Chapter 8 Marrow Cleansing

"Haaa, haa, haa. Finally, I've done it!" Wang Tian muttered, silver energy gathering on his skin before it entered his body. He had finally achieved 2 hours in the 1st Level of the Dracodevil's Heavenly Body.

Wang Tian didn't know much about this technique, but what he did know was that it was extremely strong and easy to train. Everyday Wang Tian grew stronger and stronger by simply doing some exercises, but little did he know a strong energy was entering his body.

'It seems about time to take the Marrow Cleansing Pill.' Sitting on his bed and preparing for his cultivation, Wang Tian decided to finally use this sacred pill. With this his talent would soar to new heights.

According to what he knew back then, the King had obtained the Marrow Cleansing Pill and gifted it to the crown prince, after consuming it his cultivation advanced swiftly through the Essence Condensing Realm.

To Wang Tian such a Realm was but a dream, but that also meant the Marrow Cleansing Pill would be extremely effective in increasing his talent, at least within the Qi Refinement Realm he should have no issues advancing his cultivation.

"Here goes nothing." Opening up the jade bottle, a strong medicinal fragrance spread throughout the room in an instant. Next Wang Tian took out the pill, it was a pure white pill spherical in shape, neither too big nor too small. After a second of deliberation Wang Tian popped the pill into his mouth and began revolving his energy.

In an instant the pill dissolved within his body, releasing a powerful energy which charged into his bones and into his marrow. At first the process went smoothly, a black gooey substance was pouring out of his pores, and every exhalation came with a black smog.

Suddenly the process went awry. 'What the fuck is this!?! Why is there another energy running amok in my body!?' Panicked Wang Tian began suppressing the foreign energy, which put his body into turmoil, but soon he realised his pitiful qi held no power over this energy.

Being fully suppressed, the foreign energy took over guiding the marrow cleansing pill's energy through his bones. Surprisingly though, this was many times more effective than Wang Tian's method. It was like comparing a well trained fighter to a fumbling child, the difference was noticeable at first glance.

But this just left Wang Tian even more confused. 'What could this energy be, did I consume something poisonous in the Hissing Forest?' In the midst of his confusion, Wang Tian didn't notice his rising body temperature.

'...Why is it getting so hot in here?' Finally noticing the changes occurring due to the foreign energy's interference Wang Tian grew panicked once again. 'Is this a blessing or a curse!? I can't tell, at first it was helping me out, but now at the current pace I am going to be roasted alive!'

Sadly there was nothing Wang Tian could do, as he sat there watching his body undergo a myriad of transformations. Finally an hour later the process completed, and Wang Tian let out one final breath before falling onto his bed.

Opening his eyes he finally noticed the amount of impurities that had been let out from his body. "This is disgusting, my bed's completely ruined! Not only that but my hut stinks." Wang Tian couldn't stand the filth and shot out of his room running towards the nearby river. The following day Wang Tian had finally cleansed himself of the dirt, and managed to turn his hut into a livable state, alas he'd have to buy new bedsheets now as those had become unsalvageable.

Beginning his daily training, Wang Tian had become much more proficient at the movements after his half a months worth of practice. 'I still have around 20 days until the Ranking Battle, I don't know how I am going to reach the 5th Layer but I have to try my best.'

Getting lost in the movements the boy had ended up training for a good 3 hours until he finally came to a stop. His bones crackled, his body shaking as the air around him began heating up. 'What's goi-' Suddenly information began entering Wang Tian's brain once again, this time giving him much more information about the Dracodevil's Heavenly Body than before.

"Having reached a state of one with nature and acquiring bones of silver you can be considered to have completed the 1st Level, Encompassing the Heavens. You have now been deemed qualified to practice the 2nd Level."

Hearing this message, Wang Tian was astounded until a flood of information entered his mind once more. "This... this is very different to the previous level." Wang Tian muttered as he went over the information in his mind.

According to the information provided, Wang Tian now understood what had happened the previous day. The 1st Level of the technique, Encompassing the Heavens, would allow the practitioner to open their pores to absorb the energy of the heavens, while simultaneously cleansing the bones.

With this method one would gain bones of silver, bones infused with heavenly energy down to their very core. Not only that but the excess energy could be utilised to boost one's capabilities in times of need as a sort of life saving technique of sorts.

Opening up the pores on the other hand, increased cultivation speed and was the basis for using the previously mentioned life saving technique. All in all this meant that Wang Tian had gained blessing of epic proportions that day.

"Still, this 2nd Level..... I guess that's why its called Dracodevil."