Chapter 17

Few minutes after they left Angela heard someone knocking and instantly knew it was Bismark, she opened the door for him and asked what he wanted there, Bismark ignored her and started shouting for Derrick, what do you want with my brother Angela asked a little angry, my girlfriend is missing and am sure your brother knows something, he probably kidnapped her out of jealousy and anger Bismark said back harshly, he searched the house but couldn't find anyone there apart from Angela so he left without saying anything, probably out of embarrassment. Bismark was driving to God knows where thinking of any place Rhoda could be when he got a call from Dina telling him Rhoda was in the office with her, he quickly drove there and upon arrival he saw Rhoda in her office busily going through some documents, Bismark asked where she had been all morning and she replied that she was in the office, Bismark told her he called the office but no one answered so she wasn't there but Rhoda told him she was busy that's why she didn't answer, Bismark wasn't convinced but decided to let go for now. He got closer and tried to kiss Rhoda but she turned and picked a document she probably didn't need just to avoid kissing him. He asked that they go for lunch but Rhoda said she had a lot to do and would call him later, Bismark understood that she was busy and left the office after some convincing. After he left Rhoda sighed heavily as Derrick appeared from a room in Rhoda's office, Rhoda apologised for making him go through all this, Derrick told her he understands and would wait till she tells Bismark the truth after awhile so he can tell the whole world how much he loves her, Rhoda smiled and hugged him, Derrick told her to go with him to his restaurant since it was near and they both were probably hungry, Rhoda thought it was a good idea so he invited Dina to go with them so they could all have lunch which she agreed, they all took of in Derrick's car.

Derrick took them to a nice spot and told them to wait for him there when they arrived, Derrick went inside the kitchen to get their food ready.

So....... last night, Rhoda cut Dina off before she could continue, nothing happened last night Rhoda said quickly and turned to face anywhere but Dina's face, something definitely happened else you wouldn't be smiling and avoiding my gaze and besides you were with him all morning so spill it before I ask him Dina said back with smiles, Rhoda knew Dina wasn't going to give up till she hears everything so she told her everything that happened with Derrick last night, she already was busting with happiness inside and needed to share her happiness with someone so she was glad Dina asked, the two ladies kept smiling at each other as they were talking, Dina was so happy to see Rhoda happy. After some few minutes of chit chat Derrick arrived with two waiters behind him with their food, he sat beside Rhoda as the waiters served their food, Rhoda smiled when she saw the meal, it was steak, just a few days ago she complained to Dina that she wanted to have steak so she knew everything was planned, she thanked Derrick and dished in , Dina also had a different food, they all took their time and ate.

By the way where did you spend the night Rhoda asked Dina after they were done. At a friend's house Dina said.

Rhoda nodded and told Dina to go ahead first , she hugged Rhoda and left her with Derrick. Rhoda told Derrick she wanted to go for shopping, she said she needed some snacks so Derrick went with her.

When they got there they picked a few things and went to the fridge to get some ice cream, Rhoda got a strawberry flavour whiles Derrick got chocolate, while going to the counter Rhoda asked to taste Derrick's own which he did, after one taste she wanted more, Derrick smiled and just gave everything to her, she mistakenly stained Derrick's cloth with the icecream, she apologised quickly but Derrick just smiled and said it was nothing, he excused himself and went to clean it off in the washroom, while waiting, Rhoda heard someone calling her so she turned and to her surprise it was the twins and Olive, she got so scared that she wished the earth could just swallow her or she could just disappear but then she wasn't some kind of a witch so she had to face them. Bismark was very surprised as well seeing Rhoda in the mall after telling him she was busy, he asked what she was doing there, Rhoda told him she was supposed to meet someone, Olive asked if they were having the meeting in the mall, she explained that she was supposed to meet some clients at a restaurant behind the mall but they called to cancel due to some personal issues so she decided to shop for groceries, Bismark smiled and said it she should join them then, Rhoda asked if they weren't going anywhere but Olive explained that she also realised they had limited groceries so she called Bernard to go with her and since Bismark was alone and had nothing important to do he tagged along. Yeah no one invited him he just forced us to bring him along Bernard added. Olive punch him lightly on the shoulder, Bismark just shook his head and said its not his fault after all his girlfriend is not busy, they all laughed not tracing the sarcasm in in tone. Rhoda was silently praying for Derrick not to show up.

Wait, if you were grocery shopping alone why do you have two ice-cream cone in your hands , Bismark asked confusedly. Yeah and it looks like you shopped for only snacks , all junk food , Bernard added.