Chapter 47 - She Godfather...

Selena's POV:

I tilt my icy stare at him and, without looking, take another cigarette and light it. I lean my back on the chair and have both my hands on the table now, with the cigarette in my left hand.

He smirks at me and has a cocktail of heats in his eyes that are burning me, but I’m iced at this moment. I shut down my feelings for him and take an iced bull stare too at him. It’s an Alpha battle between us. He’s just winked with lust at me.

I fucking hate you when you act like this. I just feel like a sexual object. That’s all.

“You don’t say, baby. You get to fuck me whenever you want, and I have to obey to your wants and orders, right?”

In your fucking dreams!

I penetrate him with a mighty demon look and have my stare straight into his dark blue eyes, penetrating them with authority, having my head a bit aside, to burn the motherfucker, and all serious at him.