Chapter 7 Martial Arts Training

"What is that on his back?"

"Is he crazy?!"

"It smells so bad!"

Disciple after disciple complained as they pointed toward their fellow disciple. It was a boy in what one could assume were once white robes that had now become a pale brown, with a large black furred object on his back.

Naturally this was Wang Tian who had just came back to the Sect after his 10 day excursion in the Hissing Forest. 'I have to pay back the horse within 1 week what a pain.' Wang Tian sighed as he trudged through the Sect grounds, he had been dreading this day, after all 10 gold wasn't exactly a small sum.

While he was contemplating how he was going to collect funds, the disciples continued pointing at him and complaining as he walked past them. Eventually Wang Tian walked into a familiar group of disciples.

"That's him!" Shouted one of them pointing towards Wang Tian. Just as those words were uttered a disciple stood to block Wang Tian's way. "I am Mao Yi, one of the top Outer Disciples. I heard you bullied my brother the other day. What do you have to say for yourself?" The disciple named Mao Yi asked.

'Huh? Who is this guy? He reminds me of those one line villains from those old books I used to read.' Wang Tian thought, before something dawned on him. "Oh? I never bullied him, I was simply doing right by our agreement!" Wang Tian said solemnly as he placed down the corpse of the Black Furred Ape.

"W-What agreement, we had no agreement!" The original disciple replied indignantly. "No, no, no, you don't need to hide our agreement anymore. This brother right here was paying me for martial arts lessons, and I as a Senior Brother couldn't refuse, so naturally I allowed him to attack me wherever I was as his training. In fact, come punch me right now!" Wang Tian declared beating his chest.

Seeing this Mao Yi was confused to say the least, and he didn't know how to respond, on the other hand his brother was in a state of panic. "P-Punch you? I'd rather go eat shit!" He screamed, his broken hand still tingling from the pain.

"That is unfortunate, alas what can a man do? You there Junior Brother, would you like some martial arts training for the cheap price of 30 gold coins?" He asked pointing towards Mao Yi. 'What me? Wait why am I here again...'

Only after Wang Tian's offer did Mao Yi remember why he had appeared today. Originally he had been preparing for the Ranking Battle, but his brother couldn't stop pestering him these past 10 days so he had reluctantly given in to his demands. After all beating up a disciple was much easier than suffering through the constant bombardment of his brother's complaints.

"Hmph! Martial Arts training my ass, if you can survive 10 of my attacks I will give you everything on my person!" Mao Yi declared, after all in his eyes Wang Tian was only a 3rd Layer trash, and he wanted to get this over and done with quickly.

"I see Junior likes a fast paced approach, sure then lets fight." With that the battle began. Mao Yi immediately shot forward his fist hurtling towards Wang Tian's abdomen, in response the boy simply stood still.


As the punch landed, the air shifted but Wang Tian stood strong as a smirk graced his face. "It seems Junior is much better than that fellow over there, but you're clearly still lacking, take this slap of mine." Wang Tian's palm moved swiftly through the air before making contact with Mao Yi's cheek sending him sprawling 2 meters back.

Mao Yi was amazed at first before he grew enraged. 'Who the fuck is this guy? Why the fuck am I fighting him!?! After this is over I am gonna beat your ass Mao Er!' He seethed, his qi roiling around his body.

"I admit I underestimated you, the 5th Layer of Qi Refinement isn't something a 3rd Layer trash can overcome!" Mao Yi roared, shooting off the ground his fists hurtling towards Wang Tian once again.




Fist after fist connected with Wang Tian's body, and unless they were aimed at his face Wang Tian remained perfectly still. "Isn't that your 9th attack Junior? It seems that unless you down me with your next attack I will be collecting a very hefty tip today." Wang Tian chuckled rubbing the back of his head.

'I never realised against the demonic beasts, but my body is actually exceptionally durable!' Wang Tian rejoiced, on the other hand Mao Yi wasn't so happy, there were many eyes on the two right now and Mao Yi had indeed promised all that on his person to Wang Tian if he could survive through 10 of his attacks.

'Fuck it, I'll just go for a disgraceful attack.' Mao Yi threw his fist forward aiming for Wang Tian's face one final time. Seeing this Wang Tian moved his head slightly to the side but as he did so, he didn't notice Mao Yi's leg swiping towards his family jewels. The crowd looked on in pity at Wang Tian as he was about to suffer a grievous blow but then the unexpected happened.


Mao Yi's leg was bent in an odd way after he pulled his leg back, so much so that Mao Yi was confused as to what happened. "ACKKK!" As if just realising what had occurred Mao Yi suddenly fell on his back as he clutched his leg.

On the other hand Wang Tian was standing there just piecing together what had happened.

"Does he have balls of steel?"

"What is he made of?"

"Are we sure he wasn't hiding a shield in his underwear?"

The disciples whispered among themselves, watching the scene in disbelief. "It seems Junior has failed to live up to his Senior's expectations, what a pity. Fear not for I will still take my fee and I will be open to teaching you martial arts at any time!" Wang Tian announced in a self-righteous manner approaching Mao Yi who was sprawled on the ground.

"Ack, get away!" Mao Yi shooed him away still clutching his leg as he rolled on the floor. Wang Tian paid him no heed though, as he quickly began rummaging through Mao Yi's things taking his gold and a few items he held on his person.

'Oh he has Qi Refining Pills?' He noted storing the items away. "Since I've taken what I've needed I'll be on my way." Wang Tian muttered before walking off. It was barely 5 steps later when he stopped and turned around.

"Actually, I require your robes." With that Mao Yi was laid on the ground half naked unable to do anything. "You bastard! I will make you pay!" Mao Yi screamed in pain, as Wang Tian walked away with the Black Furred Ape's corpse.

"Don't worry Junior, I am always willing to take your money!"

Later that day Wang Tian turned in his quests, and earned 17 Qi Refining Pills, he was given 2 extra for bringing back the Black Furred Ape's corpse. After that he paid the stableman for the horse, before making his way back to his hut.

"Damn, he had 40 gold on him, and 8 Qi Refining Pills? If I knew robbery was so profitable I would have just done that from the get go!" Wang Tian sighed. "Well I should start my training, tonight is pretty important after all."