Chapter 35

In an extremely dark coven,sat a white haired woman on her throne with a crown on her head and a long staff by her side,she sat staring at the man before her, who was none other than her son ~ Yama.

"Son! what are you still waiting for,when are you taking over the throne of hell,you know how I've longed so much for the throne?,you also know that if i don't get it,all my sacrifices will be in vain and i will disappear forever" she said to her son.

"Mother Aurora! I'm not yet prepared, i...."

*clinnnnnnnnng* The white haired witch stamped the staff on the floor furiously,

"What do you mean you not prepared? 5 thousand demons are at your command,10 thousand human mages at your command,100 minions at your command,the whole witches and wizards are all under me,what else are you waiting for?" she asked furiously as her son stared on the floor,he didn't dare stare at her while she was angry.

It had always been her sole wish to take over hell right from when she came into existence,even after getting married to the previous Lord of hell,she was not given anything,all her rights were given to her co-wife who she hated with contempt. Lilith was an epitome of beauty and charm,she possessed everything one could want ~ power,beauty,authority,wisdom,charm,she was also submissive to her king ~ everything a king wanted for in a queen,she had it whereas Aurora had only beauty and was deemed powerless by the king because she was just a witch,at a time after given birth to Yama,out of anger she became so power driven that she started vying for the throne which was not acceptable by her king,she was later sent out of hades without anything not even her son who the king took. Many ages later,she heard the king was gone to slumber and finally returned with hopes of getting the throne through her son,but her heart shattered into pieces when she found out that Zeus the son of her co-wife and rival was already crowned the prince of hell instead of her son,she became furious and met with the Origin in order to get Lilith punished,she could not harm Zeus because he was too powerful for her and was protected by many other powerful beings because of his father, but that isn't the case now,because she had gained enough power by practicing more evil powerful spells and creating armies of minions,she gave birth to many witches and Wizards who were now under her. For ages she had been preparing for war,a war where she would destroy all hindrances that wouldn't allow her become the queen.

"Mother Aurora....I'm sorry! I'll start preparing the armies immediately,but you need to give me sometime,there are things i need to wary of" Yama said thinking about Anubis,he needed to be wary of her,he learnt she was getting strong and was now the Lord of demons,if care wasn't taken she would be the tool that Zeus will use against him.

"What are the things? be clear!" Aurora said as she stared at him with her white iris .

"I'm not certain yet,but will check...I've got to go mother!" Yama said and disappeared immediately.

"Follow him,go find out what he is hiding from me,i suspect he's hiding something from me" The white haired woman said and a figure appeared from the shadows and disappeared as well.