Chapter 16

The next morning, Bismark had woken up with smiles on his face, thinking about the date he had with Rhoda and thinking of having lunch with her today too. He decided to give her a call first and asked if she would be available but the call wasn't going through so he decided to just go to her office during lunch break.

Derrick had already woken up and was in the kitchen preparing breakfast whiles Rhoda was still in bed, and Dina had also not come back yet. Rhoda woke up a little later and felt so tired, she felt pains inbetween her legs and remembered what happened last night, she smiled to herself and looked around probably looking for Derrick, she got nervous when she couldn't find him in the bedroom or bathroom, she quickly put on her clothes and literally run to the living room, but he wasn't there either, she sat on the couch and started sobbing thinking Derrick had left.

Derrick heard the small sobs from the kitchen and hurriedly went to the living room to see Rhoda crying by herself on the couch, he got nervous thinking something bad had happened to her.

Hey what's wrong Derrick asked quickly, Rhoda turned upon hearing his voice and jumped to hug him, I thought you left Rhoda replied inbetween her sobs, I got so scared thinking you left me I thought after what happened you would think am cheap and leave me, she said sadly.

Hey, Derrick released her from the hug and held her face close to his, I would never ever leave no matter the situation, and don't ever think that low of yourself ever again, you are the most important thing in my life and nothing that's mine is cheap ok so please don't say that again, I love you and will always do no matter the situation, he held her close and planted a kiss on her lips then wiped the tears from her eyes.

Rhoda smiled and kissed him back, he took her to the dining table where breakfast had already been served, she smiled seeing they were her favourite breakfast. They both ate and took their shower, Rhoda called Dina again after getting dressed but she didn't answer.

The two after were sitting in the living room chatting then Rhoda remembered Bismark and became sad which didn't go unnoticed by Derrick, he asked her what was wrong and she said she was just worried about Bismark and wondering if she did the right thing by accepting his proposal and then being with Derrick secretly. Derrick asked if she felt guilty they could separate and wait for her to sort things out with Bismark first, Rhoda replied that if she had the way she would spend the rest of her days with Derrick, she promised to never leave him.

Derrick told her to for once forget about everything and focus on her own happiness, she smiled and nodded. After a while Derrick told Rhoda to go with him to his house, Rhoda asked why but he didn't explain, Rhoda willingly followed him.

They arrived at Derrick's house around 11am, Rhoda asked what they were going doing there but he said it was nothing, he just wanted to leave Dina's house incase since she was on her way home and didn't want to be a burden anyways,

So you got in touch with her? Rhoda asked. Yeah I did sorry I didn't tell you I probably forgot, I called her this morning and told her we will be leaving Derrick explained. Sometimes I wonder if she is my friend or yours Rhoda said to herself but Derrick heard, don't tell me you are jealous Derrick said with a grin, of course not Rhoda replied but everything showed that she was jealous, Derrick explained that there was nothing going on with Dina and himself, and he only got close to her just so he could get information about Rhoda and that she is also probably the reason he never lost hope on being with Rhoda, he confessed that at a point he thought Rhoda wouldn't be his but Dina often called him to assure him that Rhoda was just confused about her feelings but would gradually give in. Rhoda hugged him and apologised for giving him such a hard time before and promised to definitely make it up to him now that they were in a relationship.

Derrick noticed how happy and sincere she looked, he smiled and took her hands in his and told her to promise to not keep anything from each other and to trust and love him for he will do same, Rhoda assured that she would keep this promise and never give up on them, they both hugged and kissed. After their little "romantic vow" Rhoda remembered she had to call her dad but then realised she left her phone at Dina's house, Derrick offered to use his but they realised their relationship was a secret and calling from Derrick's phone would definitely raise suspicion. While contemplating on what to do Angela came in with a rush and told them Bismark was on his way here, they both couldn't understand, Angela saw the confusion on their faces so he calm down and explained that she got a call from Dina that Bismark had gone to her (Dina's) house but couldn't find Rhoda there and also called Olive who also confirmed she wasn't home so Bismark concluded that Derrick might know where Rhoda is. Rhoda got really scared but Derrick told her not to be because he was on her side and nothing bad could happen to her but Rhoda told him that she wasn't afraid of what Bismark would do to her but rather what Bismark would do to him instead. Angela told them to quickly go out through the back door but Derrick refused, I am not a coward, am going to stay here and wait for him I don't care how scary he is am going to protect the people I love even at the cost of my life, Derrick said bravely, hey this is no time to act toff okay I know you are strong but please let's just leave Rhoda begged, after a little convincing and kisses he agreed and left with Rhoda.