Chapter 23

Anubis entered through the dark portal and the next thing she new was that she was standing in a thick forest that was in a total different realm,the realm of demons.

She looked around and didn't see anything,she was a bit confused so she decided to see for help

"Lilith where should i go first?..kind of confused right now" she said to Lilith who sitting with her legs crossed on a wooden chair she got from who knows where,

"I do not know....maybe you should go left,my instincts tells me so and its never wrong" she replied

Anubis sighed helplessly,she knew that Lilith knows the exact path to take,but didn't want to tell her,is that a punishment or training?! no one knew what was going on in her mind.

Anubis decided to go right,something was telling her that Lilith was lying and so she took the right path,on her way she met so many different looking lesser demons but luckily her aura was concealed and so they didn't notice her at all. She kept going deep into the forest until she got to what looked like a carven but it was guarded by two higher demons, they sniffed the air and looked at each other causing Anubis to flinch and took a step back,

"Don't worry they won't notice you...they just felt a strange different aura,that's all" Lilith said to assure her,Anubis had doubts but since she's made up her mind to come here,she wouldn't back off now! it was already too late to go back.

She walked sneakily and entered the carven,she looked around and saw it was not so well decorated but it fitted the style of a demon lord,she walked slowly until she walked to the bed where the demon lord laid on his back asleep,she stared at the sleeping lord and shook her head at him,

'how can he sleep without care at all? doesn't he know that there might be danger lurking around?" Anubis thought to herself,she looked around the chamber looking for something and when her fell on the object,she grinned and took it,'it was a small silver dagger'

Holding the sliver in her hand she walked slowly to where the demon lord laid and for her to cut through he's chest,


She heard a loud bang from behind them, totally waking the sleeping god up,she turned to the noise,it seemed to be coming from the outside, "dammit!" she cursed inwardly and stood back,the demon lord got up from where he lay and walked towards the exit, getting outside the two higher demons guarding the entrance where fighting against a red dragon looking man,she soon found a spot and hid as she watched the fight,

"How dare you?!" the demon lord said in an angry misty voice drawing the dragon's attention, the dragon man smirked and rushed toward him, the demon god raised his to the sky and thunder roared,appearing in his hand where dark lightning and he waved it towards the dragon man who dodged it merely,the dragon man glared at the demon god with hatred and anger,he brought out a blue sword and waved it swiftly to him and blue flames sprout out of it and rushed towards it target with a speed not visible to human eye,the demon lord wasn't able to dodge it and so it hit him sending him flying and burning in the blue flames.

"You need that sword Anubis" Lilith suddenly said to Anubis as they watched the dragon man make use of the blue flame sword.