Chapter 20 - You Are A Mini Me!

“Mika?” murmured Drake. He was in human form, strong enough to fight the werewolves, without turning into one.

“Thank you.” She said. “It is I that you big dark creatures want. Come and get me. Now!” She invited the black creatures, who started retracting from their preys, and move to Mika, with their fangs dripping blood, growling at her. They circled her.

“What?!” exclaimed Drake. “Are you nuts?!” He kept the wolf at hand not to do the same as the others, ripping his head off, to eliminate one threat from her.

She posed in a flexed mode, keeping her sword as a Ninja, above her head, waiting for them to make a move. They didn’t wait for other invitations and attacked her from all corners at once.

Between the towering black creatures, only the light of her sword could be seen, and blood thrown in the air each time she cut one. It took a few minutes.

Drake made a move to come and help her. Rick stopped him. “She can handle it. It’s not her first time fighting those.”

“Rick?! What’s the meaning of this?! She’s just a kid for crying out loud! She can get herself killed! Let me….” By the time he wanted to send Rick aside and lunch himself in the fight as her team, he saw all beasts killed on the floor. A rolling werewolf head touched his left shoe. He was jaw dropped, looking at the head at his shoe, and back to her. She was heavily breathing, returned in same position she started, covered in their blood, having only a scratch on her right arm. Her eyes were a glowing red with black contour.

Everyone was shocked. Silence reigned the room. Only a pair of hands was applauding. That was Thomas who entered the ring. “So, that was the surprise you wanted to give me, honey? You make me blush. I can sleep like a baby tonight, knowing you have my back!” He said, taking her in his arms, and kissing her lips for everyone to see.

“She’s a hunter!” One yelled, creating panic among them.

“Thomas! You didn’t tell us! That’s unacceptable!” Another vocalized.

“I’m a hunter! If you don’t shut that filthy mouth, I’ll do it for you!” She threatened. “I’m your Madam now! Show some respect! One of you, killed my father! I’ll make sure I’ll deal with the murderer! Me and Thomas share the same blood! I belong to his house for years! It happens that I’m also the leader of the hunters! First house increased its strength! That’s all to it! And if you have something against this, I’ll meet your requests in the arena, at the council, to prove myself! Challenge me all you want! Thomas will not interfere! I can handle you all!” She put a stop to the precipitation present in the room.

Thomas had his back at them, facing Mika. He was in shock himself for what she said. Being challenged by all houses, was a big thing. They would bring their best representant. But he played along. “Let’s stop the surprise now. I expect everyone to accept my marriage. She’s my wife and your Madam. You disrespect her, you disrespect me. Everyone goes home tonight. Next council will have as main subject this situation. I’ll listen to all you have to say then. The only thing you must have in mind, is that she is not removable from any position she has. Any attack I see or hear about, I will put it on all houses, to be investigated, and denominated from your positions. Let’s go home, honey! Wedding night is ours.” He chuckled, taking her out to his car, Odin brought, to leave them alone.

Drake gave the signal to everyone to take their belongings and leave. He had a hard night with his men, to clean the venue. It was a bloodbath and different body pieces, all over the place. Rick and his men remained behind to assist Drake. They were a common team, working together from now on.

“I’m impressed.” said Thomas, while driving his car, handing Mika a handkerchief, to clean blood from her face.

“Impressed? Humph!” She puffed again, storming the handkerchief from his fingers.

“Well, you’ve got my abilities. My blood then didn’t go for nothing. You are a mini me!” He laughed, patting her head, but rejected by her.

“Take me to my mom’s place. I need to see her. Someone inside the house did something to me that night. I wasn’t my normal self as I acted like a weakling. In any other circumstances, a big fight would have been in place between us. I never run away. I need to check something.” Mika searched Thomas’s jacket for the phone, not considering he was driving.

“Hey! You really want me to take you to your mom, or straight to our home?” He reacted, feeling blessed she touched him.

“Your phone! Stop being a pervert. Our marriage is only a contract. I’m too young for a real one. Other targets are important. I’m considering you a big brother at this point. Be thankful with that. I can’t give more.” She launched boundaries while taking his phone.

“Big brother?! Do you kiss a big brother like that?! I think I’m missing something here….” He glared at her, with his eyes widened, clenching the car’s stirring wheel, wanting to stop the car and make a bigger scene.

“You acted on me! You always take advantage of me! Pervert! Yeah! You’re missing something, maybe because you’re too old!” She snapped, changing her eyes into ultimate hunter.

“Wow! I’m too old?! Seriously?! I can’t believe what I’m hearing!” Fire was building inside of him.

“Mom? I’m coming to see you. Are my men with you?” She had no reaction to the Edna volcano that was driving the car.

“They are here. I was worried about you. You are safe, baby?” Her mother replied, having a restricted attitude, acting not normally. She would never call her daughter baby. That was her father’s calling of her.

“If there’s danger, tell me the word again.” She sensed her mom’s breathing had a delay.

“Ba-by. I’m okay. You don’t need to come. I want to have some rest. We’ll talk in the morning, baby.” She hanged up the call.

“I’m annoyed! I see you as my woman, and you see me as your brother?!” Thomas continued his crisis, not caring of anything else. He didn’t even want to hear the conversation between her and her mom. Only the word “brother” would bang his head, pumping the blood out of his veins.

“Will you shut up! Whining like a baby! Speed up! Mom’s in real danger!” She got him realize other people and situations were important, too. He shut up and used the sports car at its maximum.

Darkness reigned the house. No light was on. Strange, for it was always lighted outside and at the main entrance. Her mom never slept without a night lamp on in her room, since her husband died.

“I’m afraid to enter the house….” She said to Thomas, not moving forward.