Chapter 9

*Jason's Pov*

It's been a day since I sent that letter. There is something about her. I don't know what it is. The need to help her, strange pull, anxious feelings, moodiness. No, it couldn't be. Of all things. I abruptly stand from the spinning chair in my office. My Beta, Anthony gets into a fighting stance. "What is it, Alpha?" he asked after looking around the room for potential threats. When he doesn't find anything, he turns back to me and asks, "There is nothing Alpha. Want me to go get your mother?" I sigh and start to walk around and sit on the front of my desk. "No, there's no need for that so relax." I looked down at the carpeted floor as if it could give me answers. I ran through several possible scenarios.How could a girl whom I've never met possibly be the one? The one I've been waiting to run into for years. Ho could she be my other half and I'm barely sure I got her name right. I know close to nothing about her yet, the thought of her close to me settles me just a fraction. A girl who's family drove my father into madness. Would she do the same to me? Was I willing to let her? None of this was making any sense.

How could this girl possibly be my other half? Did I want that yet? Was I ready to take on that duty yet. What am I even saying? The girl has been secluded all this time and I highly doubt she would want a mate let alone be around me. I don't even know her full damn background hell, I don't even know what she looks like. These strange feelings are frustrating the hell out of me. Now I know why people think I had a stick up my ass recently. "It's because you do" my wolf, Fang says rolling his eyes. "Shut up ass wipe." I mentally rolled my eyes back at him. I look at Anthony who gives me a worried look and sigh. "Sit down Anthony. I'm going fucking crazy." I run both of my hands over my face and tug at my hair.

Anthony finally sat back down in his chair but still looks and me more intently." Care to elaborate more on that?" I go stiff and hesitate for a brief moment. "I think I may have found my mate." I finally say. "Well that's great. We all are grateful to finally have a Lady Alpha. When will we meet her?" He says eagerly. "Hopefully soon. The thing is... I'm not sure she is actually the one. Hell, She knows nothing about this pack or me and I know nothing about this strange secluded girl either. I'm not even sure she will accept the help-or me." I say the last part mostly to myself. "It's too late for second thoughts. The note has reached her by now and it was your Fathers wish. If you have doubts, always keep him in mind." Anthony says standing up and comes to put his hand on my shoulder in a comforting manner. I nod. "Dad never leaves my mind." I should go check on him and mom some time soon.

I never needed any one by my side before so I didn't really need one now. Of course it caused me to stay in the office most days but my desk was never overflowing with paperwork. Anthony always did his portion as well so everything was fine. I guess that would mean I have to find something for the new girl to do. No one in this pack goes without at least a few tasks to do each day weather it be the same one or a different one with permission and reason. That is our order and has been for years. "The girl will come one way or another no doubt about it." Anthony assures me before taking his leave from by my side. I sigh and get up and walk to the window behind the love seat Anthony made himself comfortable on. He had his computer out so he was probably finishing up his duties for the day. I was looking out at the back court yard. The last of the flower where being trimmed by a few low rankers as children chased each other. I rolled my eyes. There had to be a better game than that.

I turned to sit on the ledge and just think. "What do you think you'll do when you find your mate?" I ask. Anthony sets his computer to the said and positions his hands behind his head and says "Well, she will be treated like a queen. I will cook for her. Maybe breakfast in bed if she likes that kind of thing. We will share the house and pack duties of course. Ideally we would have a few pups running around but I can settle with adoption. Although, I don't know what it would exactly be like if it was a guy." He rambles on but his last comment came out of nowhere. Anthony never struck me as one of the gays. It would be nice to see more same sex couples throughout the pack. Blue Shadow looks all bad ass which I like but we aren't known as the friendliest pack either. The standards to which we hold each pack member and rank is very pressuring but it has gotten us to the top among other things. We are a combination of many different creatures therefore we have different fighting needs and strengths. We train hard to meet those needs which makes us all better fighters together and alone. Which makes me think more about this Raven girl. If I know nothing about the girl then how can I place her in a rank. I could just start her off in the lowest of warriors and see how she fits in. It'll be like a little self defense course. But from what I've heard so far I'm doubting she needs it very much.