Chapter 1 Trash

"Hahaha, look at this piece of trash."

Within the Limitless Continent, in a small domain, in an even smaller Kingdom, in the smallest city imaginable was the Skyward Sword Sect, a Sect were many but simultaneously few youngsters began their path to immortality.

In this Sect we meet out protagonist Wang Tian the trash of the Skyward Sword Sect, at the age of 17 he had only managed to reach 3rd Layer of Qi Refinement while even the worst of his peers had already reached the 5th Layer.

Because of this, he was forced to slave away in the Sect completing menial tasks for his fellow disciples. "You missed a spot you shithead, don't tell me you can't even clean correctly?" A disciple barked, his palm flying towards Wang Tian's face.

In an instant the boy was sent flying across the platform a red palm print on his face. Today like any other he was forced to clean the dueling platform for Xiao Yang, an Inner Disciple who had already reached the 6th Layer of Qi Refinement.

Wang Tian crawled up from the ground as his face swelled, barely standing up as he stared at Xiao Yang. "I will make you pay!" He muttered before collapsing onto the ground. "Hah, fucking trash, lets leave." Xiao Yang spat before departing with his fellow disciples.

Some hours later Wang Tian awoke from his slumber. 'I guess they finally left me alone.' He sighed before dusting himself off. At this point Wang Tian was used to the repeated bullying but a piece of his heart was still unwilling to submit, but alas the strong rule while the weak die, that's what he had learned after all these years.

"Pi, pi, pi, pi."

Rain began to fall as if mocking his plight. "Hah, should I just leave the Sect?" The boy muttered his long black hair cascading down his back, as his light brown eyes stared defiantly at the heavens.

"One day my name will resound throughout the Azure Tree Kingdom and all will bow before me!" Wang Tian declared, but the heavens didn't care. Rain continued to fall as Wang Tian stood there listless. Alas he wasn't fated, a few minutes later the boy returned to his wooden hut on the outskirts of the sect.

Once he entered he immediately sat up on his straw bed in a lotus position and began cultivating according to the Sect's Skyward Sutra. It was the only cultivation technique he knew and he had become proficient at it after using it for many years.

'Still not enough.' After a few hours of cultivation Wang Tian sighed in resignation. He was still too weak, he couldn't even breakthrough into the 4th layer with his current cultivation, much less catch up to Xiao Yang who was in the 6th layer.

Just as he was about to go to sleep a light flashed through his window before entering his eyes. "AHHHH!" He screamed in pain as information flooded his mind 3 words appearing in his mind.

"Dracodevil's Heavenly Body"