Chapter 3

Upon arriving at the twins house Rhoda realized it looked similar to hers and most of all, the walls were decorated with her photos some from childhood and current ones, she wasn't surprised though cause she knew how important she meant to the twins. Since it was late,Rhoda prepared Dinner,after eating she wanted to go home buh the twins insisted she spends the night there, They showed her to a nice room and also went to their various room, Rhoda was very sad cause of the meeting she couldn't attend since it was important buh in her heart the twins were worth it. Bismark noticed before that Rhoda didn't talk much after they got home and he knew just what was bothering him so he went to Bernard's room and asked why he acted that way earlier on buh Bernard totally ignored him so Bismark shouted at him, Bernard then said he did what he did cause he missed her and wanted to spend time with her, he told his brother that he knows how he feels for Rhoda and probably Bismark also feels the same way so he should stop acting cool. Bismark told his brother that he understands since he feels the same buh they should just forget their feelings since what they have now is enough for him. At that moment, both admitted they love Rhoda not just as a friend buh much more buh to Bismark confessing was like ruining their friendship so they should jux keep it a secret buh Bernard objected, he told Bismark that he would never give up on Rhoda and will make sure that Rhoda falls in love with him. Bismark looked at his with a disappointed look and went out , buh before going back to his room, he decided to check up on Rhoda and fortunately for him she wasn't asleep, he asked if Mr Samuel was aware she wouldn't be returning home , which she said yes. Bismark apologized for what Bernard did earlier, Rhoda said she never expected him to act that way cause to her,aside her dad, the twins were the only family she had and the most important people in her life. Bismark said he knows how much she loves them and also didn't understand his brother's behavior. Just as they were talking Bernard entered and asked if that's what they really think about him, Rhoda stood up and tried explaining buh he went back to his room with anger, Bismark followed him and asked why he treated Rhoda that way buh he again ignored his brother buh this time, Bismark acted with violence, he threw a fist which caused a bleeding nose, and before Rhoda could intervene, they were both fighting,she tried talking them out of it buh it didn't work so she decided to use force buh unfortunately for her,Bernard mistakenly pushed her so hard that she hit her head on the ground and before they could realize, blood was oozing from her head causing her to be unconscious, she was quickly rushed to the hospital and sent to the ER. While waiting for the doctor, Bernard decided to apologise to his brother buh the look on his face backed him off. Bernard felt really guilty and wanted to apologise buh his brother's angry face stoppedHim. About 15mins time, the doctor came out and told them Rhoda was out of danger buh still unconscious and would probably not wake up anytime. They asked if they could go to her room which the doctor accepted with the condition that they make no noise.

Before they realized it was already morning, they both woke up by her side, Bernard tried talking to his brother but just then Mr Samuel entered, they were both surprised since none of them called him, he noticed and said effect of being too popular. Mr Samuel asked how she got the accident but both couldn't talk, fortunately for then Rhoda woke up just at the moment, they both asked how she was buh she ignored them. Her dad again asked how she got the accident, she lied that she fell from the stairs, even though she sounded convincing her dad couldn't believe it, she shrugged it off and told him she wanted to go home but the doctor arrived and told her she needed to stay for a day or two with that the doctor left and just then Dina also came in, Rhoda asked how everything was at work and Dina told her that the clients she was supposed to meet yesterday postponed the meeting today and if she does not attend today too they would suffer a great loss. The twins both said she can not go but Rhoda asked them to leave, leaving only Dina behind. She asked Dina to help her escape, their only idea was change clothes so they did as Rhoda sneakily went out without getting noticed, she got home took a bath and put on some nice clothes and went to the office. The twins decided to check up on her but found no one in the room so they concluded that she had gone to the office. Mr Samuel could not understand what was going on so he asked what really happened and warned them to tell him the truth, and since they had no other choice, they did. They told him how they both love her and why Bismark thinks it a bad idea to tell her Mr Samuel agreed and told them both to not say anything infront of Rhoda since it might put her in an awkward situation, they both promised even though Bernard was a little disappointed buh he had no other choice.

Rhoda on the other hand was already at the meeting but her mind was not fully there, since Dina was around she did almost all the talking, in about 45 mins the meeting ended which Rhoda was thankful for, Dina saw how she looked and asked what was going on, she replied that she found out that the twins, her bestfriend's since childhood were both in love with her.