Raven's pov
I was just 2 yards from the cabin structure. I was peaking out from one of the oddly placed trees. This one was in fact a post. It had cleverly placed foot holes and some branches rearranged for space and probably storage. There were 5 wolves out front the cabin but I knew there was probably a few more inside. I let down the wall containing Grey's scent a little and watch them lap it up. I watch as some of them flinch and other stop moving completely. They look at one another as if they were communicating through their heads. One of them called out and said "We know you're out there. Come out and show yourself." It was demanding and Grey was not happy with his tone. The look on their faces showed they had not expected me. I stepped out from the tree arms crossed. "Well this wasn't the warm welcome I thought it would be." I gave a toothy smile at the 5 men in front of me.
More of the wolves came out of the house. They all had the questioning look on their face but soon figured out what was going on. One man walked out in front of everyone. I could tell that he was wiser than all of them. He smelled like a warrior with high rankings. This guy was most likely the General of the pack. He finally spoke. "No harm will come to you. Our pack is willing to help out. I assume you know that already, child." His voice is rough and father-like.
I was slightly annoyed and surprised by him calling me a child and not being intimidated by me. "I would hardly call a 21 year old a child." I sneered back at him. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. He looked indifferent to who I was. "Careful boys, wouldn't want to loose those eyes now." I menace. He raised a hand to silence the men who were growling and looking like they would rip me apart with one word. "I take no offense by your words, girly. Our men here can get a little dog-ish. Come inside, we can all talk while the Alpha is on his way." He said while starting to make his way back into the small house. "What if I don't want to?" I press. "Your here for answers I know that much. Although you don't strike me as a killer, I don't have a death wish. I might as well tell you what I know. I'll just have to hope that's enough for the time being." He said over his shoulder. I rolled my eyes but followed. As much as I hated to agree with the man he was right mostly. Something was going to happen if I stayed here but I just couldn't make myself leave.
I carefully eyed the men's formation and structure. I've fought a great deal of warriors and I could easily group them from the same packs by their build. Ideally, I should be able to apply that now but it was proving difficult seeming as they all had different builds. I knew by the way they flexed and stiffened they knew I was looking but I didn't care. They all had a common title which was warrior but they had different subcategories I assumed. Four men took their places outside. Two on either side of the door and two at the cabins corners. Those two shifted into more lean wolves while the others stayed in human form. I hummed in interest. "I'm not going to make a run for it if that is what your thinking. Although, it wouldn't be much of an obstacle if I decided to." I say smirking. "Careful bitch, shackles wouldn't look so bad on you." One of them commented from inside. I laughed and brushed it off. This was going to be fun.
There was a couch on the far wall with a chair and lamp catercorner from it. There was also a short hallway with two open doors. The kitchen and living area where divided by the hallway which gave he whole thing an apartment feel. The remaining warriors spread out within the space and the General guy took the chair. He waited for me to take to the couch before sitting. I crossed my legs and sigh. "You where right earlier, General. I am here for answers but how can you be so sure you have some of them?" I ask taking in the room more. "Well I'll start with saying I know who's child you are and my condolences. It's nice to see a familiar temper again I will admit. We had some business within your family. I cannot say what it was unfortunately." He softened a small amount and met my shocked eyes. "What the fuck!" Clarity and Grey screamed. I winced and held my ear. I bent over hoping to stop the ringing in my ears quicker. It was a dumb move and all the blood rushed to my head. Realizing what they had done Grey moved back but was still on high alert. The General was standing looking concerned. I took some deep breaths before responding. "You could've started with a name first. I guess your style is to skip the pleasantries and introduction and get straight to the heart attack." I narrow my eyes at him. " Your not the first one to claim that. But, yes others do seem to notice and think that." He chuckles and sits back in his chair. I see now that my only option was to stay on my guard no matter what. "I was under the impression your Alpha was the only one with information like this." " By the time the Alpha sent the letter it was too late to inform you of this. He was also under the same impression until he ordered me to wait for your arrival. The only other person to know anything would be my Mate. My name is Thomas by the way. Will you be keeping yours a secret from the group?" He asks and I nod. There was a lot to unpack here and something was brewing outside of this cabin as well.