Chapter 2 Dracodevil's Heavenly Body


"HAAA!" As the first rays of light entered the room Wang Tian woke up in shock his hands clutching his head. 'W-What happened?'

The boy was confused to say the least. After his regular cultivation all Wang Tian could remember was a flash of light and a mass amount of information entering his mind. 'But what was that, the Dracodevil's Heavenly Body?'

Almost instantaneously word after word appeared within Wang Tian's mind before forming into an introduction to the technique.

"The Heavenly Dracodevil does not fear life or death, heaven or hell, the Heavenly Dracodevil stands above all and below none with one finger he covers the sky with another he drains the oceans.

Dracodevil's Heavenly Body 1st Level...."

'What is this?' Wang Tian was shocked by what he was reading, the Dracodevil's Heavenly Body seemed to describe a set of body refining techniques, one had to know that body refining techniques were extremely rare in the Azure Tree Kingdom, in fact the Skyward Sword Sect only had 1 such technique and it was reserved for Core Disciples who had reached the 9th Layer of Qi Refinement.

'The question is how do I know what this is, in fact how did it appear in my mind, was it that flash of light?' Question after question ran through Wang Tian's mind but he had no answers to speak of. 'Should I try this out? But what if it results in backlash or even a deviation?'

For over an hour Wang Tian debated the pros and cons in his head until he finally decided to try out the technique. 'What is there left for me to lose anyway, with my talent I have no future so I might as well try out this technique.'

With that Wang Tian exited his small hut donned in his white robes which indicated he was an Outer Disciple. Once a Disciple reached the 6th Layer of Qi Refinement they could become an Inner Disciple, and once one reached the 9th Layer they would be considered a Core Disciple.

All Core Disciples were given extreme care and help by the Sect, because if they could take the next step and reach the Essence Condensing Realm the Sect's strength would increase by a large margin.

Sadly for Wang Tian that was a far off dream, in fact he would be happy as long as he could wipe the floor with Xiao Yang's smug face. 'This doesn't matter anymore, let me just try this out.'

Facing his palms towards the sky, Wang Tian began his training as his body traversed across the ground. Although he was only a 3rd Layer Qi Refining Cultivator his body was still far beyond that of a regular mortal so he could do normal exercise with ease, but these set of movements had tired him out after only 10 minutes.

"Haa, haa, this is just getting weirder and weirder." Wang Tian huffed before sitting down. Unbeknownst to him a silvery energy was gathering on his body before slowly fusing into his physique.

'The 1st Level said that by repeatedly doing the movements, one's physique would be greatly strengthened and they'd be able to life a ton with ease. Not only that but one's pores would be opened too allowing for greater cultivation speed.' Wang Tian went over the information in his mind.

Currently he was already beginning to believe in the validity of this technique, after all the rate at which he exhausted himself was very very odd for a set of seemingly regular movements.

After a few minutes of rest Wang Tian rose from the ground before walking towards the Sect, he had tasks to complete after all and they weren't going to complete themselves.

"Oh, look who decided to show up." The disciple at the desk sneered before handing Wang Tian various papers along with a medallion. "A bit late today aren't we?" He continued before shaking his head in derision.

While Wang Tian wasn't too fond of this man there was nothing he could do about it, so he simply took his tasks before departing from the hall.

Today Wang Tian would have to go collect a package for an Elder, feed the chickens, and then sweep the dueling platform. Not to mention that he'd probably end up having to do tasks for the other disciples meaning his entire day was filled.

Walking down the mountain Wang Tian made his way to his first stop, the Mystic Treasure Hall. He had to collect some herbs for the Pill Hall's Elder.

An hour later Wang Tian arrived at Skyward City, as the name implied it was a small city within the jurisdiction of the Skyward Sword Sect, being as it was right under the mountain.

Entering the city, various common folk looked at him in awe, but the boy could only smile wearily at this. 'Little do they know my living conditions are worse than theirs.'

A few minutes later he finally arrived at his destination, it was a grand building, a large sign hung on its front with the words "Mystic Treasure Hall" written on it. The Mystic Treasure Hall was a strange existence within the Azure Tree Kingdom, in fact many people speculated it had a strong backing from outside the Kingdom.

Entering the Hall, Wang Tian immediately saw various people walking around as they browsed through the various goods. "Hello I am from the Skyward Sword Sect here to pick up a package, this should be the proof of transaction." He quickly explained once he reached the counter.

Seeing the medallion the fat man at the counter smiled before grabbing a package and handing it to Wang Tian. "Thank you for your patronage." He said before Wang Tian turned around and left.

Like this Wang Tian's day passed by, task after task, until eventually Wang Tian was back in his wooden hut. 'Luckily Xiao Yang didn't bother me today so I only had to complete 2 extra tasks.'

Wang Tian then walked outside he was going to train the Dracodevil's Heavenly Body once again. "Now that I think about it, I feel much more energised than usual." The boy muttered to himself before beginning the set of movements.

Almost 15 minutes later Wang Tian was huffing and puffing on the ground once again. ".....That was quite the drastic improvement." He said to himself in shock. From 10 minutes in the morning to 15 minutes in the evening, the difference was quite huge.

'Let me test this out.' After a few minutes of rest Wang Tian went inside hit hut and grabbed a small wooden sword, he then ran to a tree close by which he had used to practice his sword techniques.

"Before I could only make maybe a 3 centimeter deep cut, but what about now?" Grabbing his sword Wang Tian slashed towards the creating a 5 centimeter deep gash in the tree.

Seeing this Wang Tian was shocked, one had to know that this tree wasn't any ordinary tree but rather a dark oak tree, it was much sturdier than a regular tree and could be used as a good indication of a person's strength.

For example a 1st Layer Qi Refining Cultivator could only make a 1 centimeter deep cut, while a 3rd Layer Qi Refinement Cultivator could make a 3 centimeter deep cut. This meant that Wang Tian's strength right now was equivalent to a 5th Layer.

"Hahaha, all those who thought it was funny to bully me, I'll see your face in a weeks time." Wang Tian chuckled before heading back to his hut. He had finally found his path.