Chapter 1

I had basically everything I needed. I almost never leave my house during the day. The risk of getting caught is too great. Of course the grocery store was a must have and gas once a week so there was no escaping those. I had a dirty blonde wig for those times and really dark sunglasses. I'd look like someone who'd had a very long night and was regretting the next day. To avoid it, going out at night is the best thing for people like me. Going out at night is boring so a girl's got to have some sort of fun. That fun being the art of street fighting. How rude am I? Name's Raven Grandhime. My parents where killed when I was 6 years old. My mom was the Hybrid and my dad was the Dragon. I guess Hybrids and Dragons aren't supposed to love each other. After all, they both can be power hungry and two, Hybrids in general make weird combinations. 'Love makes people do dumb things.' is what I keep hearing but never fully understood the concept. They are 2 of the most powerful ranks. More powerful than a Vampire. It doesn't matter anymore. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I found that I was in front of the abandoned house that leads to The Underground. I never understood why the place was made but just assumed it was out boredom.

*Time skip to underground*

I met my best friend, trainer, and manager, Chase Jackson. "How's it hanging, Cat? It's been a while." He says while giving me a hug. Black Cat is my fighting name. I earned that name years ago because I was flexible, fast, and I move with grace. All the elements of a Cat Shifter but still strong like a wolf should be. Most times stronger than Alphas. I loved when I beat Alphas. "Hey Chase. It only been 2 weeks. Did you miss me that much?" I poke out my lower lip and talk in a baby voice. Chase just rolls his eyes and changed the subject. "Your fighting a guy that goes by the name Shadow. Lost about 5 fights and won about 20. He is a rogue werewolf but he is built strongly. Might have been a pack warrior. He's a good fighter but you can take him down easily but watch out for his left hook. You go up in 30 minutes. Good luck." Chase had a profile of all the fighters down here since his father owned the arena."Thanks." I say as I clap his shoulder lightly and walk off to my changing room.

When I get to my room, I set my things down and get ready. I put on my black compression shorts, sports bra, sleeveless jacket, and handwraps. Next was my face. I put a black bandanna over the lower half of my face and applied simple waterproof eyeliner. I pop in my violet contacts. I could never be too careful here seeming as there are people coming from all over and my control on Clarity and Grey slips sometimes. I put on a straight black wig that stops in the middle of my back. I don't bother with putting it up doubting my opponent was the type to pull hair. The rules differed for the ladies because most cared not for decency and sportsmanship much like myself. The only difference is that I actually like this place therefor have to follow all it's stupid fucking rules.

I had 20 minutes to spare so I walked out with my hood low and watched the fights from a distance. The arena was filled with loud drunken cheers and boos. I very much liked the change in volume. This beats being at home in pen drop silence any day of the week. I watched both fighters throw punches and kicks at one another for about 10 minutes until one fell and didn't get back up. "THE BIG, THE BAD AND THE FURIOUS HUNTER WINS!!" The announcer yells into the mic. The crowd screams and cheers. I move to the hallway where my room is and find Chase waiting there for me. We fist bump knowing that the effort to make small talk before a match was unnecessary and time consuming. We both grew to understand this after many years of being at The Underground. I step slightly behind Chase as the previous fighter walks into a locker room still fuming. I assumed it was and alpha instinct he had developed recently as we was due to take his fathers place soon.

30 minutes flies by fast when you're at the arena. "You ready?" Chase asked. I stretch my arms and legs a little and move around him. I started shoving my way through the back of the mass of people" Yeah lets do it." I sigh. We see the announcer come up on stage and start his usual spiel and Chase starts yelling for people got the hell out of our way. "WE GOT ONE LAST FIGHT FOR Y'ALL TONIGHT FOLKS." The announcer hypes the crowd. "WE ALL KNOW THIS PERSON AS THE QUICKEST ONE IN THE BOOKS. THE BAD ASS FIGHTER OF THEM ALL. THE UNBEATABLE. GIVE IT UP FOR BLACK CAT!!" I walk into the ring and go to my corner and raise m fist in the air. The crowd lets out ear piercing cheers when they see me. I smirk and bounce on my toes a little. "ON THE OTHER SIDE WE HAVE THE ONE AND ONLY SHADOW!!" The announcer yells and the crowd howls like a bunch of dumb ass' but I guess it's how they show respect. My smirk falls because I know some dumb shit is about to be said to work me up. As Shadow walked into the ring he looked at me and snarled before he said "This is gonna be easy...get ready kitty." It took all my willpower not to show my real self. "Well since we figured we didn't want to put on out big boy pants before stepping in here, best of luck, Rainbow." I say mocking him.