Thomas and Drake watched her moves all that day. She bought a new phone, a new black sports car and went to her dad’s grave. She spent an hour there, crying and speaking to her dad’s picture. She blamed him for not telling her and leaving her alone. She said something about her mom, too, but didn’t express everything, so, it was confusing what she had against her mother. The reason was unknown, but it made her leave the house and live alone from then on.
At dusk, she came home at her new place, after spending a few hours at the company. Mika’s feet were trembling, her head was heavy, and her heart pounced. She took off her shoes, threw her purse on one of the living room’s armchairs, undressed her jacket and plunged on the sofa, without turning on the lights. It was dark inside the house. Only the moonlight would light the living room. She fell in a deep sleep.
At around midnight, her heart ached so piercing that she woke up screaming and gasping for air. When she could come to her senses, she felt a presence with her in the room. The moment she turned her head to the empty armchair in front of her, she saw a solid man shape, with his leg crossed on the other, like men sit, having a glass in his right hand, staring at her. Mika was paralyzed with fear but didn’t scream. Moonlight was revealing her porcelain skin and depths of her cleavage and empty shoulders. “If you want money, I can give to you! Name your price!” She said on a low yet strong, confident voice.
“My price? Hmm…. Your company. How about that?” Answered the man in the darkness with a husky calm voice.
“Who are you?” She demanded.
The man put his glass on the coffee table and stood up. His black suit pants and white shirt, unbuttoned at his neck, revealing a portion of his muscular chest, could be seen when he shortened the distance between them.
“Keep your distance!” She ordered, jumping on her feet.
“Don’t be afraid, Mika. I am not here to harm you. Not my intention, Reigna.” The man accentuated her family name for a hint of who he was.
Hearing the man’s tonality when he pronounced her name, she immediately identified the owner of the voice. “DiAngelo?!”
“Smart. Yes.” He replied, approaching her in the darkness.
“What are you doing here? How did you enter in my house? Are you crazy? Get out! Now!” She yelled, having her blood boiling inside.
“This is my house, darling. I’m the owner of the building, and soon enough, yours as well.” He threatened her on a low voice.
“Say what? I’m calling the police! You explain to them!” She snapped, searching for the phone to do what she said. The fear she had at the beginning was replaced with rage. His person repugned her. She couldn’t stand him. She turned to find the phone, and Thomas took her into his arms with his chest and body glued to her back, keeping her tight.
“I said you are infectious, and I wasn’t wrong.” He whispered to her right ear.
“Take your hands off me! Are you fucking crazy?! How dare you enter my house without permission and grabbing me like this? This is assault!” She was trying with all her might to pull herself out of his arms.
Thomas turned her with her back on the near wall pressing himself on her, with his face an inch distance from hers.
Mika felt his breath fanning her lips, and his body on fire. Her breasts were stuck in his hard muscles. Her breath was shortened. She sensed how he sniffed gently her neck, playing his hand through her hair on her right side. She knew he was out of control, when a faint tremble came from him. “If you don’t get out this instant, I am going to kill you.” She announced her intentions on a serious voice.
Thomas was so absorbed into her, that he couldn’t hear her. Only mumbles he perceived. He wanted her right there and then. His head was dizzy from her smell, and his lips and being were hungry to devour hers. He didn’t care about anything. All he knew was that she was his, and only his. His heart decided she was the one. Red Moon had stopped him that night to kill her because she was fated to him. Hundreds of years passed, yet he had never been in love in the true sense. This time, he came to realization that she was his bride, and what he had been waiting for. Her last word was the moment he took her lips and kissed her profoundly without stopping. Thomas didn’t want to cease, nor he would. Mika was sweet as honey for his lips and tongue, her body was like a passion fruit he would softly squeeze towards him.
She escaped her right hand from his and strongly pushed him off of her, touching his chest. It was a failed try. He was strong as a bull. She had no chance to free herself from his dangerous embrace. Mika moved her head with force, left and right, to attempt unlocking from the poisonous kiss. Her heart was booming, and her body was becoming weak. It wasn’t safe for her. She didn’t see another way out than biting his lower lip. And she did. Blood from him was on her lips and mouth as she pierced his lip.
Thomas laughed, stopping for a split of a second, and resuming his passionate kiss. He had no concern over anything. The only effect that had on him was only to deepen his excitement and desire.
“Aren’t you ashamed to do this to a young girl?!” She finally managed to pull out from his lips, screaming at him, inhaling and exhaling with difficulty.
His eyes matched hers and then back to her mouth, and on to her eyes. “Ashamed? Why would I be ashamed?” He asked, still nailing her to the wall, not moving an inch. He could hear her heartbeats like drums as his hearing was augmented. Her blood circulation was pumping.
“An old guy like you, would never be my choice as a love partner! Get off me! You psycho!” She fidgeted in his arms, firing him with her eyes.
“Old guy? You might be right. But you are mine. I shall make you my wife.” He agreed and made known his intentions. His age was old, but his youthful appearance was perfect fit to hers.
“You are trying everything to put your hands on my company? Marrying me is a free ticket to it? Ha-ha! Think again. I will never marry a guy like you! I despise you and you disgust me! Let go!” She confronted him.
“You will marry me. That’s not debatable.” He wasn’t impressed by her negative words.
“I’m never going to marry you! You are delirious! Back off!” She commanded, pushing him off with success this time.
“Delirious? No, darling. You will see soon enough. You will have a surprise tomorrow morning. I’m sure I’ll even get a phone call from you.” He winked at her.
“Surprise? What surprise?” Mika knew he was game on for her company, but she was intrigued on the development of events. Him wanting to marry her was something she would never take into consideration. Thomas was vicious, as Drake warned her.
“I won’t ruin the….” He was interrupted by a pack of four werewolves which entered the house and cornered them, growling, with their dangerous position, ready to attack. Thomas put Mika behind him. “Don’t move, don’t leave my back. Whatever you will see at me, don’t be scared. I am not going to harm you. For these ones, I will make no promises.” He whispered without turning to face Mika, keeping his eyes on them.
“What are those? How did they enter?” Mika saw the glowing ruby eyes the wolves had, and their abnormal dimensions.
“Stay back. Better, close your eyes.” He advised right before first wolf made its attack on him. Thomas revealed his true nature, and fought with the wolf, sending him through the closed window. One werewolf caught a free way to Mika and proceeded its cat and mouse game with her, while the other two kept Thomas busy for a while.
Mika ran upstairs, shaken on what she saw, Thomas not being an ordinary human, and the beast that was after her. She closed the door to her room, locked it, and looked around for something to strengthen it. A chair was in sight, she made use of it.
The creature scratched the door, bouncing it hard, almost crashing it open, when a ferocious, crying howl was heard, followed by a thundering fall on the ground. The beast ceased its attack.
Mika, with reticence to approach the door, mustered courage, and opened it. Horror was set in front of her eyes, but she didn’t scream. She had her mouth opened, heart in the neck, and her feet and arms couldn’t move.
Thomas had the beast at his feet, dead, with the creature’s heart in his hand. His white shirt was now ripped off, full of blood and severe wounds on his body. With his eyes of the beast he was himself, and revealing fangs, he met Mika’s.
“What…are…you?” She finally could ask.
“Are you afraid?” He threw aside the bloody heart he held.
“Afraid? I don’t know. Shocked? Yes….” She replied with a low voice staring at the dead creature on the floor. “These aren’t wolves, are they?”
“Werewolves, like Drake.” He answered without caring what she was to find out next.