Chapter 24

"But why? is the sword that powerful?" Anubis asked back,she couldn't understand why Lilith wanted her to take the blue sword.

"Yes it could slay anything that comes in contact with need it!" Lilith said with every assurance and Anubis nodded her head

"But how do i get it?" She asked because she couldn't just go up there and start fighting the dragon man,it will only expose her and shatter her plans as well.

"Wait until they are both weak.....there will be an opening for you,then you can get him" Lilith replied as she also watched the fight looking for any slight chances that will be good for Anubis to strike.


Time passed and the two men were still fighting but unfortunately they were already exhausted,the demon lord had been burnt so many times with the blue flame sword and was at the edge of giving up while the dragon man was already down,using the flame sword makes one weak because it uses the wielder's blood as fuel to power it,the sword is connected to it's wielder.

Finally Anubis saw an opening from the weak dragon man who laid on the ground grasping for air and sneaked up to him,having her aura concealed was the best thing because none of the two beings noticed her at all,she took out the silver dagger and sliced off the dragon man's head even before he could retaliate, his face was filled with terror and anger,he was taken by surprise and worst of all is that he didn't see his killer's face,so how was he going to avenge himself if he wanted to?! life was cruel to him this time!!.

Anubis stared the blue flame sword for a long time before she picked it up from the ground where it was,immediately she carried it, she felt a great force pull her, she watched as it began to suck her blood and she became afraid,

"Lilith what's going on?" she asked in fear,

"Don't be afraid,it has to drain some of your blood to be one with you,the former owner is dead now so its making you it's next owner,you'll be the only one to wield it as long as you are alive" Lilith explained and Anubis sighed in relief.

After some minutes,the sword vibrated in her hands and stopped sucking her blood,she looked at the sword and grinned " you are mine now!! and i am yours!" she said to the sword and surprisingly,it vibrated in response indicating that it understands it's owner,Anubis grinned more at the sword,as she was inspecting the sword,she saw a red button and out of curiosity she decided to press it to know what it was for,when she pressed it,the sword began to enter into her arm until it circled itself on her arm like a sword tattoo " Oh!! wow!" was what she said as she was truly amazed.


The demon lord laid on the debris exhausted,he felt a swift movement of a flying object and before he knew it,his head rolled on the ground with eyes wide open,"so this is how i ended?" was his last thoughts as life began to leave him. Anubis grinned at herself after beheading the demon god, "so easy hmmph" she harrumphed and took out the silver dagger and sliced open his chest,digging her hands inside his chest,she brought out a bloody dark heart that was still beating and looked at it,she almost threw up as she looked at it,

" have to do it now or you'll remain stuck here forever" Lilith acted as a reminder for her.

Anubis swallowed hard and brought the heart to her mouth,with eyes shot tight she began munching the heart,she ate it hurriedly and when she was done she heaved a sigh,immediately she felt extreme pain in her heart and crunched down on her knees and screamed in pain,her whole body burned with extreme pain,it was as if she was on fire,and unquenchable fire,it took a long time before the burning pains began to subside,she collapsed on the ground as she was sweating profusely,then a dark horn appeared, entering into her forehead,she felt an immense power surge into her filling her whole body with strength she never felt before

After minutes of transformation,the elder demons gathered before her and bowed their heads at her,

"My are now our lord,and we are your humble servants and we pledge our lives to you!" the eldest of them all said, Anubis stared at them not knowing what to say.

"Say something will you??! or you wanna leave a bad impression on them?" Lilith asked suddenly,and Anubis cleared her throat awkwardly and looked at them

"Understood...I'm not used to all these and as you can see I'm still young,so i will take advice from you because you are my elders...but what i won't tolerate is disobeying me or trying to betray me,i will waste no time in finishing you off if i find you an enemy to me!" Anubis said with a serious face.

"We wouldn't dare my lord..." the eldest one said.