Chapter 36

Zeus looked at Daemon's hard shaft and grinned widely,he slowly got up and pushed him making him to fall on the bed.

"Sure! i know son...I'll make you pay for what you've done to me" Zeus said with a smirk as he grabbed the hard shaft and started licking on it,he gently sucked on the tip of the shaft sucking out all the precum that was dripping out from it,he removed his mouth and sucked on the balls making Daemon to moan out loud,he kept sucking on the balls as he fiddled on the shaft causing it to drip more.

"Father! please its painful" Daemon said as he couldn't take the pain his hard shaft was giving him. Zeus had refused to make Daemon release because he wanted to punish him,he kept licking the shaft without taking it in,making Daemon to plead in pain as he couldn't stand the pain,his shaft was already so hard that veins were already visible on it. Zeus seeing him in pain smirked and brought his mouth to his shaft and took it in,bringing the walls of his mouth together he began sucking on the shaft with a fast pace,not giving Daemon any breathing space he kept moving his head up and down as sucked on the shaft.....Daemon feeling the tightness of the mouth in his shaft,he couldn't help but moan out loud,he pulled on Zeus' hair as he moaned loudly causing him to increase his pace.

"It's coming ....." Daemon whispered as he jerked off uncontrollably in Zeus' mouth,it kept gushing out until there was none left,"Thanks father!" he said as he got up.

" taste so sweet as usual" Zeus said as he stared at his son whilst licking his lips.

"I know....don't need it to say it" Daemon said and left for the bathroom,

"Tsk!" Zeus clicked his tongue and caressed his disheveled hair while entering the bathroom.


The two grown up men laid on the bed,with one's head resting on the bare chest of another who was caressing his hair.

"Father!" Daemon called as he tried to sit down


"Its about Anubis....She is quite strong now." Daemon said to the surprise of Zeus who abruptly got up as well.

"How strong now?" he asked

"Too strong for her age,she already killed the former Lord of demons and now is the new lord,she did this so she could save a human mage and now the boy Is already a demon like her...I'm not against her becoming powerful,i fear that Yama will be seeing her as a treat to him and his armies and will be after her now." Daemon said with a worried face,he knows how important she was to his father and mate,and will do what he has to in order to protect the girl.

"hmm,she didn't tell me she was already a demon lord...quite too early for her age,though she is powerful now she can't still stand against Yama,he's way too strong for her.....come we need to go see her now"


Anubis sat in the court yard with her eyes closed and her legs crossed,she wanted to awaken her air elemental ability as fast as possible so she wouldn't focus solely on her demon powers or fire elements,she wanted to be versatile. She tried freeing her mind from every distractions as she searched for the orb of the air element,until she saw what looked like an orb surrounded with air that shone brightly,it was floating around her mind as if it was playing,Anubis smiled widely and began to center her the will of her mind on the floating orb ~ the orb sensing a strong will approaching it flew away and his behind the walls of the mind,Anubis kept pushing her will to the orb who suddenly became aggressive and started attacking the opponent's will using it's, Anubis instead of becoming upset smiled mischievously and added more force to her will,the floating orb seeing that the opponent wasn't going to stop even after all it's effort started approaching the will little by little until it finally got close enough,Anubis grinned and used her will to envelop it,after that she centered her mind on the air elemental orb and waved her hands causing the air around her to stir....

"Wow.....i did it!" Anubis said opening her eyes,she looked around and the air around her was moving up in a circular motion,she grinned and waved her hands again causing it to disperse. While she was lost in her moment of happiness she suddenly smelt a familiar but yet an odd scent.

"Yama!!" she suddenly exclaimed in terror.