Chapter 15

I love you too Rhoda said back.

I know you do but why couldn't you explain everything to me instead of pushing me away Derrick said. I know this is hard for you, and I understand, it's not easy seeing someone you love drifting away when you know you can help, but please don't keep me in the dark next time. I'm so grateful Dina called me to explain everything.

Wait what! Dina called you? Rhoda exclaimed, Yeah she did how do you think I found out

OK makes sense but where is she though Rhoda asked.

She went out, said she would spend the night with some friends Derrick explained. By the way how was your date, was the food at my restaurant good or did you have a bad date.

Ohhh..... Dina told you everything didn't she, I didn't really enjoy the food.

Why was it bad? Derrick asked.

No no I just couldn't really concentrate I was worried you would show up and make, I couldn't bring myself to face you after what happened, Rhoda explained. But we had ice cream afterwards, it was just a friendly date on my side.

Oh ok but what are we going to do now I don't want to be separated from you now that I know you feel the same, Derrick asked.

Urmm.... are you suggesting we be in a secret relationship? Because that feels like the only option now but I don't want to cheat, I know the relationship isn't real but still I don't want to do this to Bismark he deserves so much better Rhoda said.

I understand but ........... you know what never mind let's just enjoy the night ohk we could discuss this tomorrow but right now I want us to have our little date right here without any intruding. Derrick said back.

Netflix and chill? Rhoda suggested while moving towards the fridge to get some drinks.

There is only beer in the fridge Derrick shouted from the couch I checked before you came in, Rhoda wasn't surprised since Dina was a little of a bad bitch outside the office. Rhoda although had drank alcohol a couple of times during work meetings wasn't really fond of it but since she had no choice decided to loosen up a bit. She took 4 beers from the fridge and joined Derrick in the couch. Derrick was already scrolling through the TV trying to find a good movie, he decided to settled with vampire diaries but Rhoda objected quickly with the excuse that she would not have time to watch the rest later on.

Are you sure it's not because you are scared? Derrick asked with a grin, Rhoda ignored him and snatched the remote to choose what to watch.

You look cute when scared Derrick told her, I'm not scared and stop teasing me, Rhoda protested,

Ohk if you say so Derrick said still grinning, Rhoda ignored him even though she was loving this Derrick right now but she couldn't let him win, she moved closer to him and proceeded to find a movie, she remembered a movie Dina once suggested and searched for it quickly, she smiled when she saw it and picked it quickly.

Wait wait wait we are not watching this Derrick protested, you want us to watch 365days together right now?

Yeah what's wrong with it Rhoda asked, Dina once told me to watch it with my boyfriend when I get one and we sort of are in love right? Or you'd rather I watch it with Bismark Rhoda joked.

Hey that's not funny Derrick said with a hard gaze, Rhoda apologised even though she loved seeing him jealous, fine let's watch it Derrick said.

Rhoda picked her beer and started the movie, she relaxed in Derrick's arm and started watching the movie, Derrick had already finish with one beer before the movie even started, he was on the second, Rhoda was still with the first one though.

Rhoda thought the movie was interesting till it got to a very steamy part, she moved uncomfortably in Derrick's arm and stood up to get more beer since she was done with the one she was drinking, she came back and sat a little far from Derrick, the steamy part was still on though, she averted and gaze anywhere but the TV and Derrick.

I told you so Derrick murmured but Rhoda heard.

Hey what do u mean Rhoda asked, you think I can't watch this with you, am just a little tipsy that's all infact imma continue watching, she moved closer to lay in Derrick's arms again continued watching. Yet Rhoda was screaming in her head that she was going to murder Dina the next time she sees her.Derrick shook his head knowing she was uncomfortable but just trying to act tough, Rhoda thought maybe that was the only steamy part and the rest was decent but Derrick knowing the worst was yet to come just kept quite and smiled.

It was getting to 10pm and Derrick was just a little tipsy but Rhoda was way too drunk and despite Derrick telling her to stop drinking and go to sleep she refused, he tried to stop her from drinking too many times but she was too stubborn to comply, she insisted on finishing the movie first.

The movie got to a more steamy and intense part, Derrick's gaze was fixed on Rhoda the whole time admiring the goddess laying in his arms to even notice what was going on infront of him, Rhoda's question brought him out of his thoughts, what did you say, Derrick asked Rhoda.

I want us to have sex Rhoda said blatantly shocking Derrick.

I think you are way too drunk to even understand what you are saying yourself, and for a drank person you sure is bold Derrick told her.

I'm not drunk and I understand what am saying Rhoda said back. Wait you don't find me attractive right, do I look fat, do I look ugly in this dress, wait do you have other girls more attractive pleasing you?

Stop saying nonsense Derrick said back a little mad, he held her face to his, holding her gently, don't you ever think you are not good enough for me okay, you are the most beautiful person both inside and out in the whole wide world, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I should be scared of losing you to someone else not the other way round, he assured her, and...he continued, I would definitely love to have you right now but I think it's too early and besides you are drunk, I want your first time to be special not like this.

Rhoda was more in love with Derrick now if that's even possible, I want you now she said, .....I don't care if its too sudden, I know I love you and you love me too and you might probably be thinking I am being influenced by the movie and thr drink but I can assure you that am saying this in my right state if mind right now.

Before Derrick could respond, she started kissing him, he tried to push her to stop but she was adamant on what she wanted, Derrick gradually gave in since he also lost control, he carried her bridal style and led her to her room in Dina's house, as to how he knew it was Rhoda's room? Let's leave it for the Dina to explain. When they entered, he laid her down and began unzipping her clothes, he look into her eyes and asked if she was sure this is what she wanted, but instead of answering she kissed him so automatically Derrick got his answer, Rhoda also helped him undress and the two made love to each other the entire night since it was Friday and they both had nowhere to go tomorrow.