She later saw Dina come in with lot of his workers and unsurprisingly most of them were Male so Bernard asked if she worked with only male but before she could respond Bismark interrupted and said, what more could they expect from a charming lady like Rhoda. After a little chit chat she decided to make a wish and cut the cake which she did instantly, the first bite was for her dad and the second the twins, Dina had the third and then everyone had a piece. They asked what her wish was and she said never to get separated from the twins again. They both smiled and gave her a gift, Bernard gave her a diamond necklace whiles Bismark gave her a golden watch, they both told her to always have them in mind buh she said No because precious stones are found deep inside the sea so they are also deep in her heart, they both gave her a side hug and smiled. Celebration continued till late night when everyone started leaving excerpt the twins of course they were sitting with Rhoda on the sofa chatting, Mr Samuel had already gone to bed leaving the friends alone, the twins told Rhoda about lot of things they discovered while abroad and vice versa till they realized it was late, Rhoda told them to spend the night which they were already planning on, she showed them to a room and also went to her room to enjoy her sleep.
The next morning while Rhoda was still in bed she felt the presence of the twins so she opened her eyes and what she saw warmed her heart, they both were sitting beside her with breakfast, she smiled and said good morning, they responded and both decided to feed her themselves which she agreed after brushing her teeth.
After breakfast they all went downstairs and saw Mr Samuel in the living room, he asked of his breakfast but the twins said the princess had drove them crazy that they forgot the king. Rhoda couldn't control her laughter which made Mr Samuel feign anger and said he wouldn't eat the whole day, they laughed and decided to prepare food together for him that way he wouldn't resist so the three of them went to the kitchen to prepare.
Mr Samuel sat at the dining table for more than 30 minutes but they were still in the kitchen so he went there and to his surprise they had prepared many dishes so he asked them and they told him every palace needed to have sufficient food and most importantly they would soon have guests, Mr. Samuel asked who they were and The twins said their parents had arrived so they asked them to go straight to the "palace" which made Rhoda smile.
Mr. Samuel decided to help them serve the food and just when they finished Mr. Bruno and his wife arrived, Rhoda with enthusiasm went to hug Mr. Bruno, she was so happy to see him . They all sat down to eat ,while eating Mr. Bruno said the dishes were delicious so the twins told him Rhoda prepared almost everything, surprisingly Mrs. Victoria said Rhoda was a good cook which made everyone stare at her since she never liked Rhoda. After eating the friends decided to go out since their parents were busy discussing business. They first went to the old house of the twins precisely the garden, they remembered their childhood and started laughing they later decided to visit Rhoda's company, upon their arrival all the men began staring at her, her beauty was such that everyone would go crazy over her. When they got to her office Dina came in and told her some business partners were waiting for her in the conference room she suddenly remembered she had a meeting this morning but she wasn't ready so she told Dina to take over and left with the twins. They had so much fun together at the park and later went to the movies, it was a sad movie which made Rhoda a little emotional to the extent of crying, the twins noticed and laughed at her calling her a cry baby. It was already late so the twins decided to send Rhoda home and also go to their house to rest.
The next morning Rhoda woke up late so Breakfast was already served, she joined her dad to have breakfast and left to work afterwards not without hugging and giving him a peg though. While working, the twins entered and sat down after greeting her, she asked why they didn't go to work but they said they didn't feel like, Rhoda was sketching something when they got there so they decided to help her by drawing unattractive trees, drawing was never their thing . She laughed at their silliness and later called Dina to continue with the rest as she left with the twins. The went to visit the twins company this time it was quite bigger than her's with a lot more people but only few seemed to know them since their parents had been in charge previously. After some chit chat Rhoda told them she needed to return to the office for an important meeting which Bismark understood but Bernard got angry and asked if her work was more important than them, she said it wasn't but she missed so many meetings yesterday and needed to make up for it today else she might suffer a great loss. Bismark told her not to listen to Bernard and go but she couldn't leave, she didn't want to disappoint them so she stayed behind. They went to a mall bought some few stuffs, Rhoda even got something for Mr. Bruno and Mrs. Victoria as well as her dad. She insisted on getting icecream before leaving which the twins couldn't refuse, not with her pouty eyes and angelic voice, they got tired eventually and decided to go somewhere Rhoda had always wanted to go since the twins arrival ,their house.