“I can take it. Just tell me.” She held his hand, feeling safe around him this time.
“Before I met you, I had several years, the same dream. A little girl, a sweet angel, running from darkness, in tears. A voice was telling me to save the girl. She was the one of my life. I didn’t give much importance to the dream but had the picture of the child in my head, all the time. At one point, when I had business in Brightstone, I met your father. The owner of Moridial Pharmaceutics, with whom I had a new contract, for supplies. He was a straightforward man. I liked him very much. He and I had many common grounds, and we got along well. In one of my meetings there with your father, I saw you. You were waiting outside the room, with a white teddy bear in your arms. I thought you were cute. When I wanted to ask your name, your father came and told me you are his daughter. Michaela. You didn’t speak. You only looked at me in the eyes and puffed. I went home that night, and while taking a shower, your image came before my eyes. I realized then that the girl from my dreams and the daughter of Moridial Pharmaceutics, was one and the same. A black energy pierced my heart. I sensed something evil was to happen. I got dressed and took my car back to your dad’s company. I drove like crazy. When I got there, your dad was hurt, blood was pouring down from his heart, his body on the floor, saying your name and ‘Help her….’. He was dying. I gave him my blood, used magic on his external injury, and put him on the sofa to recover. I reached the door, to go after you, when he said, that if I save you, you will be mine, at the right age, and he lost consciousness. I tailed your smell from the corridor and commenced hunting down the creature and you, all the way to the roof. Nothing was there. I found the teddy bear you had previously held, with your blood on it. I licked the blood to give me some details of your memories, to see who the creature was. I saw you crying, screaming my name, and saying murderer to the beast. It was a tall, dark creature, not from this earth. When you said my name the second time, the creature stabbed you with his long sharp nail in the heart, half in, to torture you first. You both disappeared. I went mad, pained, not understanding my connection with you, and why you had to suffer because of me. A young, innocent child.”
He had bloody tears. The events weren’t easy on him, not even after all those years.
“What happened next?” She wiped off his tears with her fingers.
Thomas took one of her hands, and kissed it, holding it to his cheek, not wanting to ever let it go. “I made a locator spell on your teddy bear, and it guided me to where you were kept. It was a trap set up for me. All that was against me, to hurt me. He tied your little body up and left you on the cold ground of a cave on Lothe Mountain, waiting for me to come. He was sure I would come for you.”
“Who was he?” She asked, raising his chin, to look him into his eyes.
“Demon. Summoned by the third house, to put me down, and take over the power. They knew the prophecy, that if I will marry that girl, centuries to come, they will have no success in taking my place. Real love makes us stronger. And I, unknowingly, already loved you, without even meeting you in real life, before our first encounter. I understood it later.” He gave her a kiss on the forehead. “I would even give my immortality and life for you, that much I love you, Mika.”
Mika stood there, puzzled to what she was hearing, remembering in bits. He was telling the truth. “What happened afterwards?"
He had a flashback while telling her.
“You came, DiAngelo. To meet your death. Come closer. Red Moon shall be witness of your mortality! Ha-ha!”
Aharlize, the demon, was a Red Moon demon, as his powers were at high peaks then. He was a dark matter, with horns, red glowing eyes, and the contour of a bull, but human in body. A towering creature, from the underground, summoned from
Hell, to exterminate him.
“Let the child go!” Thomas raged at him, going closer to the spot Michaela was.
“Don’t worry! You will die together! These are my orders! Ha-ha!” The demon announced their doomed fate.
“I won’t let you touch her!” He said, decreasing the distance between him and her.
“My dad is dead!” cried Mika to Thomas. “He killed him!” She said, having blood all over her petite body. An image that made Thomas growl and turn into a beast himself.
Thomas plunged over the demon, and a life and death rumble began. They fought with physical strength, with magic, you name it. The demon was strong. They were both badly wounded, but no one would halt the fight. One had to be dead at the end of the battle. After an hour or so, while both attacked the other, Thomas had the leverage of the Red Moon’s bright light, that blinded the demon, as Thomas used it in his magic, and inflicted his hand into the demon’s chest, pulling his heart out. Aharlize’s body hit the floor in an earthquake. He was dead. The ground of the cave opened, where the demon’s body was, and flames dragged him back to Hell.
“It’s alright. You are safe now.” Thomas approached with care the little girl, but he was on the verge of collapsing. The wounds he had were poisonous, and he was in a bad shape. For her sake, he would push himself to stay on his feet.
“I feel cold….” She witnessed everything, and she wasn’t scared since Thomas made his appearance, but after she saw the demon eliminated, she just couldn’t grab the life straw any longer.
“Your dad is safe. He didn’t die. He’s waiting for your return.” He took her in his arms. “It’s okay. Stay with me. Don’t close your eyes.”
Her little eyes gave a last spark, hearing her dad was still alive, and gave her last breath.
“No! Stay with me! Open your eyes!”