Letter from a Father

The smell of chemicals, disinfectant, cleaning supplies and more was entering Gary's nose, and on top of that, there was one that his Werewolf self had come to know quite well, blood.

Despite this being a nicer hospital compared to the others, they all had the same smell in the end, and ever since that day, the day when he and Amy were standing outside waiting for the result of what had happened to his mother, Gary hated coming to the hospital no matter what reason it was for.

“She looks so peaceful since you moved her here,” Amy said as she rubbed her mother's hand on the bed.

Surprisingly, or not at this rate, Gary had his mother in a private room. In one of the best hospitals in Slough. Despite all of that, seeing his mother lying there, hooked up to a bunch of needles, bags and machinery all around her, none of it made him feel good, and he knew Amy’s words were just to make him feel better.