
I had no idea how funny and entertaining Calvin is, spending the rest of my free time with him was really good, not to mention I laughed so hard as he made some weird moves and then claimed to be Michael Jackson's lost son who inherited all your talent.

I think I've made a new friend.

At least I hope so.

Because friendship between a man and a woman is much easier, they are always direct, they know things that we can't even imagine, there will almost never be a drama between you, because they just don't know how to keep quiet when they feel something, not that there aren't women so, but taking into account my personal experience with friendship with men and women, i can say that my only friend hates me for something i have no idea what it is.

So I think I find it easier to make friends with boys.

Ah, there's one more advantage to that... They can carry you when you're feeling lazy.

This advantage is one of the best.

But I can't forget that there are a lot of fake boys too, I think this thing about what kind of friendship is best depends a lot on your circle of friends and how you socialize.

- So your cousin included you are Pandora in the trip to Starbucks? - Calvin asks laughing and I nod.

- He thought that I'm into her and that she's into me. - I replied, shaking my head, smiling and he looked at me.

- And when he finds something, he goes to great lengths to prove he's right or find out he's wrong. - he says and I nod. - But you really don't like her? - he asks with a tone of amusement and I push him lightly making him laugh while I roll my eyes.

- I'm not into her, in fact I don't understand much about these things so I don't even know if I would understand if I was into her. - I say confused with my own words and he looks at me attentively. - I think I'm better at understanding the feelings of others. - complete and he makes a funny face.

- Then tell me if I have any chance with your cousin. - he says amused and I think about how to tell him that he has a chance, but something serious wouldn't happen because my cousin is a wolf and our pack is prejudiced.

- You have a chance, but our family would be a problem if things got serious. - I say and he nods indicating understanding.

- Is your family conservative? - he asks and I nod.

- Let's say they are much worse than the traditional conservatives. I answer and he makes a face.

- That's a pretty accurate comparison. - he says and I nod. - They are coming. - completes making a gesture with his eyes indicating a point behind me.

I turn around and see my cousin approaching with Pandora next to him, the two seem to talk about something funny because my cousin laughed non-stop while the girl talked.

- The conversation looks good. - says Calvin smiling in the corner.

- And I'm scared of it. - I say amused and he laughs.

- There's the moon of my life. - Kai says and I see a half smile form on Pandora's lips. - Ready to go? he asks and Calvin and I both nod while Pandora looks at me silently in an appraising way. - Pandora's box ? - Questions an answer from the girl who continues to stare at me in silence.

- Why not. - He says looking at Kai who celebrates. - I'll accompany your car. - complete starting to walk towards the opposite side of which we are.

- Luna would love to keep you company. - Kai says, calling her attention, who stops walking and turns to look at me with an expression that I can't decipher and then I look at Kai, swallowing hard because it's the second time he does something like that without warning me about the girl. with blue eyes. - Go with your mystery cat. - complete low and I hear Calvin laugh.

- You pay me. - I whisper and then walk towards the girl who remained still looking at me with the same expression.

As soon as I reach her she starts walking again, but this time with me by her side, she doesn't say anything, much less me, she I don't know why, I just have no idea what to say, I don't even know if she really wanted to. a group outing and if she's going out of politeness, although she doesn't strike me as the type of person who would go out with others just out of politeness, so maybe she has a reason to go, but it might not be as specific as my cousin imagines , maybe she's just bored and hanging out with us is her way of seeking entertainment. I hold back the sigh about to escape as she takes something out of her jeans pocket, I even noticed that she doesn't have a specific style, because sometimes she seems to cosplay one of those stylish magazine cover rockers who wears leather pants or jeans ripped boots, leather jackets and sunglasses and other times she looks like a simple girl wearing jeans, heeled boots and a long sleeve crop top, I still haven't seen her wear short sleeve blouses, maybe she does that to avoid curious people like me who would ask about the tattoos Calvin mentioned she has.

It reminds me that I haven't stalked her yet, in fact I don't even know if she has Instagram.

I think it's time to look for her social media.

- There's still time to turn around and go with them, little wolf. -she says catching my attention as she presses the button to deactivate the car alarm and I look at the vehicle getting surprised and then I wonder if she is the daughter of some tycoon or something.

- Nice car. - I say only managing to decipher that it is from the Ferrari brand thanks to the symbol that gave even more contrast to the red paint.

- This is Fer, Fer I introduce you Luna Blackwood. - He says running his hand on the hood of the car and I make a face.

- First I have to make it clear that I don't mind going with you. - I say and she leans against the car looking at me with an expression of amusement. - Second, why the hell did you name the car? I ask and she forces an offended expression.

- Hey, take it easy, Fer is very sensitive, okay? - she answers and I roll my eyes as she opens the car door. - Naming this beautiful thing was kind of a hobby, so have respect for the savior of my boredom and yes, she's a woman like us and girl power in this shit life. -she says amusedly raising her arm making an idiotic expression when saying "girl power."

I smile, finding it funny the way she immediately makes a face and then smiles crookedly, shaking her head.

- Please come in Miss Blackwood. - you ask and I do it.

- I swear I thought you'd have a motorcycle instead of a car. - I say as she closes the door and then leans on it supporting her elbows on the window.

- And why did you think that? - he asks with an amused tone.

- Because you kind of seem like the kind of rebellious girl whose parents ask "what car do you want" and then you surprise them by saying you want a Harley Davidson because you want to hang out with a biker gang. - I reply amused and she smiles.

- Let me tell you a secret. - She says resting her chin on her arms. - I have a Harley Davidson, but I don't want to run off with a biker gang even though I know some. - She completes smiling with an expression of amusement, however something in her posture and the way she spoke indicates that she is serious.

- Is this serious? I ask out of pure curiosity and she nods.

- Very serious. - She responds moving away from the window while I smile imagining her riding around on her bike with a biker gang.

She goes around and gets in the car, she looks at me before leaving with the car heading towards Kai's car that was parked ahead waiting for us and when the girl stops the car next to his, my cousin moves his eyebrows frantically smiling before walking ahead of us.

- Why did you agree to go? - I ask looking at her and she looks at me quickly.

- Why are you so curious? - Amused question and I smile.

- I have no idea. -I reply seeing her face twitch a little in front of my answer forming a funny face. - I think sometimes I have a habit of always looking for a reason for everything, because there are things I don't believe in even though they are so real to me. - I say thoughtfully and I feel his gaze on me as I observe through the window all the interesting aesthetics of the city where I was born. - I think it must be kind of a way for my subconscious to help me escape reality by asking non-stop questions even when I already know the answers. - Complete looking back and I see a contained smile forming on her lips.

- I'm coming for you. -she says looking attentively at the road and I get confused. - I think you don't deserve to hold a candle, so I'm going. - She completes looking at me quickly with her expressive blue eyes.

- Oh! - I exclaim confused trying to contain the part of me that wanted to ask her a thousand questions about her behavior related to me. - Thank you, but you shouldn't go just for that. - I say and she looks at me for a few seconds seriously. - I mean, you must have things to do and now I'm feeling like I'm hindering you in a way. - I complete looking at her and then there's that crooked smile and that way of looking also from the corner that I had mentioned mentally before about causing me strange sensations.

- I want to go, Luna. - he says and then diverts his attention from the road looking at me quickly as he stops at the light. - I don't usually do things that I don't want or out of pity, if I'm going and because I want to keep you company even if it's obvious that your cousin called me using you because he thinks I'm into you and that you fall in love with me. feel attracted to me. - completes leaving me open-mouthed.

I don't know why I'm so surprised if she proves to be as smart and shrewd as she was now when noticing my cousin's antics, I feel like asking a question like " and are you into me " or " are you attracted to me " , so I mentally scold myself for even thinking about asking something that I don't think I could handle if the answer was yes, not to mention that it would be stupid of me to ask that given the fact that she didn't hit on me or at least flirt with me. with me in the few conversations we had.

So don't be an idiot Luna!

Do not be.

Control that crazy curiosity.

- When did you notice he was doing this? - I ask taking a deep breath and I hear a nasal laugh as an immediate answer.

- That whole situation on the court made everything very obvious to me. - She answers and I smile as she sighs running her hand through her hair in an attempt to align the strands slightly messed up because of the wind coming in through the car window. - He would never talk to me or call me if he didn't have something to do with you, even more an outing that for some may seem like a group, but we know there's an intention behind it. She says calmly shrugging her shoulders and then looks at me. - This is the effect of being the mystery girl who apparently hates everyone, you automatically push people away, which in a way is good, because when they approach you like that you suddenly imagine that they want something. - complete fun.

- So you don't hate people? - I ask in the same tone and she smiles.

- I don't hate it, but I can't say I like it either, in fact I just don't care about anything in particular. - She responds shrugging her shoulders as she parks the car and then I realize that I paid so much attention to her that I didn't even notice that we were already arriving.

- You don't care about anything in particular, but even so, you came to keep me company. I say and then she looks at me in an intense and appraising way, as if she's looking for something in me and that makes me swallow hard as she smiles in a restrained way.

-I don't care about "anything in particular."-She says making quotes with her fingers. - Being here with you shows that you're not part of this specific nothing that I don't care about. -she completes with a tone of amusement and then opens the door leaving me alone and confused.

What does that mean ?

Did she kind of say she cares about me?

Yes, that was exactly it.

But why ?

She doesn't even know me.

She doesn't even know that I'm heir to a pack of wolves and that my misogynist dad wants me to marry next year after finishing high school to some random alpha I've probably never seen in my life. If she knew, she would stay away, because maybe I can bring problems to her life, even if it's not my intention, my father and his habit of thinking he's superior to everything, but mainly superior to humans, repudiating anything he considers the cause of ordinary humans, can attest to this. One of his rules for me to attend the human school was "don't befriend humans" right after saying that I couldn't leave Kai's presence and that any unusual smell impregnated in me would be the end of me at this school, I breathe. trying to contain the rain of thoughts running through my mind and then I finally get out of the car seeing that Kai was going further ahead with Calvin at his side while Pandora was leaning against the car waiting for me. His calm expression and amusement play on his lips in a smile as his head rests on his arms that are leaning against the back of the bed of his car.

- I'm sorry for making you wait. - I ask and she rolls her eyes.

- Rushing is the enemy of perfection and those who rush eat raw, so relax, I'm very patient. -she says and I make a face when I see her use two sayings at once. - Don't apologize for needing to breathe in the face of my lack of brakes when it comes to speaking my mind, being too direct is my greatest quality. She jokes and I smile.

- Okay, you just left me surprised and a little confused. - I say sincerely and she smiles, pulling away from the car and then starts walking towards the Starbucks entrance that as usual has its standard facade and I follow her.

- What would life be without a little of that little wolf. -she says amused and then I understand that she won't delve into this topic with me now, maybe at another time who knows.

I think just asking won't work with her, I think I'll have to get to know her better and unravel her way and way of thinking little by little, calmly or she can confuse me even more, even if it's clearly not her intention.

I guess I'll have to unravel the walking mystery that is Pandora McCracken.

I'm pretty sure it won't be that easy, but I need to understand all this or I'm going to freak out.

Even more so if all that weird feeling from yesterday's outbreak comes back.

_________________ To be continued _______________