“What?! You were conscious?” His face darkened. The horror she had been through back then was serious, yet she was speaking as it was a kid’s play.
“Not all the time. I woke up after she stabbed me. I generally don’t feel pain. I don’t feel anything. I shut everything down. But that knife gave me an atrocious pain. I almost killed her if Drake wouldn’t have stopped my hands. He helped me unknowingly to hold it in. Then I passed out and forgot about the events. When I saw you at the company, all came back. I took my potion before coming in the meeting room. Let’s go! We are losing time.” She went for the exit, leaving Thomas having all sorts of thinking processes. Something was off. A piece of the puzzle was missing. “Come on!”
Thomas took his suit jacket and followed her, analyzing her constantly. They took the car and were driving back to the venue. Odin had the window up, to grant them privacy.
“Why do I feel something is missing from all this? What’s your target, Mika?” He bluntly asked, looking at her.
“I have many targets as I have many duties to perform, such as yourself.” She saw his look, and understood she needed to give more explanations than that. She considered it was fair to share, they were allies. “OK! There are nine houses, right?”
“Right.” He played along.
“First house is yours. The leading house. Hybrid house, the most powerful of them all.” She continued, keeping eye contact with him.
“Right.” He was amazed she was knowledgeable. It wasn’t abnormal for a hunter to know the basics, but she was a petite woman, it wasn’t common for such a girl to be the queen hunter. Men would lead the hunters’ world.
“Second house is that of witches. They are not powerful but have strength in numbers. Some of them are among the greatest, yet they serve the other houses. Third house is that of pure vampires. They make rules and have power in the council. They are reputable nemesis, if they have a chance. Fourth house is that of demons. They have connections with all houses, and accept any deal, if it gets them forward. Demons feel used, and they are waiting for the moment when they will be able to walk freely and make their own rules. These ones are against the main house’s rules, that is you, and they have a lot of hate on your name for centuries. You don’t grant them all their demands. They consider themselves your slaves. Anyhow, fifth house is that of gargoyles. These ones are neutral. They only want to keep the balance, and they are among your loyal ones. They have never crossed you, always there to help. I like them the best, after you of course.”
She winked at him.
“Sixth house is that of foxes. They are sly. It’s the house that has the most beautiful women and contract allegiance with all houses for their benefit. They are lately building numbers to go against you at the next council. Seventh house is that of werewolves. These kind of hate your guts, more than anyone else. You took Drake from them. He was the heir of that house. Since then, they attack you constantly. Every chance they get, they strike. Eighth house is that of Grim Reapers. They are similar to us, but not as powerful. They keep themselves in the shadows, ascending when death needs to be served in the council’s matters, among other things. Last house, the ninth, is that of former dragons, present snakes, for the past four hundred centuries. They have power in the council, but don’t overshadow the vampires.”
She sketched all the houses, waiting for Thomas to say something.
“You know a lot of things for such a young age.” He realized he knew nothing about her. The little girl he wanted to protect was not weak. She had skills.
“What you don’t know, or maybe know, but in the blur, as we are, the rumors of a tenth house. My dad was investigating that, when he was killed. I was to be in his place, but everything changed a minute before going in the mission. I regret till today that change. Maybe he would still be alive, if things went on previous plans.” Her face was gloomy.
“Mika, you have a very dangerous position. You are too young for this. Knowing things and acting things, are two separate sections. I’m worried. I was worried for the council to find out you are a hunter, but to hear you are the hunter, it would make them hysteric. I need to think about this. Your safety comes first.” He fell into a profound thinking, but the car reached the venue.
“One thing, Thomas. Don’t get in my way.” She said on a low dry tone, getting out of the car.
Thomas had his eyebrows up, not expecting that. He got out of the car to see around eighteen cars full of hunters. They were all big guys, warrior style, and a few huntresses, waiting for Mika. Rick was first to advance to Mika, bringing her sword, and other equipment.
“Madam, we have surrounded the place. We have received news that your mother is safe. Our men took her home and is protected by our finest. She was asking about you.” Rick was her right hand, her most trusted man.
He had a big part in her training, one of her masters, until she beat him up, on the verge of killing him. It was the hunters’ way to get to the top of the chain in competitions, for the throne. He was a young man in appearance, but old in age. He was over 200 years. Rick was tall, muscles packed, had chestnut short hair, dark blue eyes, with fine features as a man. As a main player in the hunters’ society, he was most feared by other supernatural creatures. Only Thomas had him at his feet. He broke him years ago, became friends afterwards.
Mika took her sword. It was a special one, as it was silver made, with a red ruby, sharp, glowing in the darkness. It was a royal fit for the Queen Huntress. “Thanks, Rick. Did you find out who the attackers are?”
“We believe is the tenth house. None of the houses seemed to know about this. They were all hit. The attackers use werewolves. Crazy ones. They still fight inside. We’ve waited for your orders and let Drake and the others to defend inside. Our presence isn’t known. But I guess Thomas sent word about us to Drake at least. Is that right, Thomas mate?” He finally greeted Thomas. He respected him. However, Mika came first in front of him.
“Yeah. Rick? How come she’s above you? Getting old, my friend?” He mocked his old friend.
“No. She just beat my ass and granted me life. I’m her subject now. Couldn’t be prouder of our leader. You know nothing, but soon you’ll see.” He praised Mika, others accompanied him, cheering silently for her.
They were indeed proud. Mika was special, had won many things for them, a leader they hadn’t had for centuries. She was a warrior queen.
“Mareika? Take men and secure the back! Sibil? You take some and secure the sides! Rick? You come with me. We will take the front door. It is time to make ourselves known throughout the houses and send word to the tenth house. First house isn’t alone anymore. They have us. Let’s go!” She instructed but pulled behind by Thomas.
“What are you doing?” Thomas had fire swords through his heart hearing the orders. It was a game of high class. He didn’t trust her be up to the challenge. He was afraid she would get hurt.
“I said. Don’t get in my way. You do your thing and I’ll do mine. I can protect myself. Worry about others, not me.” She proceeded with Rick, who watched her back.
Thomas had a headache. He went inside with them.
“Alright. I won’t get in your way. I will watch from here. Let’s see what you’ve got, baby. Don’t come to me crying. I wanted to be your husband, you didn’t let me.” He dressed a wall with his back, standing, crossed his legs and arms, to enjoy the show.
From where he was standing, he could see the entire show. He had to see her skills, and what Rick was talking about. Plus, he could intervene at any moment if she needed his help.
She puffed, turned her back at him and entered the dance floor, where a horror scene was acting.
All houses were fighting the bloody gigantic black werewolves with all they had. Drake was battling two at once. She raised her sword, matching the interior light to the ruby and waved it across the wide room yelling.
“Stop!” Her word spread in the room while waving the sword, making everyone stop, all heads turning to her direction.
One werewolf stopped while having his teeth in a demon’s hand, because everyone was in their supernatural state, rarely one would still be in human form. Drake stopped after ripping the head of a werewolf. Everyone paused in plain action. All eyes were on her. Thomas was silently laughing. She had his skills. He didn’t intervene. He preferred the shadows for a while.
“Mika?” murmured Drake.