Chapter 6 Dominating the Hissing Forest

'This forest is huge, how am I gonna find my way back.' Wang Tian sighed as he trudged through the Hissing Forest. It had only been a couple of hours since his encounter with Yan Mei so Wang Tian was still relatively lost as he tried to regain his footing.

'First I should head for that mountain up ahead, from there I should be able to find the Black Furred Ape.' A few hours later Wang Tian had reached the foot of the mountain, luckily he hadn't encountered any demonic beasts so far.

"According to the map I need to head north from here, so..." He mumbled before continuing on his journey. Somehow Wang Tian had managed to avoid the majority of demonic beasts on his journey, apart from the Iron Clawed Eagle in the beginning.


Sadly, this time of peace was about to come to an end, a crimson snake was now pouncing towards Wang Tian's back its fangs aiming for his neck.


In one swift motion Wang Tian turned around his hand clawing towards the snake. 'Its oddly slow.' Wang Tian thought his clamping down on the snake's body. Immediately the snake began struggling, a sad expression appearing on its face.

"Oh you want me to spare your life?" Wang Tian chuckled as he gazed at the snake. 'It seems my missions are just delivering themselves to me.' With that Wang Tian twisted off the snake's head before he began scouring through its body for the gallbladder.

After acquiring it he crudely tore the scales off the snake one after the other. 'I should've brought a bigger pouch.' He had placed most of his bags and supplies on the horse, only keeping a few bags on his person, and with just one snake's worth of materials he had already filled up half of one, otherwise he would have just taken the entire snake.

Once this little scuffle was over, Wang Tian quickly left the scene, as he didn't feel like getting caught up between many other demonic beasts. After all if there was one thing most demonic beasts were good at, it was smelling blood.

Some time later night began to descend, because of this Wang Tian holed himself up in a small cave. It was a damp cave, with not much room but it had just enough space for Wang Tian to do his daily training.

Almost an hour later Wang Tian sat down exhausted, gazing at the forest outside. 'I should take the Marrow Cleansing Pill soon, but its not safe in the forest. If I am interrupted during the process I could die from the backlash.' With that the night passed and day arrived and Wang Tian continued his missions.

On the second day, Wang Tian caught his first wild boar and ate it, nothing eventful happened on the 3rd, but on the 4th day he managed to encounter not 1 but 2 Crimson Snakes, completing one of his missions. Which brings us to the 5th day.

"Finally, is this it?" He muttered entering the small valley, it was a pretty inconspicuous place but Wang Tian knew that within it held a terrifying foe. The Black Furred Ape was nothing to scoff at, its strength and durability were top class in the Hissing Forest and even 5th Layer Qi Refinement disciples would have trouble facing it.

A few minutes later, Wang Tian had reached the center of the valley, where a large black figure lay. It was 3 meters tall, its arms as big as Wang Tian himself, its body covered in dense black fur, this was naturally the Black Furred Ape.

"Haa, shooo, haaa, shoo....."

The Black Furred ape snored away. Wang Tian began to approach cautiously once he noticed that it was asleep, after all if he played his card right he could finish this off with one blow. 'All I need to do is quietly approach and then finish it off.'

100 meters away, 70 meters away, 40 meters away, 10 meters away, 5.....4....3...2, just as Wang Tian had closed in on the Ape its eyes shot open. Immediately it rose from the floor, seemingly enraged that a human would try to sneak up on it in its sleep.

'How?' Wang Tian was confused, he had been perfectly quiet but then it dawned on him, the ape's sense were so sharp that even a meter away it could hear Wang Tian's heartbeat and breathe while asleep.

"Fuck it, you want a fight, then come fight me fat ass!" Wang Tian roared before sending his fist flying towards the Ape. He was much more experienced in battle than he was against the Iron Clawed Eagle, and he was sure that bar from a few beasts none could match his physique. In return the Ape sent its fist flying towards Wang Tian at an immense speed.


Their clash shook the air, both man and beast taking a step back as they reexamined their opponent. This lull only lasted for a brief moment as Wang Tian charged towards the Ape once again, his body low towards the ground.

'We may be evenly matched, but its size will be its downfall!' Seeing the human charge at it, the Ape sent its palm slamming towards Wang Tian to thoroughly crush him, alas its efforts were in vain. Unless Wang Tian took the initiative to clash with the Ape it couldn't catch him and soon after the boy had reached the Ape.

Standing barely half a meter away from the Ape, Wang Tian kicked off the ground punching towards the beast once again. This time the Ape couldn't respond in time suffering a solid punch to the face.


It roared in pain, taking two steps back from the sheer force of the punch. 'Seems it was effective, but with that level of durability this is going to take a while.' Wang Tian pondered gazing briefly at his reddened fist.

Then the battle continued, as the two fought on fiercely, but a pattern soon arose. Wang Tian would charge at the Ape and dodge around before closing in and punching it in the face, this repeated time and time again, eventually the Ape began bleeding from its face swelling from the continuous blows.


Over an hour later, the Ape gave one last blood curdling scream before falling down, dead. On the other hand Wang Tian dropped onto the floor, his fists bloodied from the battle but he was mostly unscathed.

A few minutes later Wang Tian picked himself up from the ground before moving towards the Ape. "Wait, what are these?" He muttered as he noticed 2 bright green strands of grass behind the Ape. 'I can't be THAT lucky right?'

As Wang Tian approached the grass, he couldn't help but grow more and more excited, these were Verdant Grass and with these he would have finally completed all his quests. Collecting the grass, Wang Tian swiftly packed them in his only empty pouch before sealing it shut.

"So what do I do with you?" Wang Tian mumbled looking at the corpse. For the Black Furred Ape he would only need a proof of kill, so its fangs would do, but he also had to reimburse the stables for the horse.

"Going back to the Sect shouldn't be too hard from here...ya I'll just do that."