Chapter 42


I was heart broken by that time but seeing Madeline's face lit up with happiness my heart turned into bliss. I'm glad she's in that squad. We were so close to it and our area was clear but we're surprised when a harlequin bomb explode in front of us. And I know from then that there's something wrong and I know Axel notice it.

I lost my consciousness because of the sudden impact. Yes, this game looks like real and meaning while you're in the battle it is real. You will loss blood, you will feel dizzy, you can feel the pain, you can be hurt. This game is dangerous. It's looks so real and it felt so real. No wonder this game named God Game.

Like I said Sebastian Storm...Draco Valdemort, they're dangerous, they are not humans. Even pronounciation of the human do not suit them. They are crazy, lunatic and sick. They believe taking this game is nearing to the gods. Gods that are running into their minds. Seriously, what brain do they have? They even build a wall. Enormous wall that I don't see any explanation upon why do they have to do build those. And why the city of Olympus that was once a happy city, full of smiles and big family was now a prison. I pity those kids whose eyes pictured this kind of city. Little by little the slavery will put down into this place.

"A total psycho," I muttered.

Madeline will now have her freedom...her life back out this room. This vaultex, where the hell begins. But I doubt that it will ever be given to her. I'm not jealous or anything. I am worried if Valdemort keeps his words. We've been here trapped for years and none of his words come true and I doubt this time. If something happens to her I swear in my life and blood I will kill him. If his words won't come true, I will give my life for out freedom. Seeing these persons like me trapped in here makes my heart ache everytime I see them crying. One of our advantage is seeing the outside world. And by the means of that we can see our family, our loved ones and what is the most crucial part is we can only look at them. And they thought we are dead.

But until then I am still blessed to be still part of the game in the third level. And my team is the same. And thar would give me a chance to ask them for help.

"Are you alright, Minato?" Madeline asked which bring me back from my thoughts.

"Madeline," I called whispering her name. She's still beautiful even though the sun's not rising in this room nor moon. "Yes, I am alright. What makes you think I am not?" I asked.

She looked at me straight in the eyes and smiled. "You know what, I know you're not alright. I know you since we got here. I can read you ya know. I know Valdemort will not keep his promise. I know it from the start. But when our team got the vault I was happy even though I know the truth. Even that was just a seconds of happiness I felt freedom, Minato. I feel that I can be happy, I can have a life just for a second. I'm not making myself dumb, Minato. I just wanted to feel it. Even...just...for...a second," she stated and a single tear escape in her eye as she smiled. My heart melted and I can't help but to pull her waist and heard her gasp. I embrace her and at the same time comb her hair using my hand. And then in no seconds she burst into tears.

"It's's alright," I whispered in her ear, those were the words that only came out from my mouth. I don't want to cry in front of her. I am her foundation and she depends on me whenever she is weak. I can't let her see that I am almost into my limit. I can't surrender now, specially that I can almost see a hint of light. A hope from them.

"You know what, it's okay not to be okay. Use that okay? We will be free. We will have freedom that all of these will belong to the past. We will build another world. We will dream. We will breath fresh air not like here. It's toxic right?" I laugh at the last sentence and so as she. "There, you look human when you laugh. Trust me, Madeline. Everythings gonna be alright," I stated and heard her sigh.

She pulled out and look at me. "I know and I put my faith on you," she voiced out.

If we would be free, I would put this experience in history. I didn't know that this world would exist in my entire life. In my good old days as a young boy I can only watch it from movies and read it on books together with Axel. Sometimes in their house and sometimes at mine while having our favorite food to eat. Cakes and pastries and everything that sweets. How miss those things. It's been years since I got here. I've never tasted those again and I wonder how it taste now. I totally forget how it taste. Crazy right? I miss those times. And sometimes I'm losing hope that I could see the outside world again. But seeing the other people who struggles and surviving it gives me strenght to fight. Fight for our freedom.

"Your team is amazing. I can't put a word into your team," she added which I nodded.

Amazing and that word is much more suited to Kousuke Hayate. The son of the man who made this game...who formulated this game. And no wonder if in the future he will be like his father. I admire Kousuke's positiveness in life and being cheerful. He smiles even in hardest time and can come up with an amazing plan and strategies. And Axel knows that.

I don't know how's Kousuke's condition right now but I just hope he would get better anytime soon. What will happen if those vaults be completed? For how many years of playing this is the only year that the first and second vault won. And I have these feeling...freedom is waving at us.

"You'll see'll see.'