts and leases and finding loopholes in them ....

At 6 am he was already at his home chilling on the sofa and watching a movies ...

That was untill a card appeared on it self , looking at the card mike murmered " ah , the word card"

Yes the word card was showing a map with red dot moving around and a number in corner

Casualties: 0

Mike opened his eyes wide while saying " shit , it started "

So he jumped from his comfortabl sofa and wispered " suit card "

And a card apreared with the image of suit, as he crushed it , a suit magically replaced his clothes ..

This was the socond card he managed to draw , it name was suit card and it function was like it name

Card: suit

Fonction : design your battle suit .

Have you ever played the hitman games , if yes then you remember his iconic suit , mike designed his suit based on it ...

It was tow piece full black suit with skull black mask , this was his supposed superhero outfite...

As he was doned in his outfit mike looked at the mape then jumped from his window to the dark night

With a speed of 80 km par hour it took him about 20 minutes to hear some battle noises ..


Tonight's, The Harlem neighborhood of Manhattan, exactly Broadway on 121st Street was filled huge noises and explosions.

cries filled the whole street, fire was everywhere, and a cars flew out from time to time, smashing the tall buildings on the side of the streets..

This was the consequences of the raging abomination in the middle of the street...

Mike looked at the card and draw a deep breath "damn, already 800 deaths"

After taking a few steps, a broken body fell from the sky and smashed in front of mike. internal organs that were mixed with bright red blood and a lot of flesh and blood debris was splashed toward his clothes.

" not my suit " mike dodged with a burst of speed toward the left with frown in his face .....

The extremely stimulating scene didn't even faze him , his full focus was on the disturbing shape of black muscles that was wreaking havoc on the streets...

 with a dark green humanlike face, and a skin like that of a fish, slimy, and rubbery. His spine is lined with sharp spikes and these spikes are seen on his elbows as well. The skin of The Abomination appears to be tight on his body, showing off various bones and veins very clearly.

  There were two military trucks around. An RPG was shot at Abomination . The rocket with a speed of 30 meters per second was caught by Abomination and exploded. With violent flames.

  but the Abomination walked out of the explosion without any scars,

  With a grinning smile, he immediately blasted a car and walked quickly towards the military truck .....