“I thought he was a werewolf, and you a vampire. Still, why am I involved in this?” She spoke her mind, searching around with her gaze, trying to figure out the real situation, leaving Thomas wondering how she knew, and why wasn’t she terrified. “I did had training for this, but I thought dad was only exaggerating. Now, I understand. But what am I supposed to do next?” She continued without realizing Thomas was there. She was like Sherlock Holmes, attempting to find details and put the puzzle together.
“You knew? How did you know? Then, you remember last night? Who are you?” He rumbled questions on Mika, with seed of confusion.
“You know who I am. The owner of the company you want to buy.” She gave the explanation, having a cold attitude. It was like she was a different persona. “Did you kill my dad?” She bluntly asked, having her back towards Thomas, taking something from her makeup stand.
“Kill your father?” He replied, surprised by the question.
“Answer.” She didn’t move, waiting for his confession.
“And what if I did? What is a girl like you going to do?” He mocked her, chuckling.
Hearing that, she turned and plunged over him, with a silver dagger in her hand, with the intention to terminate him.
“Wow! Knock it off!” He caught her hand which was aiming his heart. Her eyes were launching fire spears once again, her jaw was clenched and had a perilous force and stance.
“You murderer! I’m going to fucking kill you! You killed my father! Why? What did he do to you? He didn’t let you have the company? For that?!” She screamed, forcing the dagger to cut his heart and turn him into ashes. She was for revenge.
“Yes, I killed your father.” He delivered the confession Mika asked for. “The company will be mine, and you, my bride. How about that? Sounds good?” He thrilled her nerves on Hell’s notes.
“Son of a bitch! I will kill you!” Mika put all her might, clashed a punch on his left cheek, and retracted her hand with the dagger.
Thomas was set a step behind, bursting into a crazy laughter. “You are really something! Worthy to be my partner!”
“I will be your Grim Reaper! You can be sure of that!” She threw the dagger to his heart.
“That is not going to happen. And this, is not going to kill me.” He said, catching the dagger, plunging it on the window, nailing it on the cold ground of the night.
“Your bride? Who on Earth would accept you after you killed my dad? Monster! You ugly monster, with that ugly soul, and ugly heart! You have a troubled mind as well!” She wasn’t afraid of him, only rage poured through her veins. Her heart was crazy, and her head was spinning, recollecting all the training she was put through and all her father’s warnings. Her dad had told her that a man would come and buy the company after his death, if that was going to happen. She wasn’t sure of who the person would be, as there were a number of men who asked for the same thing.
“Ha-ha! Ugly? There is a crowded line of women ready to be with me, happy to serve me. You should consider yourself lucky I picked you among those!” He voiced with a superiority air.
“In Hell is even a thicker line of such women, waiting for your Highness!” She madly replied, with killer glares.
Thomas hadn’t the will to hear additional threats, grabbed her in his arms and jumped with her through the opened window. He seated her in his car, fighting her to stay put, and drove away, aiming his mansion. “Tomorrow we will sign the marriage papers. They are ready, with your father’s blessings.”
“Say what?!” She tried to open the car’s door.
“No worries. I won’t touch you until after the ceremony. Your mother will be there as well. I have her blessings, too.” He informed her, pulling her in the car, as she managed to slightly open the door, attempting to jump.
“Oh! I will so kill you! Your blood will be on my hands! That’s going to be my marriage gift to you!” She professed, taking the steering wheel with her left hand and taking the car on the right side of the road.
“You want to get hurt? I won’t get killed in a car accident.” He pulled over on a forestry road.
Mika opened the door and started running in the woods barefoot. She didn’t have slippers or shoes, as everything rolled fast.
Thomas caught her. “I am destined to be your husband. Your father knew that! Instead, he kept you away for so long, covering up your existence from me! But he was smart. He left with his lawyer a legal document, with instructions. You are to take over the company on condition to be my wife!”
Mika was puzzled, not believing a word, fidgeting in Thomas’s arms. “I don’t believe that! You must have forged the documents! My father wouldn’t give me to a beast! He would never! And you killed him!”
“Past is past! Hate me, whatever! But this is how things are and will be!” Thomas took her against her will back to the car.
“I can’t believe this!” She cried.
Mika didn’t make a sound all the way to Thomas’s house, just tears would come down her cheeks. She couldn’t accept, or trust, his words. She decided to play the game and see what was next. Why did those werewolves attack Thomas and her? Something was off. Did he have enemies? Or, were they after her? She needed to see Drake. And she would, at Thomas’s place.
Inside the mansion, Olivia was waiting on the sofa, in a tight black dress, with a deep cleavage, revealing her rounded upper part of her breasts, and cut along her left leg at hip length. She would emanate a faint lilac smell. Her long, heavy black hair was covering her right shoulder, leaving her left side of the neck in plain sight. She resembled a goddess.