Mika was in tears. All of it came back to her. She hugged Thomas, crying on him. “You really did save me and dad!”
“Of course, silly. I never lie.” He replied, holding her tight, kissing her hair.
“You ordered everything for the wedding as you knew from my father what I fancied. You remembered the lilies and Cinderella’s dress.” She was smiling, her body accepting his embrace, her heart warming up.
“Now you understand that the company is not my target? It’s only a promise I made to your dad. You are my target. When I saw you that night, I didn’t recognize you. I just had the impulse to protect you, to save you from myself. The next day, when you were introduced to me by Polard, I was confused. Rumor was you were adopted, as you resembled well Michaela. Your name given after her. But I came to make the comparison between her blood and yours. It was a match. Then, I made all the preparations for our wedding. Polard sent me the last documents which confirmed my suspicions. Your father explained in the letter what he did, why he did it, and what he gave me as promised. You.” He continued the story.
“I understand. I was never afraid of you. I saw you as my hero, before dying then. When I woke up, I didn’t recollect any of it. I just knew I had to stay inside the house, not leave, avoid contact with everyone, until dad sent me away to train.” She added her side of the story. “I had nightmares sometimes, being kidnapped, and a battle between two demons. Nothing was clear in the dream. I would wake up screaming and crying. Never thought it had been real. I indeed blocked the event, or maybe dad did that. I don’t know.”
“I missed you, went crazy, did bad things. I can’t tell you how happy I am right now.” He said with his forehead touching hers, enjoying the moment he had been waiting for, but never hoping would become reality.
She kissed his cheek, near his lips. “I have missed you, too. I can confess that now. I’m sorry I acted that way. I wasn’t aware of this. I trust you. I’m also ashamed I’ve been bad to mom. She knew but didn’t tell me. I even suspected her being involved in my dad’s death. I’m a bad person….” She let her head down, crying she hadn’t got things right before acting. She needed to apologize to her mom.
“You weren’t bad. I am proud of who you are. You couldn’t grow better than this. Salvatore did an awesome job with you.” He kissed his bride, a kiss he wanted to last a lifetime.
Mika didn’t protest. She let him kiss her, and felt reunited with him, sharing same feelings. “Thomas?”
“Yeah?” He was beside her on the bed, holding her on his right shoulder, not wanting to break this moment.
“How about my dad’s death? Did you investigate it?” She was hoping he had more details about this. He was who he was.
“I did. After the attack last night at your place, I believe it’s same source. It’s either the third or the seventh house instigating these attacks. They want the throne. I have my men on it. They will shake things up. Don’t worry. They will pay for it. I’ll make sure of it.” He kissed her forehead again.
“But why was he killed? Could it be he was involved in something with them?” She couldn’t give up on knowing more, to see what he knew.
“My love…. Have faith in me. I’ll make things right. I always do. Having you by my side, nothing is going to stop me. The only thing that could break me, is your betrayal. That would kill me and make me a monster.” He touched her nose with his, rubbing it, kissing her lips, as he would a little puppy. He had a mix of love for her. Love of a husband, a friend, a father, an older brother, a lover. She was his fortune. Thomas would leave everything behind, but not her.
“Stop with this, you make me blush. No one had been so close to me and touched me like this. I’m not used to this.” She turned on the other side, with red cheeks, having a timid smile.
“How about Lawrence? Didn’t you guys have a hidden love story?” He mocked her in play, placing his arm on her tummy, sticking his body to her back.
“Would you stop? We didn’t have anything. He lied. I don’t understand why he said that. We were childhood friends, but no love involved, as he implied. I always thought of him as an elder brother. Haven’t seen him since dad sent me away.” She had her hand over his.
“So, that wasn’t the surprise? I thought you called him and asked for his help. He seemed pretty sincere to me. I mean, he even got physical with me.” He had his face between her neck and left shoulder.
“I haven’t called him. I didn’t know he would come. The surprise was another matter….” She paused.
“What other matter?” He chuckled.
“I broke the spell, wanted to beat your ass….” She was still thinking of beating him up.
“Beat me? Ha-ha! You can beat me whenever you want. I will not react. I can take it with a smile. But don’t blame me for the aftermath.” He turned her to face him, and took her lips, hungry for a French kiss.
She tossed, attempting to push him, laughing, playing. Her cold heart was now freed, welcoming feelings, allowing herself to taste happiness, even for a moment. She was taught to be cold, not accept anyone around her. But he was her hero, the person who saved her, her dad, and seemed genuine still. They had a history, a dark one, yet, he wasn’t the villain. Mika was touched by the way he remembered her childhood favorite flowers, the wedding dress she imagined, and how he had patience with her. He was there when she was attacked by those werewolves. Her being felt safe having him around. Bundles of love tickled her heart. She wondered how long that would last. Every time she experienced strong love for someone or something, horrors would follow.
“So, how about Olivia?” She dropped a bomb, at least she thought she would. Olivia, without her want, occupied her mind.
“What about?” He became serious.
“What’s going on between you two?” She seized his gaze, to see the truth.
“She’s my underling. Yes, she’s important. But not the way you are tempted to believe.” He was playing with her golden hair, now loose, after their rumble in the bed.
“She loves you. Wouldn’t she try something against us? Me in particular?” She was concerned. She liked Olivia. She did save her. But love can drive someone crazy and commit wrong doings.
“I know. It’s her problem. I’ve never encouraged her. She knows how I stand in this. She’s the main witch of our house, and a dear friend of mine. I won’t allow her to use her position against you. You are her Madam now. She knows her place. Don’t worry. Olivia has a sharp tongue; however, she won’t be foolish to attack you. She’s a direct person, always speaks her mind.” He replied, not breaking eye contact with her. He sensed her jealousy, though she wouldn’t admit it. It made him smile, to know she was preoccupied with a woman around him. It told him he had a chance to her heart.
“I felt sorry for her…. She wore black and was sobbing….” Mika’s gaze went in the room, reminiscing about how Olivia was, and the pain she suffered, seeing the man she loved, marrying another. “I bet she punished her soul for saving me the other day. I can’t blame her for that….”