Business Tycon

Everyone in the room had already watched the video that Kai was currently playing. Since they lived in Slough, they were updated with the latest, and on top of that, Kai always hammered into them that it was important to stay on top of current news.

They couldn't always rely on their informants and so on for the latest news, and this video in particular that Kai was now showing had been seen by everyone.

“What… someone was filming all of that!” Gary said as he grabbed the phone out of Kai’s hand.

It showed him, a green haried teeneager from behind, quickly dealing with a few of the Howlers members, and after that even giving direct orders to Innu who was behind the mask.

“This is partly my fault.” Innu admitted as he sulked and sat back down on the sofa. “I should have checked to see if anyone had filmed anything, but I was just so focused on punishing those guys, and so surprised to see you return.”