Chapter 18

Rhoda knew she had to think smart and tell them something believable but she was confused at this moment, she didn't know what to say, she didn't like lying to her bestfriend's neither did she like the idea of them knowing about her relationship with Derrick.

I think I know what's happening here Olive said with a grin, all eyes turned to her, Rhoda was hoping she hadn't seen through her lies, she was thinking maybe Olive had spotted Derrick and come to a conclusion, she was so scared that she didn't hear what Olive told the twins, all she heard were laughter after she saw Olive's lips moved but she couldn't understand what she said. Bismark held her close and said it wasn't bad to crave for two flavours at the same time so she shouldn't be ashamed, Rhoda understand what Olive did there and smiled along with them.

Derrick who had been done a long time went back home after seeing Bismark holding Rhoda, he thought of staying and see if they would leave so he can go back to Rhoda but it didn't seem like it so he just left with a little jealously, he texted Rhoda to call him back when she was alone. But then remembered she left it at Dina's house after they came to his house and from there they went to the office and the restaurant and to where they are currently so her phone was probably still at Dina's house, Derrick called Dina and asked if she saw Rhoda's phone when she went home, Dina replied that she did and even took it with her to work but forgot to return it to Rhoda. Derrick thanked her and hanged up. Derrick was frustrated at this moment he didn't know what to do so he just went to his restaurant hoping Rhoda would come there after she was done with the twins.

After the twins, Olive and Rhoda were done shopping they went home to keep the stuffs in the fridge. Bernard noticed that Rhoda wasn't really comfortable with them as she was before but he didn't question her. Rhoda told them she needed to use the bathroom and excused herself, she went to her bedroom and looked for a spare phone she had for emergencies "like this" to call Derrick, she apologised for all the trouble he had to go through because of her, Derrick was just happy she called so he told her it was nothing, she told him she had to would call him later since the twins were still downstairs they said tbeir goodbyes and I love you's before hanging up.

Who are you talking to, a voice said from behind, Rhoda nervously turned only to see Olive by the door and from the look on her face, she probably heard enough. Olive asked what she was up to but Rhoda said it was nothing, she told Rhoda that if she doesn't tell her what was going on she would tell Bismark everything she heard. Rhoda stopped her and explained everything to her, Olive didn't know what to say at this moment so she just told Rhoda that she trust her to do the right thing so she wasn't going to judge her but to just try and stay away from Derrick before Bismark finds out. Rhoda nodded and thanked her as they both joined the twins downstairs.

About a month later, Derrick and Rhoda were still secretly seeing each other but it was as often as Derrick wanted Derrickhad urged Rhoda to let them announce their relationship and that he wouldtake and responsibility that follows but Rhoda said she needed time, Olive's house had already been completed so she had moved out of Rhoda's house so Rhoda and Mr Samuel were staying in their big mansion alone again. Bernard was always at Olive's house, he was practically leaving with her so Bismark was also always at Rhoda's house the only difference was Olive was always happy to see Bernard while Rhoda thought she needed more space from Bismark.

Rhoda suddenly got sick but refused to go to the hospital no matter how many times her father or Bismark convinced her, she claimed she didn't like the smell of hospitals yet she was either sleeping or vomiting. Derrick heard of her sickness and got really worried, he tried to visit her so many times since she herself didn't have the strength but Angela always warned him against it, she didn't want him to get into a fight with Bismark.

One afternoon when Bismark went to visit Rhoda ,she convinced him that she was better and would like to go out, Bismark then decided to treat her to lunch, he knew Rhoda loved the restaurant close to her company so he sent her there, she was secretly praying for Derrick to be there, she had missed him and wanted to see him not minding the risk, Bismark finished eating and realised Rhoda had barely touch her food, he asked if she didn't like the food or was not comfortable but Rhoda told him she was fine and just lost her appetite, he told her they should go home so she can rest, Rhoda sadly stood up, just when they got to the door they saw Derrick and Angela, Rhoda smiled upon seeing Derrick , Derrick also was happy and even wanted to go hug her but Angela held him back, Bismark was oblivious to whatever was going on, he just gave Derrick a smirk as he held Rhoda's hands and tried walking past Derrick, Rhoda felt a little dizzy so she stopped walking, she told them she needed to use the washroom room but before she could turn to leave she lost her balance, Derrick was quick to hold her, but she was already unconscious, the last thing she heard was Derrick crying out her name, Bismark telling Derrick to leave her to him and Angela calling for help. Derrick carried her to the back seat of Bismark's car as Bismark hopped in and began to drive with Derrick still holding onto Rhoda at the back, Angela also followed them with Derrick's car.